
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


struct index_and_loc {
  int index;
  int3 location;


thrust::host_vector<index_and_loc> my_vector;
my_vector= { {0, {0, 2, 5}},
             {0, {1, 3, 4}},
             {0, {0, 1, 3}},
             {1, {2, 1, 0}},
             {1, {2, 2, 2}}


// Sum all elements with index 0 and 1
sum_vector = {{0, {1, 6, 12}},
              {1, {4, 3, 2}}

instances_vector = {3, // Number of elements with index = 0
                    2} // Number of elements with index = 1

阅读推力文档中的方法,我相信我应该使用reduce_by_key。我可以将input1声明为my_vector,将input2声明为长度为1的向量,并且长度与input1相同,并且可以减少使用结构的索引并将thrust::plus<int>用作我的BinaryFunction 1`s的向量。但是,这将无法应用我的input1向量中的int3元素之和,因为BinaryFunction应用于input2



我重新设计了问题,并将其归结为更简单的方法。相反,我在my_vector中添加了一个实例列并将其设置为1。现在,按照标准思想,我可以通过将reduce_by_key用作键和值并将my_vector元素和[ C0]元素并获得我需要的两个结果。我已经重新创建了一个工作示例




似乎我没有使用#include <thrust/extrema.h> #include <thrust/reduce.h> #include <thrust/execution_policy.h> #include <thrust/functional.h> struct index_and_loc { int index; int3 location; int instance; __host__ __device__ index_and_loc(int index_, int3 location_, int instance_) : index(index_), location(location_), instance(instance_) {} __host__ __device__ index_and_loc() {} }; struct equal_index { __host__ __device__ bool operator()(const index_and_loc &lhs, const index_and_loc &rhs) const { return lhs.index == rhs.index; } }; struct sum_points { __host__ __device__ index_and_loc operator()(const index_and_loc &lhs, const index_and_loc &rhs) const { int3 sum_; sum_.x = lhs.location.x + rhs.location.x; sum_.y = lhs.location.y + rhs.location.y; sum_.z = lhs.location.z + rhs.location.z; return index_and_loc(lhs.index, sum_, lhs.instance + rhs.instance); } }; int main() { int num_points = 5; thrust::host_vector<index_and_loc> my_vector(num_points); my_vector.push_back(index_and_loc(0, {0, 2, 5}, 1)); my_vector.push_back(index_and_loc(0, {1, 3, 4}, 1)); my_vector.push_back(index_and_loc(0, {0, 1, 3}, 1)); my_vector.push_back(index_and_loc(1, {2, 1, 0}, 1)); my_vector.push_back(index_and_loc(1, {2, 2, 2}, 1)); thrust::pair<index_and_loc*, index_and_loc*> sum_count; thrust::host_vector<index_and_loc> same_idx(num_points); thrust::host_vector<index_and_loc> sum_locs(num_points); sum_count = thrust::reduce_by_key(thrust::device, my_vector.begin(), my_vector.end(), my_vector.begin(), same_idx.begin(), sum_locs.begin(), equal_index(), sum_points()); } 的适当构造函数,而且我不确定如何执行。

cuda thrust


一种方法是在您的类中定义必要的比较和加法运算符,然后将包装在预填充推力二元仿函数中的那些用于所需的二元运算符,并将谓词用于/opt/cuda/bin/..//include/thrust/detail/pair.inl(48): error: no suitable conversion function from "const thrust::detail::normal_iterator<index_and_loc *>" to "index_and_loc *" exists detected during instantiation of "thrust::pair<T1, T2>::pair(const thrust::pair<U1, U2> &) [with T1=index_and_loc *, T2=index_and_loc *, U1=thrust::detail::normal_iterator<index_and_loc *>, U2=thrust::detail::normal_iterator<index_and_loc *>]" test2.cu(49): here /opt/cuda/bin/..//include/thrust/detail/pair.inl(48): error: no suitable conversion function from "const thrust::detail::normal_iterator<index_and_loc *>" to "index_and_loc *" exists detected during instantiation of "thrust::pair<T1, T2>::pair(const thrust::pair<U1, U2> &) [with T1=index_and_loc *, T2=index_and_loc *, U1=thrust::detail::normal_iterator<index_and_loc *>, U2=thrust::detail::normal_iterator<index_and_loc *>]" test2.cu(49): here 2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/tmpxft_00005985_00000000-8_test2.cpp1.ii". 调用。例如:


它们的关键是谓词reduce_by_key和归约#include <thrust/functional.h> #include <thrust/host_vector.h> #include <thrust/device_vector.h> #include <iostream> struct index_and_loc { int index; int3 location; index_and_loc() = default; __host__ __device__ index_and_loc(int index_, int3 location_) { index = index_; location.x = location_.x; location.y = location_.y; location.z = location_.z; }; __host__ __device__ index_and_loc& operator=(const index_and_loc& y) { index = y.index; location.x = y.location.x; location.y = y.location.y; location.z = y.location.z; return *this; }; __host__ __device__ bool operator==(const index_and_loc& y) const { return index == y.index; }; __host__ __device__ index_and_loc operator+(const index_and_loc& y) const { return index_and_loc(index, make_int3(location.x + y.location.x, location.y + y.location.y, location.z + y.location.z)); }; }; int main() { thrust::host_vector<index_and_loc> my_vector(5); my_vector[0] = {0, {0, 2, 5}}; my_vector[1] = {0, {1, 3, 4}}; my_vector[2] = {0, {0, 1, 3}}; my_vector[3] = {1, {2, 1, 0}}; my_vector[4] = {1, {2, 2, 2}}; thrust::device_vector<index_and_loc> d_vector = my_vector; thrust::device_vector<index_and_loc> keys_out(5); thrust::device_vector<index_and_loc> data_out(5); thrust::equal_to<index_and_loc> pred; thrust::plus<index_and_loc> op; auto res = thrust::reduce_by_key( d_vector.begin(), d_vector.end(), d_vector.begin(), keys_out.begin(), data_out.begin(), pred, op); for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { index_and_loc y = keys_out[i]; index_and_loc x = data_out[i]; std::cout << y.index << " {" << x.location.x << " " << x.location.y << " " << x.location.z << "}" << std::endl; } return 0; } 的正确定义。其余只是复制分配和构造所需要的。




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