
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


dat1 <- data.frame(State = rep(c("NY","MA","FL","GA"), each = 10),
                   Loc = rep(c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"),each = 5),
                   ID = rep(c(1:10), each = 2),
                   var1 = rnorm(200),
                   var2 = rnorm(200),
                   var3 = rnorm(200),
                   var4 = rnorm(200),
                   var5 = rnorm(200))


pfun <- function(dat, cols, ncp){
  res <- PCA(dat[,cols], scale.unit = T, ncp = ncp, graph = F)
  eigs<-round(res$eig, 2)
  scree <- fviz_eig(res, addlabels = T)
  contribplot<-corrplot(get_pca_var(res)$contrib, is.corr = F)#variable contributions to each pc
  cos2plot<-corrplot(pca.vars$cos2, is.corr=F)#quality of var representation in each pc
  output<- list(eigs, scree, contribplot, cos2plot)
pfun(dat = cdatsq, cols = 7:13, ncp = 7)

该函数到目前为止运行良好,但是我也希望它为每个数字/主成分组合生成双线图和变量贡献图,该函数确定特征值小于或等于1。例如,我尝试了在函数中使用num <- sum(eigs[,1]>=1, na.rm = TRUE)#for the number of pcs to keep and plot和for循环:

for(i in 1:sum(eigs[,1]>=1, na.rm = TRUE)){
  fviz_contrib(res, choice = "var", axes = i, top = 10)

这不起作用,如何在其余输出中进行打印?另外,我想使用fviz_pca_biplot()sum(eigs[,1]>=1, na.rm = TRUE)范围内的每个主成分组合生成双线图。在函数之外,一个绘图调用将如下所示:

#example shown for PC2:PC3 with points labeled by `Loc` 
fviz_pca_biplot(res, axes = c(2,3), geom.ind = "point", pointsize=0, repel = T)+ 
  ggtitle("plot for PC2:PC3")+
  geom_text(aes(label = paste0(dat1$Loc)), alpha = 0.5, size = 3, nudge_y = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE)

但是在函数中,如何在sum(eigs[,1]>=1, na.rm = TRUE)的边界内指定主成分的“所有组合”(即,将有PC1,PC2,PC2,PC3等的图)?理想情况下,我想针对每个分组变量将biplot分为单独的网格(例如,双图点用State着色的页面和用Loc着色的biplot点的页面)。

r ggplot2 functional-programming data-visualization pca




<< [ “ https://image.soinside.com/eyJ1cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9pLmltZ3VyLmNvbS9SUkVPMGpCLnBuZyJ9” alt =“”> T

library(factoextra) library(FactoMineR) library(corrplot) library(cowplot) set.seed(123) dat1 <- data.frame(State = rep(c("NY","MA","FL","GA"), each = 10), Loc = rep(c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"),each = 5), ID = rep(c(1:10), each = 2), var1 = rnorm(200), var2 = rnorm(200), var3 = rnorm(200), var4 = rnorm(200), var5 = rnorm(200)) pfun <- function(dat, cols, ncp){ res <- PCA(dat[,cols], scale.unit = T, ncp = ncp, graph = F) eigs <- round(res$eig, 2) scree <- fviz_eig(res, addlabels = T) pca.vars <- get_pca_var(res) contribplot <- corrplot(pca.vars$contrib, is.corr = F)#variable contributions to each pc cos2plot <- corrplot(pca.vars$cos2, is.corr=F)#quality of var representation in each pc keep.eigs <- sum(eigs[,1]>=1, na.rm = TRUE) contribs <- lapply(seq_len(keep.eigs), function(i) fviz_contrib(res, choice = "var", axes = i, top = 10)) cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist=contribs, ncol=3) eig.comb <- combn(keep.eigs, 2, simplify = FALSE) biplots <- lapply(eig.comb, function(x){ fviz_pca_biplot(res, axes = x, geom.ind = "point", pointsize=0, repel = T)+ ggtitle(paste0("plot for PC", x[1], ":PC", x[2]))+ geom_text(aes(label = paste0(dat$Loc), colour=dat$Loc), alpha = 0.5, size = 3, nudge_y = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE) }) print(cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist=biplots, ncol=3)) biplots2 <- lapply(eig.comb, function(x){ fviz_pca_biplot(res, axes = x, geom.ind = "point", pointsize=0, repel = T)+ ggtitle(paste0("plot for PC", x[1], ":PC", x[2]))+ geom_text(aes(label = paste0(dat$State), colour=dat$State), alpha = 0.5, size = 3, nudge_y = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE) }) print(cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist=biplots2, ncol=3)) output <- list(eigs, scree, contribplot, cos2plot) return(output) } pfun(dat = dat1, cols = 4:8, ncp = 7)


#> [[1]] #> eigenvalue percentage of variance cumulative percentage of variance #> comp 1 1.14 22.88 22.88 #> comp 2 1.08 21.68 44.57 #> comp 3 1.02 20.30 64.87 #> comp 4 0.93 18.66 83.53 #> comp 5 0.82 16.47 100.00 #> #> [[2]]

#> #> [[3]] #> Dim.1 Dim.2 Dim.3 Dim.4 Dim.5 #> var1 0.20414881 0.24443766 0.5704115 0.80144254 0.02769182 #> var2 0.89612168 -0.03274609 0.1541064 0.16242237 0.66822795 #> var3 0.07326261 0.42569819 0.5364510 0.81272052 0.00000000 #> var4 0.03185269 1.00000000 0.3135185 -0.04406605 0.54682715 #> var5 0.64274654 0.21074258 0.2736449 0.11561294 0.60538540 #> #> [[4]] #> Dim.1 Dim.2 Dim.3 Dim.4 Dim.5 #> var1 0.22611471 0.25238130 0.5362197 0.68682597 0.02081676 #> var2 0.94869940 -0.02188827 0.1505096 0.14271101 0.50232677 #> var3 0.08943830 0.43173613 0.5047551 0.69642899 0.00000000 #> var4 0.04619648 1.00000000 0.2982062 -0.03311043 0.41106619 #> var5 0.68411533 0.21904048 0.2612629 0.10285356 0.45508617 (v0.3.0)在2020-06-13创建

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