
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


我正在尝试制作一个 4 小时长的合成图,以海风通道为中心。因此,对于每种情况,这个时间都不同,但合成时间应该是 4 小时。由于时间不同,我不能简单地制定一个理想的时间变量(比如 18-23UTC),而是需要一个相对时间变量(-2hr 到 +2hr)。

我目前在处理丢失数据时遇到问题。目前的数据情况是,如果有缺失数据,那么它只会在时间上跳跃(例如数据 16-18,然后是 19-24)。





Testing for composites

from ipywidgets import interact
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from siphon.catalog import TDSCatalog
import cmocean
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import os
import xarray as xr
import glob
import pandas as pd

def find_closest(A, target):
    This function finds the index of the closest value to a 
    target value with a specified array.
    Source: Jeremy Gibbs (NOAA-NSSL)
        A (array): Data to search for closest value
        target (float): Value being searched for
        idx (int): Index of A with value closest to target.

    idx = A.searchsorted(target) # A must be sorted
    idx = np.clip(idx, 1, len(A)-1)
    left = A[idx-1]
    right = A[idx]
    idx -= target - left < right - target
    return idx

def decimal_hours_to_datetime(decimal_hours, years, months, days):
    datetime_list = []
    for i, hours in enumerate(decimal_hours):
        start_time = datetime(year=years[i], month=months[i], day=days[i])
        # Calculate the timedelta corresponding to the decimal hours
        timedelta_hours = timedelta(hours=hours)
        # Add the timedelta to the start time to get the datetime object
        datetime_obj = start_time + timedelta_hours
    return datetime_list

savelocation = "/Users/michellerosespencer/Documents/phd/"

    # Make lists with all the data needed for c1
input_files_c1 = glob.glob('/Users/michellerosespencer/Documents/phd/pblh_invest/data/sea_breeze_days/clampstropoe10.aeri.v1.C1.*.nc')

pblh_files_c1 = glob.glob('/Users/michellerosespencer/Documents/phd/pblh_invest/data/sea_breeze_days/*C1fuz*.nc')

    # Create a list of dates for C1 sea-breeze days
    # This list INCLUDES the days after
dt_c11 = [] 
for a in range(5,7):
    dat = date(2022, 6, a).isoformat()
for a in range(8,13):
    dat = date(2022, 6, a).isoformat()

    # Turn decimal hours/days into datetime objects for c1
decimal_hours_c1 = [1]
years_c1 = [2022]
months_c1 = [6]
days_c1 = [11]

datetime_objects_c1 = decimal_hours_to_datetime(decimal_hours_c1, years_c1, months_c1, days_c1)
sb_times_c1 = datetime_objects_c1

    # Create emply lists so we can append our daily, sea-breeze sliced 6 hour window variables to a master 
    # array, which we can then average to create our composites of each variable
comp_temp = []
comp_wv = []
comp_pblh = []

    # Make common time grid - Master variable
    t_bin = timedelta(minutes=10)
    # t_bin = np.arange(-7195.0, 7805.0, 600)

    # Initialize empty arrays for composites based on dimensions of master time and height arrays
    composite_pblh = np.zeros((len(t_bin), 55))
    composite_temp = np.zeros((len(t_bin), 55))
    composite_wv = np.zeros((len(t_bin), 55))

    for j in range(0, len(dt_c11)):       
        if j == 5:
            # Open the dataset
            nc_thermo1 = Dataset(input_files_c1[j])
            nc_thermo2 = Dataset(input_files_c1[j+1])
            nc_pblh1 = Dataset(pblh_files_c1[j])
            nc_pblh2 = Dataset(pblh_files_c1[j+1])
            t_1 = nc_thermo1['base_time'][:] + nc_thermo1['time_offset'][:]
            t_2 = nc_thermo2['base_time'][:] + nc_thermo2['time_offset'][:]
            time_1 = np.append(t_1, t_2)
            hour = np.array([datetime.utcfromtimestamp(e) for e in time_1])
            h_1 = nc_thermo1.variables['height'][:]
            h_2 = nc_thermo2.variables['height'][:]
            height = h_1
            temp1 = nc_thermo1.variables['theta'][:,:]
            temp2 = nc_thermo2.variables['theta'][:,:]
            temp = np.append(temp1, temp2, axis = 0)
            wv1 = nc_thermo1.variables['waterVapor'][:,:]
            wv2 = nc_thermo2.variables['waterVapor'][:,:]
            wv = np.append(wv1, wv2, axis = 0)
            cbh1 = nc_thermo1.variables['cbh'][:]
            cbh2 = nc_thermo2.variables['cbh'][:]
            cbh = np.append(cbh1, cbh2, axis = 0)
        t_1 = nc_pblh1['t_epoch'][:]
        t_2 = nc_pblh2['t_epoch'][:]
        time_2 = np.append(t_1,t_2)
        hour2 = np.array([datetime.utcfromtimestamp(e) for e in time_2])
        pblh1 = nc_pblh1.variables['pblh'][:]
        pblh2 = nc_pblh2.variables['pblh'][:]
        pblh = np.append(pblh1, pblh2, axis = 0)
        t1 = nc_thermo1['hour'][:]
        t2 = nc_thermo2['hour'][:]
        t2 = t2 + 24
        t = np.append(t1, t2)
        # Create start and end times, so we can index the variables
        t_delta = timedelta(hours=2)
        start_time = sb_times_c1 - t_delta
        end_time = sb_times_c1 + t_delta
        # Find indices for start and end times
        start_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(hour2 - start_time))
        end_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(hour2 - end_time))
        start_idx_thermo = np.argmin(np.abs(hour - start_time))
        end_idx_thermo = np.argmin(np.abs(hour - end_time))
        # Pull data corresponding to the indices
        temp = temp[start_idx_thermo:end_idx_thermo, :]
        wv = wv[start_idx_thermo:end_idx_thermo, :]
        pblh = pblh[start_idx:end_idx]
        cbh = cbh[start_idx_thermo:end_idx_thermo]
        # Create ideal time axis/window
        window_time = hour[start_idx_thermo:end_idx_thermo]
        rel_time = window_time - sb_times_c1
        # Convert relative time window into integers (seconds)
        for i in range(0, len(rel_time)):
            rel_time[i] = rel_time[i].total_seconds()`
python numpy matplotlib datetime composite

由于代码使用 pandas 模块,因此它将能够利用数据帧原生的方法。


df = df.fillna(0) # fills all blanks with 0

# Fill with a specific value based on column
df['column1'] = df['column1'].fillna('missing')

df = df.fillna(method='ffill') # use last valid value
df = df.fillna(method='bfill') # use next valid value

# Fill with mean, median or mode of column
df['column2'].fillna(df['column2'].mean(), inplace=True)

# Fill blanks with value from previous row
df = df.fillna(method='pad')

# Fill based on different methods per column
df = df.fillna({'col1': 'missing', 'col2': df['col2'].median()})




def clean_data(df:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    ''' function to clean data and return it neatly '''

    # some code from the above cleaning methods.

    return df
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