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我在.net core 3.1中实现了字符串对称加密和解密的方法。现在我正在将一个项目从 .net core 3.1 迁移到 .net 7。加密工作正常,但是当我在 .net 7 实现中解密加密值(JSON 字符串)时,它会缩短结果字符串。 .net core 3.1 实现反而返回完整值。


 #region Settings

 private int _iterations = 2;
 private static int _keySize = 256;
 private string _hash = "SHA1";
 private string _salt = "xxx"; // Random
 private string _vector = "xxx"; // Random


 public string Run(string data, string key)
     var jsonstring = Decrypt(data, key);
     return jsonstring;

 private string Decrypt(string value, string password)
     return Decrypt<AesManaged>(value, password);

 private string Decrypt<T>(string value, string password) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new()
     byte[] vectorBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_vector);
     byte[] saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_salt);
     byte[] valueBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(value);

     byte[] decrypted;
     int decryptedByteCount = 0;

     using (T cipher = new T())
         PasswordDeriveBytes _passwordBytes = new PasswordDeriveBytes(password, saltBytes, _hash, _iterations);
         byte[] keyBytes = _passwordBytes.GetBytes(_keySize / 8);

         cipher.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;

             using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = cipher.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, vectorBytes))
                 using (MemoryStream from = new MemoryStream(valueBytes))
                     using (CryptoStream reader = new CryptoStream(from, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                         decrypted = new byte[valueBytes.Length];
                         decryptedByteCount = reader.Read(decrypted, 0, decrypted.Length);
         catch (Exception ex)
             return String.Empty;


     var decrypt = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted, 0, decryptedByteCount);
     return decrypt;

我在 .net core 3.1 和 .net7 中进行了测试,并加密和解密了我的示例字符串。 加密工作正常,我得到了相同的加密值。 .net core 3.1中的解密返回完整的初始值。 .net 7 中的解密返回初始值的较短版本(使用不同的字符串进行测试)。最后 6 到 8 个字符现在丢失了。

encryption cryptography .net-7.0 .net-core-3.1 encryption-symmetric

由于 DeflateStream、GZipStream 和 CryptoStream 中的部分和零字节读取我必须在最后调整缓冲区的大小。这是我的新实现:

private string Decrypt<T>(string value, string password) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() { byte[] vectorBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_vector); byte[] saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_salt); byte[] valueBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(value); string result = string.Empty; using (T cipher = new T()) { PasswordDeriveBytes _passwordBytes = new PasswordDeriveBytes(password, saltBytes, _hash, _iterations); byte[] keyBytes = _passwordBytes.GetBytes(_keySize / 8); cipher.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; try { using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = cipher.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, vectorBytes)) using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(valueBytes)) using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)) { byte[] decryptedData = new byte[valueBytes.Length]; int bytesRead; int offset = 0; while ((bytesRead = cryptoStream.Read(decryptedData, offset, decryptedData.Length - offset)) > 0) { offset += bytesRead; // If the offset reaches the end of the buffer, resize the buffer to accommodate more data if (offset == decryptedData.Length) { Array.Resize(ref decryptedData, decryptedData.Length * 2); } } Array.Resize(ref decryptedData, offset); result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedData); } } catch (Exception ex) { return String.Empty; } cipher.Clear(); } return result; }
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