如何在 Microsoft Word 上进行粘贴操作时删除复制的代码片段文本的背景颜色,保留颜色格式和语法突出显示?

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我正在使用 Office 2016。我从此处从 Microsoft 网站复制了一些文本。 Microsoft 网站上的代码片段采用灰色背景格式。现在,当我复制此文本并将其粘贴到 Microsoft Word 文档时,我想要复制的文本前景色,并希望在粘贴操作期间删除灰色背景色。有什么办法可以做到这一点吗?


vba ms-word

您可以使用 VBA 轻松完成此操作(您可以手动完成,但我认为那里的词很奇怪):

Sub RemoveAll()
With ActiveDocument.Range.Font
 With .Shading
            .Texture = wdTextureNone
            .ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
            .BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
        End With

End With
End Sub


我创建了一个 VBA 脚本,按下 CTRL+V 即可执行以下功能。您可以在 VBA 脚本中注释掉不需要的函数。我不是 VBA 程序员,只是使用 ChatGPT、MSDN 帮助、StackOverflow 和大量的尝试创建了这个解决方案。希望它将来可以帮助其他人!

注意: 如果由于某种原因您不希望在粘贴期间执行 VBA 脚本,那么您始终可以通过右键单击内容菜单中的

选项进行粘贴,或者您可以为此自定义粘贴指定一些自定义组合键来运行来自 VBA。

  • 应用文档默认正常样式字体和段落
  • 应用相同样式规则段落之间无空格
  • 删除背景颜色
  • 将字体颜色更改为黑色为浅色字体
  • 设置表格宽度和边框

它作为一个单元执行上述所有任务,因此,如果您按 CTRL+Z 撤消所有粘贴的文本,则会将其作为单个操作删除。 我已经在Word文档中解释了

how to set up VBA script


Option Explicit

Private Sub Document_Open()
    With Application.KeyBindings.Add(WdKeyCategory.wdKeyCategoryCommand, "PasteAndFormatText", BuildKeyCode(WdKey.wdKeyControl, WdKey.wdKeyV))
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Document_Close()
' Reset the CTRL+V key combination when the document is closed
End Sub

Sub PasteAndFormatText()
    Dim oUndo As UndoRecord
    Set oUndo = Application.UndoRecord
    ' Begin the custom undo unit
    oUndo.StartCustomRecord "Paste and Format"
    On Error Resume Next

    Dim startPos As Long
    ' Store the start position
    startPos = Selection.Start
    ' Paste the content from the clipboard
    Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
    ' Extend the selection from the start position to the current selection end
    Selection.SetRange Start:=startPos, End:=Selection.End
    ' Now, with the pasted content selected, change its formatting
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' End the custom undo unit
End Sub

Sub RemoveBackgroundColor()
    ' Remove background color from the pasted text
    With Selection.Font
        With .Shading
            .Texture = wdTextureNone
            .ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
            .BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Sub ApplyNoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyleRule()
    With Dialogs(wdDialogFormatParagraph)
        .NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle = 1
        .Execute 'This sets it.
    End With
End Sub

Sub ApplyDocumentDefaultNormalStyleForFontAndParagraph()
    Dim para As Paragraph

    ' Now, with the pasted content selected, change its formatting for Paragraph and font
    With Selection.Font
        .Name = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font.Name   ' Change font name as needed
        .Size = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font.Size   ' Change font size as needed
    End With
    ' Loop through paragraphs and set spacing
    For Each para In Selection.Paragraphs
        para.SpaceBefore = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore
        para.SpaceAfter = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter
        para.LineSpacingRule = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule
    Next para
End Sub

Sub ChangeFontColorToBlackForLightColorFont()
'If light font(like white, yellow etc) on dark background and if we remove background the light color text is not visible, so change font to black.
    Dim char As Range
    ' Loop through each character in the selection
    For Each char In Selection.Characters
        ' Check if the font color is light then change it to black. We will check for 1'st char only for efficiency.
        If IsColorLight(char.Font.color) Then
            char.Font.color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next char
End Sub

Function IsColorLight(color As Long) As Boolean
    Dim R As Long, G As Long, B As Long
    Dim Y As Double ' Luminance
    ' Extract the RGB components from the color
    R = color Mod 256
    G = (color \ 256) Mod 256
    B = (color \ 65536) Mod 256
    ' Calculate the luminance
    Y = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B
    ' Check if the luminance exceeds a certain threshold for "lightness"
    ' Adjust the threshold value if necessary. A common starting point is around 186, based on the formula's maximum output of 255
    If Y > 186 Then
        IsColorLight = True
        IsColorLight = False
    End If
End Function

Sub SetTableWidthAndBorders()
    'If your selection has tables then show all borders and set table width to be within print margin
    Dim tbl As Table
    Dim doc As Document
    Dim pageWidth As Single, leftMargin As Single, rightMargin As Single
    Dim tableWidth As Single
    Set doc = ActiveDocument
    ' Assuming the page setup is consistent across the document
    With doc.PageSetup
        pageWidth = .pageWidth
        leftMargin = .leftMargin
        rightMargin = .rightMargin
    End With
    ' Calculate available width for the table
    tableWidth = pageWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin
    ' Check each table in the document
    For Each tbl In doc.Tables
        ' Check if the table is within the current selection
        If (tbl.Range.Start >= Selection.Start And tbl.Range.End <= Selection.End) Then
            ' Set table preferred width
            tbl.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPoints ' Set the width in points
            tbl.PreferredWidth = tableWidth ' Set the width to the calculated tableWidth
            ' Adjust table borders
            With tbl.Borders
                .InsideLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
                .OutsideLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
                .InsideLineWidth = wdLineWidth025pt
                .OutsideLineWidth = wdLineWidth025pt
                .InsideColor = wdColorAutomatic
                .OutsideColor = wdColorAutomatic
            End With
        End If
    Next tbl
End Sub


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