如何优化 for-loop 代码以从给定的球体坐标绘制体素表示的球体?

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randPoints 是 10,000 组 (x,y,z) 坐标的列表 xx, yy, zz 是 meshgrid 的乘积,形状为 (201,201,201)

for j in range(len(randPoints)):
    #prepare coordinate x,y,z 
    xc_small = randPoints[j][0]
    yc_small = randPoints[j][1]
    zc_small = randPoints[j][2]

    #just unit conversion
    xcm = xc_small*1e-6
    ycm = yc_small*1e-6
    zcm = zc_small*1e-6

    #calculate f to make sphere of radius 0.5e-6
    f =  ((xx-xcm)**2+(yy-ycm)**2+(zz-zcm)**2 <= (0.5e-6)**2)
    #add 1 sphere into cube n
    n = n+f

此循环将继续向 n 添加球体 10,000 次。 对于 10,000 个球体,此 for 循环大约需要 10,000 秒。我想加快计算速度。 n 将是 201201201 体素表示的立方体,其中填充了 10,000 个体素表示的球体。


    x = np.arange(-50, 50, 0.5)
    y = np.arange(-50, 50, 0.5)
    z = np.arange(0, 2*50, 0.5)
    xx, yy, zz   = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
    n = np.ones((int(201),int(201),int(201)))


我尝试了 1.vectorization 一次计算所有 for-loop。但问题是会话崩溃占用太多内存,或者我的矢量化代码不正确。 代码是:

#prepare all (x,y,z) into a vector for one-time computation
xc_small = np.array(randPoints_small)[:, 0]
yc_small = np.array(randPoints_small)[:, 1]
zc_small = np.array(randPoints_small)[:, 2]

#just unit conversion
xcm = xc_small*1e-6
ycm = yc_small*1e-6
zcm = zc_small*1e-6

#one-time computaion of f
f = ((xx[:, :, :, np.newaxis]-xcm)**2 + (yy[:, :, :, np.newaxis]-ycm)**2 + (zz[:, :, :, np.newaxis]-zcm)**2 <= (0.5e-6)**2)
n = np.sum(f, axis=-1)

我还尝试了 2.for 循环计算的并行化,但它并没有变得更快。

python parallel-processing vectorization numpy-ndarray voxel
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