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我正在尝试使用我通过 GTZAN 数据集创建的模型 - 音乐流派分类(https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/andradaolteanu/gtzan-dataset-music-genre-classification


import tensorflow as tf
import librosa
import numpy as np

# Load the pre-trained model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('C:/Users/VOLKAN/Desktop/SonProject/model.keras')

# Define the genres (assuming you have a fixed list of genres the model predicts)
genres = ['Blues', 'Classical', 'Country', 'Disco', 'Hip-hop', 'Jazz', 'Metal', 'Pop', 'Reggae', 'Rock']  # Replace with actual genre names

def extract_features(file_path):
    y, sr = librosa.load(file_path, duration=30)
    mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=sr, n_mfcc=58)
    mfccs = np.mean(mfccs.T, axis=0)
    features = mfccs[np.newaxis, ...]
    return features

def predict_genre(file_path):
    features = extract_features(file_path)
    predictions = model.predict(features)
    genre_index = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)[0]
    return genres[genre_index]

# Example usage
audio_file = 'C:/Users/VOLKAN/Desktop/Data/genres_original/classical/classical.00059.wav'  # Replace with your audio file path
predicted_genre = predict_genre(audio_file)
print(f'The predicted genre is: {predicted_genre}')


在模型中我使用了 cnn。模型具有 .keras 扩展名。

python machine-learning

确保保存模型的文件路径 (

) 正确,并且模型文件存在于给定位置。检查您从音频中提取的梅尔倒谱系数 (MFCC) 的数量是否为 58,这应该是模型预期的输入大小。确保模型的输出层有 10 个具有
激活的单元,对应于您要分类的 10 个流派。仔细检查传递给
函数的文件路径是否正确,并且该位置存在音频文件。如果您的训练数据已标准化,请将相同的标准化应用于输入音频文件以进行预测;然后在代码中的多个位置包含 print 语句,以检查特征的形状和预测,以帮助调试任何问题。

import tensorflow as tf
import librosa
import numpy as np

# Load the pre-trained model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('C:/Users/VOLKAN/Desktop/SonProject/model.keras')

# Define the genres
genres = ['Blues', 'Classical', 'Country', 'Disco', 'Hip-hop', 'Jazz', 'Metal', 'Pop', 'Reggae', 'Rock']

def extract_features(file_path):
    y, sr = librosa.load(file_path, duration=30)
    mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=sr, n_mfcc=58)
    mfccs = np.mean(mfccs.T, axis=0)
    features = mfccs[np.newaxis, ...]
    return features

def predict_genre(file_path):
    features = extract_features(file_path)
    print("Shape of extracted features:", features.shape)
    predictions = model.predict(features)
    print("Shape of predictions:", predictions.shape)
    genre_index = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)[0]
    return genres[genre_index]

# Example usage
audio_file = 'C:/Users/VOLKAN/Desktop/Data/genres_original/classical/classical.00059.wav'
predicted_genre = predict_genre(audio_file)
print(f'The predicted genre is: {predicted_genre}')
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