在另一个模块中使用 Chisel 子模块:无法将变量分配给 io 输入

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试创建一个简单的计数器,它计算直到并包括一些 max_count_S 已经过去了多少秒。


import chisel3._

  |While signal is active, it counts [start,max_count] clock cycles.
class SignalCounter(start_value: Int = 0, width: Int, max_count: Int) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val signal = Input(Bool())
    val out = Output(UInt(width.W))

  val counter_reg = RegInit(start_value.U(width.W))

    //Whenever we get the signal; Update the counter_reg
    counter_reg := Mux(counter_reg === max_count.U(width.W),0.U ,counter_reg + 1.U)

  io.out := counter_reg

我的目标是拥有其中两个; max_count 等于每秒时钟周期数减 1,这样每经过一秒就输出 0。然后我希望有第二个,每当第一个信号为 0 时,它的信号就为高,这样它就可以计算已经过去了多少秒。


import chisel3._

import scala.math._

def calculateBitsNeeded(N: Int): Int = {
  ceil(log10(N.toDouble + 1) / log10(2)).toInt

  arg: cc_to_S: Number of clock cycles per second
class TimeCounter(cc_to_S: Int = (100000000-1),timestep_S: Int = 0, width: Int, max_count_S: Int) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val out_s = Output(UInt(width.W))

  val sig_counter_clock = new SignalCounter(max_count = cc_to_S, width =calculateBitsNeeded(cc_to_S)) //we take the cc_to_S - 1, because we want to it to tick every clock cycle we hit 1 second, not after.
  val sig_counter_S = new SignalCounter(max_count = max_count_S, width = calculateBitsNeeded(max_count_S))

  sig_counter_clock.io.signal = true.B



有什么方法可以分配模块内的 io 引脚吗?

这个问题与我的解决方案的架构无关;简单介绍如何在模块内连接 .io 引脚。

scala hdl chisel


val sig_counter_clock = Module(new SignalCounter(max_count = cc_to_S, width =calculateBitsNeeded(cc_to_S))) //we take the cc_to_S - 1, because we want to it to tick every clock cycle we hit 1 second, not after.
val sig_counter_S = Module(new SignalCounter(max_count = max_count_S, width = calculateBitsNeeded(max_count_S)))

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