批量重命名 WooCommerce 产品属性以获取变体术语值

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在 WooCommerce 中,我有 100 个可变产品,其变体使用 custom attribute 来表示变体“体积”,值“50ml”。我想将值从“50ml”更改/更新为“60ml”。


add_action('woocommerce_before_variations_form', 'p4wp_default_variation_value');
function p4wp_default_variation_value() {
    global $product;

    // Check if the product is a variable product
    if ($product->is_type('variable')) {
        $product_attributes = $product->get_attributes();
        $attribute_value_to_find = '60ml';

        // Get the variations with the specified attribute value
        $variations = wc_get_products(array(
            'type'           => 'variation',
            'status'         => 'publish',
            'limit'          => -1,
            'parent'         => $product->get_id(),
            'meta_query'     => array(
                    'key'     => 'attribute_volume',
                    'value'   => $attribute_value_to_find,
                    'compare' => '=',

        // Loop through the variations and get their IDs
        $variation_ids = array();
        foreach ($variations as $variation) {
            $variation_ids[] = $variation->get_id();

        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';

        // Check if there are attributes
        if (count($product_attributes)) {
            $product_attributes = get_post_meta($product->get_id(), '_product_attributes', true);

            // Check if the 'volume' attribute exists
            if (isset($product_attributes['volume'])) {
                // Update the 'value' for '50ml' to '60ml'
                $product_attributes['volume']['value'] = str_replace('60ml', '50ml', $product_attributes['volume']['value']);
                // Update the '_product_attributes' meta field
                update_post_meta($product->get_id(), '_product_attributes', $product_attributes);
                //update_post_meta($variation_ids[0], 'attribute_volume', '60ml');
    //Update post meta for post ID 3631
    update_post_meta($variation_ids[0], 'attribute_volume', '50ml');



php wordpress woocommerce attributes product-variations

首先,始终进行数据库备份 (强制)


该代码是轻量级的,因为它对所有匹配产品上的数据库进行一到两次直接 SQL 更新查询,而不需要 PHP 参与多个读取/更新数据库查询的繁重流程。


该代码适用于全局产品属性和自定义产品属性。 请注意,全局产品属性分类始终以“pa_”(+属性段)开头。

add_action('init', 'update_variation_attribute_volume_value');
function update_variation_attribute_volume_value() {
    global $wpdb, $current_user;

    // Restricted to administrator user role
    if ( ! in_array('administrator', $current_user->roles) ) return;

    $attribute = 'volume'; // Here define the attribute taxonomy (start with "pa_") or the custom attribute (slug)
    $name_from = '50ml'; // Here define the existing attribute term name or custom attribute name value
    $slug_from = '50ml'; // Here define the existing attribute term slug or custom attribute name value
    $name_to   = '60ml'; // Here define the replacement attribute term name or custom attribute name value
    $slug_to   = '60ml'; // Here define the replacement attribute term slug or custom attribute name value

    // Lightweight bulk update all product variations related variation attribute, and sync variable product title
    $query = $wpdb->query( "
        UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm
        INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts p ON pm.post_id =  p.ID
        SET pm.meta_value = '{$slug_to}',
            p.post_title  = REPLACE(p.post_title, '{$name_from}', '{$name_to}'),
            p.post_excerpt = REPLACE(p.post_excerpt, '{$name_from}', '{$name_to}')
        WHERE pm.meta_key = 'attribute_{$attribute}'
        AND pm.meta_value = '{$slug_from}'
        AND p.post_type   = 'product_variation'
    " );
    error_log( "Query (product variation)): \n" . print_r($query, true) ); // DEBUG

    // For global attribute (taxonomy): Update the product attribute term
    if ( taxonomy_exists($attribute) && term_exists($slug_from, $attribute) ) {

        $term   = get_term_by('slug',$slug_from, $attribute );
        $update = wp_update_term( $term->term_id, $attribute, array('name' => $slug_to, 'slug' => $slug_to) ); // Update term
        error_log( "Taxonomy term update: \n" . print_r($update, true) ); // DEBUG
    // For custom attribute: Lightweight bulk update the variable product attribute
    else {
        $query2 = $wpdb->query( "
            UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm
            INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts p ON pm.post_id =  p.ID
            SET pm.meta_value = REPLACE(pm.meta_value, '{$slug_from}', '{$slug_to}')
            WHERE pm.meta_key = '_product_attributes'
            AND pm.meta_value LIKE '%{$slug_from}%'
            AND p.post_type = 'product'
        " );
        error_log( "Query two (variable product)): \n" . print_r($query2, true) ); // DEBUG

代码位于子主题的functions.php 文件中(或插件中)。应该可以。


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