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def pixel_coords_to_world_coords_ray(pixel_coords, camera_matrix, distortion_coeffs, R_world_to_camera, t_world_to_camera, plane_normal_world, plane_distance_world):
    pixel_coords_undistorted, newcameramtx = undistort_contour_pixel(pixel_coords, camera_matrix, distortion_coeffs)
    pixel_coords_undistorted = np.squeeze(pixel_coords_undistorted, axis=1)
    pixel_coords_homogeneous = np.hstack((pixel_coords_undistorted, np.ones((len(pixel_coords_undistorted), 1))))
    # Invert the camera matrix to get pixel to ray conversion matrix
    camera_matrix_inv = np.linalg.inv(newcameramtx)
    # Compute the light ray direction in the camera frame.
    ray_directions_camera = (camera_matrix_inv @ pixel_coords_homogeneous.T)[:3, :]

    # Transform the light ray direction to the world frame
    R_camera_to_world = R_world_to_camera.T
    t_camera_to_world = -R_camera_to_world @ t_world_to_camera
    ray_directions_world = R_camera_to_world @ ray_directions_camera
    # Normalize the rays to have unit length
    ray_directions_world /= np.linalg.norm(ray_directions_world, axis=0)
    # Compute the intersection between the light rays and the plane
    ray_origin_world = t_camera_to_world.reshape(3)
    world_coords = []
    for ray_direction_world in ray_directions_world.T:
        intersection = ray_plane_intersection(ray_origin_world, ray_direction_world, plane_normal_world, plane_distance_world)
        if intersection is not None:
    world_coords = np.array(world_coords)

    return world_coords
  • 所以我尝试通过将输入像素设置为 (w/2, h/2) 来调试它。它导致 ray_directions_camera = near [0,0,1]
  • 的预期值


  • 我还绘制了结果,相机的变换和旋转。所以平移和旋转一定是对的

中间向下的红线是像素 (w/2, h/2) 的结果光线


python camera projection robotics perspectivecamera
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