完成 urls.txt 文件后围攻不会停止

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我正在使用 siege 在我们的新站点地图上查找一些问题页面,但在它运行完 urls.txt 文件后无法使其停止。我尝试在命令行以及 .siegerc 配置文件中使用 reps=once 。我发现我必须使用配置文件,因为我希望将输出详细写入日志文件,以便我可以看到页面加载时间、302 和 404 错误等并将它们导入 Excel。然而,无论我如何尝试,当 siege 完成 url.txt 文件时,我都无法停止它 - 它只是再次重新运行它。 我已经配置了 40 个并发用户,时间和代表变量在配置中注释掉,url.txt 文件在配置中。我在命令行运行的语法是... sudo siege --reps=once -v > 输出文件.csv


csv siege


# siege -c 10 -b -r 10 -f urls.txt

其中 urls.txt 是一个简单的 URL 列表,例如


日志已写入 siegerc 文件中指定的文件中。 ${HOME}/var/siege.log

2016-08-05 17:52:59,    100,       0.88,           4,       0.09,      113.64,        4.55,        9.67,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:00,    100,       0.91,           4,       0.09,      109.89,        4.40,        9.76,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:01,    100,       0.90,           4,       0.09,      111.11,        4.44,        9.78,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:02,    100,       0.89,           4,       0.09,      112.36,        4.49,        9.64,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:03,    100,       0.86,           4,       0.08,      116.28,        4.65,        9.84,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:04,    100,       0.89,           4,       0.09,      112.36,        4.49,        9.80,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:05,    100,       0.88,           4,       0.09,      113.64,        4.55,        9.83,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:06,    100,       0.88,           4,       0.09,      113.64,        4.55,        9.89,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:07,    100,       0.87,           4,       0.09,      114.94,        4.60,        9.79,     100,       0
2016-08-05 17:53:07,    100,       0.88,           4,       0.09,      113.64,        4.55,        9.85,     100,       0


我还观察到日志文件选项要么有问题,要么非常严格。 “-l 文件名.log”不起作用。

$ siege -c 10 -b -r 10 -f urls.txt -l ./siege.log
** SIEGE 2.70
** Preparing 10 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...
Transactions:                      0 hits
Availability:                   0.00 %
Elapsed time:                   0.08 secs
Data transferred:               0.00 MB
Response time:                  0.00 secs
Transaction rate:               0.00 trans/sec
Throughput:                     0.00 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    0.00
Successful transactions:           0
Failed transactions:             100
Longest transaction:            0.00
Shortest transaction:           0.00

FILE: /home/xxxx/var/siege.log
You can disable this annoying message by editing
the .siegerc file in your home directory; change
the directive 'show-logfile' to false.

但是 --log=filename.log 有效。例如

# siege -c 10 -b -r 10 -f urls.txt --log=./siege.log
$ siege -c 10 -b -r 10 -f urls.txt --log=./siege.log
** SIEGE 2.70
** Preparing 10 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...
HTTP/1.1 200   0.08 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.08 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.09 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.09 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   45807 bytes ==> /8af6cacb-50ed-40b6-995f-49480f9f74fa.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   55917 bytes ==> /create_and_delete_networks.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   55917 bytes ==> /create_and_delete_networks.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   55917 bytes ==> /create_and_delete_networks.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.10 secs:   55917 bytes ==> /create_and_delete_networks.html
HTTP/1.1 200   0.09 secs:   55917 bytes ==> /create_and_delete_networks.html

Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                   0.89 secs
Data transferred:               4.60 MB
Response time:                  0.09 secs
Transaction rate:             112.36 trans/sec
Throughput:                     5.16 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    9.74
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.15
Shortest transaction:           0.05

FILE: ./siege.log
You can disable this annoying message by editing
the .siegerc file in your home directory; change



Siege 不会停止,这是预期的行为...它将在 url 文件上进行尽可能多的圈数,直到达到停止条件。


  1. 敲击手动停止


  2. 您指定跑步时间。您可以指示围攻运行10秒或1分钟

# run for 10 seconds
siege -t 10S -f urls.txt

# run for 2 minutes
siege -t 2M -f urls.txt
  1. 重复次数,通过指定-r。 (请求数量将为
    concurrency X repetition
# this will result in 20 requests
siege -r 10 -c2 -f urls.txt

如果您需要准确地点击文件中的每个 URL,您必须手动计算并使用


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