
问题描述 投票:-1回答:1



  Integer[ ] integerArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  Double[ ] doubleArray = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5 };
  Character[ ] characterArray = { 'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O' };
  Pet[ ] petArray = { new Pet( "Bob", "Tortoise", "TSA", "19950315" ),
                      new Pet( "SweetPea", "Horse", "Genie", "20030214" ),
                      new Pet( "Little", "Chicken", "John", "20190123" ),
                      new Pet( "Dale", "Chipmunk", "Sam", "20090527" ),
                      new Pet( "Smokey", "Bear", "USPW", "19440413" )     };

  System.out.printf( "%nRange of integerArray contains:%n" );
  printRange( integerArray, 1, 3); 

  System.out.printf( "%nRange of doubleArray contains:%n" );
  printRange( doubleArray, 1, 3 ); 

  System.out.printf( "%nRange of characterArray contains:%n" );
  printRange( characterArray, 1, 3 ); 

  System.out.printf( "%nRange of petArray contains:%n" );
  printRange( petArray, 1, 3 );

} // end main


public static <T> void printRange( T[ ] inputArray, T start, T stop ){

 // display array elements 
 // Error:bad operand type T for unary operator '++' and Error: bad operand types for binar operator

    for( T element = start; element < stop; element++ )    
        //Error: bad operand types for binary operator '>='
        first type:  T
        second type: int
        // Error: bad operand types for binary operator '<='
        first type:  T
        second type: T
        //Error: bad operand types for binary operator '<'
        first type:  T
        second type: T
        if( start < stop && start >= 0 && stop <= inputArray[inputArray.length-1] )
            System.out.printf( "%s", element.toString( ) );

    } // end enhanced for loop

    System.out.println( );

} // end method printRange                                    
} // end class ArrayMethods

这是预期的产出。 integerArray的范围包含:

2 3

2.2 3.3

E L.

java arrays generics generic-collections

++> ..这样的操作仅允许用于数字类型。你应该使用int类型为startstop变量。并且复制特定范围的源数组以打印它更容易:

public static <T> void printRange(T[] inputArray, int start, int stop) {
    T[] copy = Arrays.copyOfRange(inputArray, start, stop);


for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
    if (i >= start && i < stop) {
        System.out.printf("%s ", inputArray[i]);
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