什么时候在 C 函数中使用 lua_pop?

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我不明白什么时候应该使用 lua_pop,在这种情况下,堆栈每帧增长 5,达到 10k 然后崩溃。

在这种特殊情况下,我调用必须返回值的 lua 函数。

另外,如果表没有函数,我检查是 metatable 在 while 循环中有它。它是否有意义或有更好的方法来做到这一点?

ModifierVariant_t LuaValue(FModifierParams_t& Params, const char* InName, int TableID)
    lua_State* L = FLua::State();
    const int Top = lua_gettop(L);
    FModifierParams_t* v = (FModifierParams_t*)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(FModifierParams_t));
    luaL_getmetatable(L, MOD_PARAMS_NAME);
    const int Arg = lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
    memcpy(v, &Params, sizeof(FModifierParams_t));
    lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableID);
    const int Table = lua_gettop(L);
    int I = Table;
    SCRIPT_ASSERT(lua_istable(L, Table), TEXT("On top of the stack is not a table!"));
    lua_getfield(L, Table, InName);
    int Func = lua_gettop(L);
    while (!(lua_isfunction(L, Func)))
        lua_getfield(L, I, "__index");
        I = lua_gettop(L);
        SCRIPT_ASSERT(!(lua_isnil(L, I) && lua_isnone(L, I)), TEXT("Function %hs could not be found!"), InName);
        lua_getfield(L, I, InName);
        Func = lua_gettop(L);
    SCRIPT_ASSERT(lua_isfunction(L, Func), TEXT("Could not found a field %hs of meta %d, adress is %hs"), InName, TableID, lua_tostring(L, Table));
    lua_pushvalue(L, Table);
    lua_pushvalue(L, Arg);
    const int ErrCode = LUA_CALL(FLua::State(), 2, 1);

    if (ErrCode != LUA_OK)
        return 0;

    LUA_CALL(FLua::State(), 1, 0);

    ModifierVariant_t Result(0);
    UTIL_PrintF(SysEntity, "Lua stack size (after call) id %d", FLua::StackSize());

    switch (lua_type(L, -1)) {
    case LUA_TNUMBER:
            Result = ModifierVariant_t(((float)lua_tonumber(L, -1)));
    case LUA_TSTRING:
            Result = ModifierVariant_t(lua_tostring(L, -1));
    case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
            Result = ModifierVariant_t(lua_toboolean(L, -1) == 1);
    case LUA_TNIL:
        XASSERT(false, "ModifierVariant cannot be nil!");
        XASSERT(false, "ModifierVariant cannot be a pointer!");

    return Result;

lua_settop 不起作用 - 冻结然后崩溃。 lua_pop(L, 5) 也不起作用。

c++ lua unreal-engine4 lua-table
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