
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

对于 nim 中的 owlkettle 包(一种声明性 gtk 包装器),我正在研究如何“正确”实现多线程。


我知道 nim 在使用 --threads:on 编译时能够运行多线程(或者默认在 nim 2.0 上),所以这应该是可能的。 这个最小的示例展示了一种称为“通道”的机制,但是如何将其变成一个更加基于客户端-服务器的示例,其中两个线程都将继续运行,直到我停止它?

multithreading client-server channel nim-lang

这只需要在两端都有一个小的 while 循环。

以下示例是对上面链接的示例的修改。 一个“前端”线程从终端读取用户输入,并将其发送到“后端”线程,后者可以用它来执行操作。



另外作为旁注,以下示例将运行 3 个线程:

  1. 主线程运行nim应用程序和main-proc,最后等待发送者和接收者线程完成,因此不消耗资源
  2. 永远不会结束的发送者线程
  3. 永远不会结束的接收者线程
import std/[os]

proc setupSender(commChan: var Channel[string]): Thread[ptr Channel[string]] =
  proc sendMsg(chan: ptr Channel[string]) =
    echo "Type in a message to send to the Backend!"
    while true:
      let terminalInput = readLine(stdin) # This is blocking, so this Thread doesn't run through unnecessary while-loop iterations unlike the receiver thread
      echo "Sending message from frontend from thread ", getThreadId(), ": ", terminalInput
      while not chan[].trySend(terminalInput):
        echo "Try again"

  createThread(result, sendMsg, commChan.addr)

proc setupReceiver(commChan: var Channel[string]): Thread[ptr Channel[string]] =
  proc recvMsg(chan: ptr Channel[string]) =
    while true:
      let response: tuple[dataAvailable: bool, msg: string] = chan[].tryRecv()
      if response.dataAvailable:
        echo "Received message at Backend on Thread: ", getThreadId(), " :", response.msg
      sleep(0) # Reduces stress on CPU when idle, increase when higher latency is acceptable for even better idle efficiency
  createThread(result, recvMsg, commChan.addr)

proc main() =
  var commChan: Channel[string] # A queue of messages send from one thread to another, can have a pre-defined size
  commChan.open() # Must be done before using the channel
  let senderThread = setupSender(commChan)
  let receiverThread = setupReceiver(commChan)
  joinThreads(senderThread, receiverThread)

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