使用 Pandas 进行多处理时出错:'Can't pickle <class 'pandas.core.frame.Pandas'>: pandas.core.frame 上的属性查找 Pandas 失败

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我正在生成一个脚本来验证 XML(每个验证规则的具体代码都写在 validation_rules 模块中)并且代码执行时间太长了。因此,我决定使用 multiprocessing 模块来并行处理 DataFrame。但是,当我运行我的代码时,出现以下错误:

_pickle.PicklingError:无法腌制:在 pandas.core.frame 上查找 Pandas 的属性失败


def validate_xml(df_results):
    # Create a Pool of processes
    pool = Pool(cpu_count())
    # Map the function to the rows in parallel
    result_list = pool.map(apply_validation_function (df_results.itertuples(index=False), df_results))
    # Combine the results into a dataframe
    df_results[['status', 'comments']] = pd.DataFrame(result_list)
    return df_results

def apply_validation_function(row, df_results):
    function_name = str(row['function'])
    if isinstance(function_name, str) and function_name != 'nan':
            function = getattr(validation_rules, function_name)
            result = function(df_results, row.name)
            return pd.Series({'status': result[0], 'comments': result[1]})
        except Exception as e:
            return pd.Series({'status': 'Error', 'comments': f'Error: {e}'})
        return pd.Series({'status': '', 'comments': ''})


  • line_idx
  • line_text
  • rule_id
  • rule_tag_id
  • function(模块中函数的名称validation_rules


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pandas parallel-processing pickle python-multiprocessing execution-time
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