PowerShell 用户创建脚本需要帮助,自定义名称和用户名冲突

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

现在我有一个在域中创建用户的代码。您传递 3 个变量并创建帐户。它可以很好地创建帐户。



"New-ADUser : The operation failed because UPN value provided for addition/modification is not unique forest-wide"


param($firstname, $lastname, $location)
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$username = ($firstname.Substring(0,1) + $lastname).ToLower()

$userExists = Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -eq $username}
if ($userExists -ne $null) {
    Write-Host "The username '$username' already exists in Active Directory. Please enter a custom username:"
    $customUsername = Read-Host
    $username = $customUsername

$path = "OU=Users,OU=$location,OU=GS,DC=domain,DC=com"

New-ADUser `
    -Name "$firstname $lastname" `
    -GivenName $firstname `
    -Surname $lastname `
    -UserPrincipalName "[email protected]" `
    -SamAccountName $username `
    -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "Password123" -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -Path $path `
    -ProfilePath "\\domain\homes\profiles\$username" `
    -ChangePasswordAtLogon 1 `
    -Enabled 1 `
    -OtherAttributes @{'gidNumber'='711132'; 'uid'= '$username'} `

Add-ADGroupMember `
    -Identity "$location" -Members $username

$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $username
$sid = $user.SID
$last4DigitsOfObjectSid = $sid.Value.Substring($sid.Value.Length - 4)
$newUidNumber = "71$last4DigitsOfObjectSid"
Set-ADUser -Identity $username -Replace @{'uidNumber'=$newUidNumber}

powershell active-directory collision-detection

您可以使用 while 循环来测试用户名是否已被使用,然后再继续创建新用户。

此外,我建议使用 splatting 将所有用户参数保持在一个干净的结构中,而不必使用那些讨厌的反引号(或非常非常长的代码行)


New-ADUser cmdlet 将立即返回新创建的用户对象,因此您可以省略额外的 Get-ADUser 调用。

param($firstname, $lastname, $location)
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$path     = "OU=Users,OU=$location,OU=GS,DC=domain,DC=com"
$username = ($firstname.Substring(0,1) + $lastname).ToLower()

# test if the username (=SamAccountName) is unique
while ((Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$username'")) {
    Write-Warning "The username '$username' already exists in Active Directory."
    $username = Read-Host "Please enter a new custom username. Leave empty to quit."
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($username)) { exit }

# create a splatting Hashtable for the parameters of New-ADUser
$userParams = @{
    Name                  = "$firstname $lastname"
    GivenName             = $firstname
    Surname               = $lastname
    UserPrincipalName     = "[email protected]"
    SamAccountName        = $username
    # always use single quotes around a hardcoded password to avoid string interpolation
    AccountPassword       = (ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123' -AsPlainText -Force)
    Path                  = $path
    ProfilePath           = "\\domain\homes\profiles\$username"
    ChangePasswordAtLogon = $true
    Enabled               = $true
    OtherAttributes       = @{'gidNumber'='711132'; 'uid'= $username}
    # have New-ADUser return the user object
    PassThru              = $true

$user = New-ADUser @userParams
# calculate the UidNumber from the users SID
$last4DigitsOfObjectSid = $user.SID -replace '.*(\d{4})$', '$1'
$newUidNumber = "71$last4DigitsOfObjectSid"
Set-ADUser -Identity $user -Replace @{'uidNumber'=$newUidNumber}

# and add the new user to the group
# here $location is both the name of a group AND the name for the OU
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $location -Members $user
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