
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

[来自 Mathematica Stack Exchange 的部分交叉帖子。在这里打开这个,这样我原则上可以在 numpy/scipy 生态系统中征求非数学解决方案。]

我正在尝试沿着 Deviri 和 Safran (2021) 的图 3 或图 4 确定相图



我们将注意力集中在两种溶质(一种溶剂)和两相的情况。 然后我们希望找到 (

) 中满足以下条件的点的轨迹

\mu_a^{(1)} (\phi^{(1)}_a,\phi^{(1)}_b) = \mu_a^{(2)} (\phi^{(2)}_a,\phi^{(2)}_b)

\mu_b^{(1)} (\phi^{(1)}_a,\phi^{(1)}_b) = \mu_b^{(2)} (\phi^{(2)}_a,\phi^{(2)}_b)

\Pi^{(1)} (\phi^{(1)}_a,\phi^{(1)}_b) = \Pi^{(2)} (\phi^{(2)}_a,\phi^{(2)}_b)

本质上,我们有 4 个未知数

$\phi^{(1)}_a,\phi^{(1)}_b, \phi^{(0)}_a,\phi^{(0)}_b$
和 3 个方程。解决方案应类似于链接出版物的图 3 或图 4 中的曲线(取决于参数值)。在我的符号中,下标标记组件,上标标记相。 上述条件应该等价于这个SI


上述方程中的量可以使用自由能的导数获得,例如 Wolfram Mathematica 中的示例。

     F[a_, b_, uaa_, ubb_, uab_, na_, nb_] := 
     a/na*Log[a] + b/nb*Log[b] + (1 - a - b)*Log[1 - a - b + 10^-14] - 
      1/2*uaa*a^2 - 1/2*ubb*b^2 - uab*b*a 

    det[a_, b_, uaa_, ubb_, uab_, na_, nb_] := 
     Det[D[F[a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb], {{a, b}, 2}]] // Evaluate
    \[Mu]a[a_, b_, uaa_, ubb_, uab_, na_, nb_] := 
     D[F[a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb], a] // Evaluate
    \[Mu]b[a_, b_, uaa_, ubb_, uab_, na_, nb_] := 
     D[F[a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb], b] // Evaluate
   \[CapitalPi]F[a_, b_, uaa_, ubb_, uab_, na_, 
  nb_] := \[Mu]a[a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb]*
    a + \[Mu]b[a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb]*b - 
   F[a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb] // Evaluate



import numpy as np
from numpy import log as log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


def approx_first_derivative(f, x0, y0, h=1e-7):
    chemical potentials are first derivs of  F. 
    Quick and dirty finite-diff based first derivative.

    fx = (f(x0 + h, y0) - f(x0 - h, y0)) / (2 * h)
    fy = (f(x0, y0 + h) - f(x0, y0 - h)) / (2 * h)
    return fx, fy

def approx_second_derivative(f, x0, y0, h=1e-7):
    spinodal line is the boundary of stab. for F. 
    can be obtained from det(Hessian(F)) = 0. Finite diff. 
    Quick and dirty finite-diff based second derivative.
    # Approximate second order partial derivatives using finite differences
    fxx = (f(x0 + h, y0) - 2 * f(x0, y0) + f(x0 - h, y0)) / h**2
    fyy = (f(x0, y0 + h) - 2 * f(x0, y0) + f(x0, y0 - h)) / h**2
    fxy = (f(x0 + h, y0 + h) - f(x0 + h, y0 - h) - f(x0 - h, y0 + h) + f(x0 - h, y0 - h)) / (4 * h**2)
    return np.array([[fxx, fxy], [fxy, fyy]])


def F(a,b,uaa,ubb,uab,na,nb):
    entropy = (a/na)*log(a+1e-14)+(b/nb)*log(b+1e-14)+(1-a-b)*log(1-a-b+1e-14)
    energy = -0.5*uaa*a**2 - 0.5*ubb*b**2 -uab*a*b
    return entropy+energy

def mu_a(a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb):
    fx, _ = approx_first_derivative(lambda x, y: F(x, y, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb), a, b)
    return fx

def mu_b(a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb):
    _, fy = approx_first_derivative(lambda x, y: F(x, y, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb), a, b)
    return fy

def Pi(a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na=10, nb=6):
    return mu_a(a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb) * a + mu_b(a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb) * b - F(a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb)

def det_approx(a, b, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb):
    H = approx_second_derivative(lambda x, y: F(x, y, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb), a, b)
    return np.linalg.det(H)

现在本质上我们在 x,y 平面上寻找点对,使得上面定义的

都相等。即这条曲线上的 2 个点。

\mu_a^{(1)} (\phi^{(1)}_a,\phi^{(1)}_b) = \mu_a^{(2)} (\phi^{(2)}_a,\phi^{(2)}_b)

\mu_b^{(1)} (\phi^{(1)}_a,\phi^{(1)}_b) = \mu_b^{(2)} (\phi^{(2)}_a,\phi^{(2)}_b)

\Pi^{(1)} (\phi^{(1)}_a,\phi^{(1)}_b) = \Pi^{(2)} (\phi^{(2)}_a,\phi^{(2)}_b)


Very janky brute force grid search.
Most likely not the right way to do this.
epsilon = 1e-1  

satisfying_points= []
mypoints = set()
# Check each pair of points
for i in np.arange(0,1,epsilon):
    for j in np.arange(0,1,epsilon):
        for k in np.arange(i+epsilon,1,epsilon):
            for l in np.arange(j+epsilon,1,epsilon):
                if abs(mu_a(i,j,uaa,ubb,uab,10,6) - mu_a(k,l,uaa,ubb,uab,10,6)) <= epsilon and \
                   abs(mu_b(i,j,uaa,ubb,uab,10,6) - mu_b(k,l,uaa,ubb,uab,10,6)) <= epsilon and \
                   abs(Pi(i,j,uaa,ubb,uab,10,6) - Pi(k,l,uaa,ubb,uab,10,6)) <= epsilon:
                    mypoints.add((i, j))
                    mypoints.add((k, l))

satisfying_points = np.array([point for point in mypoints])

plt.scatter(satisfying_points[:, 0], satisfying_points[:, 1], s=10, color='blue')
plt.title('Points satisfying the conditions')


Attempting to vectorise the janky brute force solution.
Most likely not the right way to do this.

eps = 1e-2
thresh = 1e-2

x_vals = np.arange(0, 0.4, eps)
y_vals = np.arange(0, 0.4, eps)

satisfying_points_x = []
satisfying_points_y = []

# Compute the mu_a, mu_b, and Pi values for all points in the grid
mu_a_values = mu_a(x_vals[:, np.newaxis], y_vals, uaa, ubb, uab, 10, 6)
mu_b_values = mu_b(x_vals[:, np.newaxis], y_vals, uaa, ubb, uab, 10, 6)
Pi_values = Pi(x_vals[:, np.newaxis], y_vals, uaa, ubb, uab, 10, 6)

# Loop over the grid
for idx_i, i in enumerate(x_vals):
    for idx_j, j in enumerate(y_vals):
        # Compare current point's values with all subsequent points using vectorization
        diff_mu_a = np.abs(mu_a_values[idx_i, idx_j] - mu_a_values[idx_i + 1:, idx_j + 1:])
        diff_mu_b = np.abs(mu_b_values[idx_i, idx_j] - mu_b_values[idx_i + 1:, idx_j + 1:])
        diff_Pi = np.abs(Pi_values[idx_i, idx_j] - Pi_values[idx_i + 1:, idx_j + 1:])
        # Find indices where all conditions are satisfied
        match_indices = np.where((diff_mu_a <= thresh) & (diff_mu_b <= thresh) & (diff_Pi <= thresh))
        if match_indices[0].size > 0:
            # If we found matches, add the points to our list
            satisfying_points_x.extend([i, x_vals[match_indices[0][0] + idx_i + 1]])
            satisfying_points_y.extend([j, y_vals[match_indices[1][0] + idx_j + 1]])

# Convert the lists to arrays for plotting
satisfying_points_x = np.array(satisfying_points_x)
satisfying_points_y = np.array(satisfying_points_y)

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

Z_approx = np.array([[det_approx(x_ij, y_ij, uaa,ubb,uab, 10, 6) for x_ij, y_ij in zip(x_row, y_row)] for x_row, y_row in zip(X, Y)])

plt.contour(X, Y, Z_approx, levels=[0], colors='red')
plt.scatter(satisfying_points_x, satisfying_points_y, s=10, color='blue')






python numpy physics scientific-computing


  1. 在径向表面 pi 的中心内,找到其最小值的位置。
  2. 开始广泛搜索,从最小位置引用任何低误差对,使用一次调用来最小化。
  3. 从该对的原点开始,使用有界跟随例程向左和向右分支。如果其中任何一个成立,则终止:
  • 曲线超出界限。
  • 组件之间的误差超出容差。
  • Pair 收敛到临界点。
from typing import NamedTuple

import pandas as pd
import scipy.optimize
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class Params(NamedTuple):
    uaa: float
    ubb: float
    uab: float
    na: int
    nb: int

def F(
    phi: np.ndarray,
    uaa: float, ubb: float, uab: float, na: int, nb: int,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Helmholtz-free energy for a Flory-Huggins-like model

    :param phi: (2xAxB) array of phi independent coordinates
    :return: AxB array of function values
    coef_shape = (2,) + (1,)*(len(phi.shape) - 1)
    nanb = np.array((na, nb)).reshape(coef_shape)
    uaub = np.array((uaa, ubb)).reshape(coef_shape)
    tot = phi.sum(axis=0)

    entropy = (
        (phi / nanb * np.log(phi)).sum(axis=0)
        + (1 - tot)*np.log(1 - tot)
    energy = (
        phi**2 * (-0.5 * uaub)
    ).sum(axis=0) - uab * phi.prod(axis=0)
    return entropy + energy

def gradF(
    phi: np.ndarray,
    uaa: float, ubb: float, uab: float, na: int, nb: int,
) -> np.ndarray:
    First-order Jacobian of F in phi.
    :param phi: (2xAxB) array of phi independent coordinates
    :return: (2xAxB) array of gradient vectors
    coef_shape = (2,) + (1,)*(len(phi.shape) - 1)
    nanb = np.array((na, nb)).reshape(coef_shape)
    uaub = np.array((uaa, ubb)).reshape(coef_shape)
    return (
        (np.log(phi) + 1) / nanb
        - np.log(1 - phi.sum(axis=0))
        - phi * uaub
        - phi[::-1] * uab
        - 1

def hessianF(
    phi: np.ndarray,
    uaa: float, ubb: float, uab: float, na: int, nb: int,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Hessian of F in phi.
    :param phi: (2xAxB) array of phi independent coordinates
    :return: (2x2xAxB) array of Hessian matrices
    coef_shape = (2,) + (1,)*(len(phi.shape) - 1)
    nanb = np.array((na, nb)).reshape(coef_shape)
    uaub = np.array((uaa, ubb)).reshape(coef_shape)

    diag = 1/phi/nanb - uaub
    antidiag = -uab
    hessian = np.empty(shape=(2, 2, *phi.shape[1:]), dtype=phi.dtype)
    hessian[[0, 1], [0, 1], ...] = diag
    hessian[[0, 1], [1, 0], ...] = antidiag
    hessian += 1/(1 - phi.sum(axis=0))

    return hessian

def test_grad(params: Params) -> None:
    Sanity test to ensure that analytic gradients are correct.
    xk = np.array((0.2, 0.3))
    assert scipy.optimize.check_grad(F, gradF, xk, *params) < 1e-6

    estimated = scipy.optimize.approx_fprime(xk, gradF, 1e-9, *params)
    analytic = hessianF(xk, *params)
    assert np.allclose(estimated, analytic, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)

def mu(
    phi: np.ndarray,
    uaa: float, ubb: float, uab: float, na: int, nb: int,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Chemical potential (first-order Jacobian of F)
    return gradF(phi, uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb)

def Pi(phi: np.ndarray, params: Params) -> np.ndarray:
    """Osmotic pressure"""
    mu_ab = mu(phi, *params)
    return (mu_ab * phi).sum(axis=0) - F(phi, *params)

def plot_isodims(
    phi: np.ndarray,
    mua: np.ndarray,
    mub: np.ndarray,
    pi: np.ndarray,
) -> plt.Figure:
    Contour plot of individual mua/b/pi series, all over phi_a and phi_b
    fig: plt.Figure
    axes: tuple[plt.Axes, ...]
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3)
    fig.suptitle('Individual series')

    (ax_mua, ax_mub, ax_pi) = axes
    for ax in axes:
        ax.set_xlabel('phi a')
    ax_mua.set_ylabel('phi b')

    ax_mua.contour(*phi, mua)
    ax_mua.set_title('mu a')
    ax_mub.contour(*phi, mub)
    ax_mub.set_title('mu b')
    ax_pi.contour(*phi, pi)

    return fig

def plot_example_proximity(
    phi: np.ndarray,
    mua: np.ndarray,
    mub: np.ndarray,
    pi: np.ndarray,
    params: Params,
    phi_pimin: np.ndarray,
    phi_endpoints: np.ndarray,
    zapprox: np.ndarray,
    followed_phi: np.ndarray,
) -> plt.Figure:
    Plot, for the initial-fit origin point (1) and its pair (2), all three isocurves
    Include the Hessian determinant estimation (zapprox)
    phi0 = phi_endpoints[:, 0]  # origin point (1)
    phi1 = phi_endpoints[:, 1]  # next point (2)
    mua0, mub0 = mu(phi0, *params)   # mu values at origin
    pi0 = Pi(phi0, params)  # pi value at origin

    # Array indices where mu closely matches that at the origin
    mua_close_y, mua_close_x = (np.abs(mua - mua0) < 1e-3).nonzero()
    mub_close_y, mub_close_x = (np.abs(mub - mub0) < 1e-3).nonzero()

    # Error from the pi value seen at the origin
    pi_close = pi - pi0

    fig: plt.Figure
    ax: plt.Axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.set_title('Isocurves from initial fit origin to next,'
                 '\nwith Hessian determinant')

    ax.scatter(*phi0, c='black', marker='+', s=100, label='origin (1)')
    ax.scatter(*phi1, c='pink', marker='+', s=100, label='next (2)')
    ax.scatter(*phi_pimin, c='blue', marker='+', s=100, label='pi_min')
    ax.plot(phi[0, 0, mua_close_x], phi[0, 0, mua_close_y], label='mua')
    ax.plot(phi[1, mub_close_x, 0], phi[1, mub_close_y, 0], label='mub')
    ax.contour(*phi, pi_close, levels=[0], colors='purple')  # Pi isocurve
    ax.contour(*phi, zapprox, levels=[0], colors='brown')  # Hessian determinant
    ax.plot(*followed_phi[:, 0, :], label='follow1')
    ax.plot(*followed_phi[:, 1, :], label='follow2')


    return fig

def pairwise_error(phi: np.ndarray, params: Params) -> float:
    For a phi pair, calculate the error between pair components.
    :param phi: 2x2, a1 a2 b1 b2
    :return: Least-squares error between mu_a, mu_b and pi
    mua, mub = mu(phi, *params)
    pi = Pi(phi, params)
    return (
        (mua[0] - mua[1])**2 +
        (mub[0] - mub[1])**2 +
        10 * (pi[0] - pi[1])**2

def initial_pair_estimate(
    phi_min: float, phi_max: float,
    phi_pimin: np.ndarray,
    params: Params,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Perform an initial fit to find any pair on the target curve

    :param phi_min: Minimum search space bound of phi in both axes
    :param phi_max: Maximum search space bound of phi in both axes
    :param phi_pimin: Phi coordinates of minimum of pi; the search space is centred here
    :param params: uaa, ubb, uab, na, nb
    :return: endpoint coordinates in phi (2x2)
    phia_pimin, phib_pimin = phi_pimin

    # As in original problem construction, the first point must be below-left of the second point;
    # and the distance must be greater than 0 to avoid degeneracy (superimposed pair).
    nondegenerate = scipy.optimize.LinearConstraint(
            [-1, 1,  0, 0],
            [ 0, 0, -1, 1],

    def least_sq_difference(phi: np.ndarray) -> float:
        From given phi endpoints, calculate exact (not estimated) values for mu and pi, and return
        their least-squared distance as the objective cost
        phi = phi.reshape((2, 2))
        return pairwise_error(phi, params)

    result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
            phia_pimin,   phia_pimin*3/2,
            phib_pimin/2, phib_pimin,
        # The origin is below-left of the minimum location of pi
            lb=[phi_min,        phi_min,    phi_min,    phi_min],
            ub=[phia_pimin*0.5, phi_max,    phib_pimin, phi_max],
    if not result.success:
        raise ValueError(result.message)

    return result.x.reshape((2, 2))

def characterise_initial(
    params: Params,
    phi_min: float = 0,
    phi_max: float = 1,
) -> tuple[
    np.ndarray,  # mesh-like phi coordinate space, 2xAxB
    np.ndarray,  # mua, AxB
    np.ndarray,  # mub, AxB
    np.ndarray,  # pi, AxB
    np.ndarray,  # Hessian determinant estimate, AxB
    phi_a = phi_b = np.linspace(phi_min, phi_max, 500)
    phi = np.stack(np.meshgrid(phi_a, phi_b))
    mua, mub = mu(phi, *params)
    pi = Pi(phi, params)

    hess = hessianF(phi, *params)
    zapprox = np.linalg.det(hess.T)

    return phi, mua, mub, pi, zapprox

def estimate_pimin(phi: np.ndarray, pi: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Start referenced from the (estimated) minimum of pi, in the middle of the region of interest
    The Hessian estimate runs through this point.
    ijmin = np.unravel_index(pi.argmin(), pi.shape)
    phi_pimin = phi[:, ijmin[0], ijmin[1]]
    print(f'Pi minimum point of {pi[ijmin]:.5f} at {phi_pimin}')
    return phi_pimin

def follow(
    phi_endpoints: np.ndarray,
    params: Params,
    step: float = 1e-3,
    tol: float = 1e-3,
    maxiter: int = 1000,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Multidimensional, stepped following algorithm.
    :param phi_endpoints: Initial phi search point; will branch in two directions from here
    :param params: Passed to chemical routines
    :param step: Roughly, distance between points. Actual distance will vary
    :param tol: If we follow the curve to a point where the error between components exceeds this
                tolerance, we bail.
    :param maxiter: Upper limit on the number of points per branch
    :return: Array of phi values, separated by branch.

    def least_sq_difference(phi: np.ndarray) -> float:
        From given phi endpoints, calculate exact (not estimated) values for mu and pi, and return
        their least-squared distance as the objective cost
        phi = phi.reshape((2, 2))
        return pairwise_error(phi, params)

    phi_halves = []
    error_min = np.inf
    error_max = -np.inf

    # Search left and right from initial-fit origin
    for direction in (-1, +1):
        phi_old = phi_endpoints.copy()
        phi_built = [phi_old]
        off0 = direction*step
        off1 = off0/2
        lobound = phi_endpoints + (
            (min(off0, off1), -step),
            (-step,           -step),
        hibound = phi_endpoints + (
            (max(off0, off1), step),
            (step,            step),
        x0 = (lobound + hibound)/2

        for _ in range(maxiter):
            result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
                x0=x0.ravel(), tol=1e-12,
                bounds=scipy.optimize.Bounds(lb=lobound.ravel(), ub=hibound.ravel()),
            phi_new = result.x.reshape(2,2)
            if not result.success:
                # This is not fatal in many cases.
                if result.message != 'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH':
            if result.fun > tol:
                print(f'Search direction {direction}: Out of tol; terminating')

            error_max = max(result.fun, error_max)
            error_min = min(result.fun, error_min)

            if np.all(
                np.abs(phi_new[:, 0] - phi_new[:, 1]) < step
                print('Convergence: critical point at')
                df = pd.DataFrame(
                        'phia': phi_new[0],
                        'phib': phi_new[1],
                        'mua': mu(phi_new, *params)[0],
                        'mua': mu(phi_new, *params)[1],
                        'pi': Pi(phi_new, params),

            delta = phi_new - phi_old
            scale = step/np.sqrt(delta[0,0]**2 + delta[1,0]**2)
            x0 = phi_new + delta*scale
            boundp0 = (x0[:, 0] + phi_new[:, 0])/2
            boundq0 = boundp0 + delta[:, 0]*scale
            lobound = np.array((
                (min(boundp0[0], boundq0[0]), x0[0,1]-10*step),
                (min(boundp0[1], boundq0[1]), x0[1,1]-10*step),
            hibound = np.array((
                (max(boundp0[0], boundq0[0]), x0[0,1]+10*step),
                (max(boundp0[1], boundq0[1]), x0[1,1]+10*step),
            if np.any(lobound <= 0):
                print(f'Search direction {direction}: Out of bounds; terminating')

            phi_old = phi_new

    phi_series = np.stack(
        phi_halves[0][::-1] + phi_halves[1],
    order = phi_series[0,0,...].argsort()
    phi_series = phi_series[:,:,order]
    print(f'Error between {error_min:.2e} and {error_max:.2e}')

    return phi_series

def main() -> None:
    params = Params(uaa=0, ubb=0, uab=4.36, na=10, nb=6)
    phi_min, phi_max = 1e-6, 0.4


    phi, mua, mub, pi, zapprox = characterise_initial(params, phi_min, phi_max)
    phi_pimin = estimate_pimin(phi, pi)
    phi_endpoints = initial_pair_estimate(phi_min, phi_max, phi_pimin, params)

    followed_phi = follow(phi_endpoints, params)

    plot_isodims(phi, mua, mub, pi)
        phi, mua, mub, pi, params, phi_pimin,
        phi_endpoints, zapprox, followed_phi,

if __name__ == '__main__':



  • 黑色十字:初始配合,原点一半
  • 粉色十字:初始配合,第二半对
  • 蓝色十字:最小 pi 的位置
  • 橙色和蓝色线:初始拟合对 mu_a 和 mu_b 的等值曲线
  • 紫色曲线:初始拟合对的等曲线,pi
  • 布朗环:Hessian 行列式
  • 绿色:跟随曲线的原点一半,从交叉分支左侧运行到界外,从交叉分支右侧运行到与红色曲线汇聚的临界点
  • 红色:跟随曲线的后半部分,从左交叉分支运行到超出范围,从右交叉分支运行到与绿色收敛的临界点
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