如何在音频分析中完成我的 C# 程序 [已关闭]

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我有一个作业,需要在给定 mp3 输入文件的情况下返回以下内容。这些文件可能长达 12 小时。我已经开始使用 Naudio 可以得到前 3 个,但之后的一切都给我带来了很多麻烦。

我知道数据库的东西有点奇怪,它可以是 dbfs。没有很好的文档来说明我如何处理这些简单的事情。如果有的话,我希望有一个更简单的库。

  1. 文件名
  2. 开始时间和结束时间(这将从文件开始时给出的日期/时间计算)
  3. 音频文件总长度(小时:分钟:秒)
  4. 文件的平均数据库级别
  5. 从数据中删除前 10 个分贝峰值时的平均分贝级别
  6. 文件的中值数据库级别
  7. 最大分贝级别
  8. 最小分贝级别
  9. 整个音频波形的图像(将提供尺寸和样本图像)。 Y 轴是噪音水平(以分贝为单位),X 轴是日期/时间。我还想指出白天与夜晚。
  10. 噪音最大的 10 个时间戳(从最高到最低排序)。包括每个时间戳的数据库峰值
  11. 提供前 10 个最大噪音的单独复制音频片段。为此,您需要找到峰值数据库,然后确定它何时开始和停止。如果无法确定(峰值附近的平均值非常高),则默认制作距峰值 +/- 2 秒的音频剪辑(剪辑将长 4 秒)

我有这段代码,我试图用它来制作一系列可分样本,但它总是返回-无穷大。即使是 10 分钟的音频片段也需要很长时间才能运行。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.PortableExecutable;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NAudio.Wave;
using NAudio.Wave.SampleProviders;

namespace SoundScouter
    internal class SoundLibrary
        /* Function to generate all parts of Sound Scouter
         * Output: true if worked, false if did not work
        public static bool generateAll(string strFileName)
            //check to make sure that the file being opened is an audio file
            AudioFileReader objInputAudio;
                objInputAudio = new AudioFileReader(strFileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;

            double dblLength = objInputAudio.Length /
                               (objInputAudio.WaveFormat.SampleRate *
                               objInputAudio.WaveFormat.Channels *
                              objInputAudio.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8);

            //get start and end time
            DateTime dtStart = getStartTime(strFileName);
            DateTime dtEnd = getEndTime(dtStart, dblLength);
            byte[] test = getByteSamples(objInputAudio, (int)objInputAudio.Length);
            double[] adblSamples = getDecibelSamples(objInputAudio, 1, 40);
            generateReport(strFileName, dtStart, dtEnd, dblLength);
            return true;

        /* Function to generate a Sound Report
         * Output: the generated report
        public static SoundReport generateReport(string strFileName, DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd, double length)
            SoundReport objReport = new SoundReport();
            objReport.strFileName = strFileName;
            objReport.dtStart = dtStart;
            objReport.dtEnd = dtEnd;
            objReport.dblTotalTimeSeconds = length;
            objReport.strTotalTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(length).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");

            return objReport;

        public static int getMaxDB(AudioFileReader objInputAudio)
            ISampleProvider objISP = objInputAudio.ToSampleProvider();
            return 1;
        void OnDataAvailable(object sender, WaveInEventArgs args)
            float max = 0;
            var buffer = new WaveBuffer(args.Buffer);
            // interpret as 32 bit floating point audio
            for (int index = 0; index < args.BytesRecorded / 4; index++)
                var sample = buffer.FloatBuffer[index];

                // absolute value 
                if (sample < 0) sample = -sample;
                // is this the max value?
                if (sample > max) max = sample;

        /* Function to retreive float values of audio samples
         * Output: array of samples 
        public static float[] getFloatSamples(AudioFileReader objInputAudio)
            ISampleProvider objISP = objInputAudio.ToSampleProvider();
            float[] afltSamples = new float[objInputAudio.Length];
            int intSamplesRead;
                intSamplesRead = objISP.Read(afltSamples, 0, afltSamples.Length);
            } while (intSamplesRead > 0);

            return afltSamples;

        /* Function to retreive byte values of audio samples
         * Output: array of samples 
        public static byte[] getByteSamples(AudioFileReader objInputAudio, int intLength)
            byte[] abytSamples = new byte[intLength];
            objInputAudio.Read(abytSamples, 0, intLength);

            return abytSamples;

        /* Function to retreive the start time of the input file
         * Output: datetime of when the file was created
        public static DateTime getStartTime(string strFileName)
            return File.GetCreationTime(strFileName);

        /* Function to retreive the end time of the input file
         * Output: datetime of when the audio ended
        public static DateTime getEndTime(DateTime dtStartTime, double dblLength)
            return dtStartTime.AddSeconds(dblLength);

        /* Function to meausre decibels 
         * Output decible in 
        public static double measureDecibels(byte[] abytBuffer, int intLength, int intOffset)
            double sum = 0;
            for (int i = intOffset; i < intLength + intOffset; i = i + 2)
                double sample = BitConverter.ToInt16(abytBuffer, i) / 32768.0; 
                sum += (sample * sample);
            double rms = Math.Sqrt(sum / (intLength / 2)); 
            return 20 * Math.Log10(rms);

        public static double[] getDecibelSamples(AudioFileReader objInputAudio, int intSamplesPerSecond, int intDecibleCalibration)
            double dblRecordedSampleRate = (objInputAudio.WaveFormat.SampleRate * objInputAudio.WaveFormat.Channels * objInputAudio.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8);
            double dblLength = objInputAudio.Length / dblRecordedSampleRate;
            double[] adblDecibleSamples = new double[(long) (dblLength * intSamplesPerSecond) -1];
            int intSampleSize = (int)dblRecordedSampleRate / intSamplesPerSecond;
            int intBlockSize = (int)Math.Min(dblLength, 500);
            for (int i  = 0; i <= adblDecibleSamples.Length - 1; i++) {
                byte[] abytSamples = getByteSamples(objInputAudio, (int)(intBlockSize * dblRecordedSampleRate));
                for(int k = 0; k < abytSamples.Length; k+= intSampleSize)
                    adblDecibleSamples[i] = intDecibleCalibration + measureDecibels(abytSamples, intSampleSize, k);
            return adblDecibleSamples;



c# audio mp3 naudio

在我们开始之前,Mark 编写了一个示例 WaveFormRenderer 库,它可以完成您正在做的很多工作。看看吧。


不要检查单个样本,而是抓取其中的大块样本并进行一些平均值。测量样本块声音大小的最有用的近似值是 RMS:均方根。正确应用这一点将大大减少不必要的噪音对您的过程的影响。虽然计算起来可能有点麻烦,但这是值得的。您只需要根据采样率计算出一个合适的块大小,然后就可以开始了。

这里有一段简单的代码,用于生成 MP3 文件中的块的统计信息:

readonly record struct ChunkStats(TimeSpan Timestamp, float RMS, float RMSdB);

private static IEnumerable<ChunkStats> GetAudioChunks(ISampleProvider provider, TimeSpan timePerChunk = default(TimeSpan))
    if (timePerChunk == TimeSpan.Zero)
        // Pick a reasonable time based on sample rate
        timePerChunk = provider.WaveFormat.SampleRate switch
            8000 or 44100 => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50),
            _ => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(40)
    int numSamples = (int)(provider.WaveFormat.SampleRate * provider.WaveFormat.Channels * timePerChunk.TotalSeconds);

    float[] buffer = new float[numSamples];
    int rc;
    TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.Zero;
    while ((rc = provider.Read(buffer, 0, numSamples)) > 0)
        float sum = 0;
        foreach (var v in buffer[0..rc])
            sum += v * v;
        var rms = Math.Sqrt(sum / rc);

        // Simple dB calculation, clamping at -100 to avoid pesky infinities.
        var dBRMS = Math.Max(-100, 20 * Math.Log10(rms));
        yield return new(time, (float)rms, (float)dBRMS);
        time += timePerChunk;


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