
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

因此,我正在尝试改进 .net 4 的

类提供的一些操作,因为这些操作似乎是二次的。我已经做了一个粗略的 Karatsuba 实现,但它仍然比我预期的慢。

主要问题似乎是 BigInteger 没有提供简单的方法来计算位数,因此,我必须使用 BigInteger.Log(..., 2)。根据 Visual Studio,大约 80-90% 的时间花在计算对数上。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Numerics;

namespace Test
    class Program
        static BigInteger Karatsuba(BigInteger x, BigInteger y)
            int n = (int)Math.Max(BigInteger.Log(x, 2), BigInteger.Log(y, 2));
            if (n <= 10000) return x * y;

            n = ((n+1) / 2);

            BigInteger b = x >> n;
            BigInteger a = x - (b << n);
            BigInteger d = y >> n;
            BigInteger c = y - (d << n);

            BigInteger ac = Karatsuba(a, c);
            BigInteger bd = Karatsuba(b, d);
            BigInteger abcd = Karatsuba(a+b, c+d);

            return ac + ((abcd - ac - bd) << n) + (bd << (2 * n));

        static void Main(string[] args)
            BigInteger x = BigInteger.One << 500000 - 1;
            BigInteger y = BigInteger.One << 600000 + 1;
            BigInteger z = 0, q;

            DateTime t;

            // Test standard multiplication
            t = DateTime.Now;
            z = x * y;
            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - t);

            // Test Karatsuba multiplication
            t = DateTime.Now;
            q = Karatsuba(x, y);
            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - t);

            // Check they're equal
            Console.WriteLine(z == q);



c# biginteger


在 vb 中我这样做:

<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Function BitLength(ByVal n As BigInteger) As Integer
    Dim Data() As Byte = n.ToByteArray
    Dim result As Integer = (Data.Length - 1) * 8
    Dim Msb As Byte = Data(Data.Length - 1)
    While Msb
        result += 1
        Msb >>= 1
    End While
    Return result
End Function

在 C# 中它将是:

public static int BitLength(this BigInteger n)
    byte[] Data = n.ToByteArray();
    int result = (Data.Length - 1) * 8;
    byte Msb = Data[Data.Length - 1];
    while (Msb != 0) {
        result += 1;
        Msb >>= 1;
    return result;


    static BigInteger Karatsuba(BigInteger x, BigInteger y)
        int n = (int)Math.Max(x.BitLength(), y.BitLength());
        if (n <= 10000) return x * y;

        n = ((n+1) / 2);

        BigInteger b = x >> n;
        BigInteger a = x - (b << n);
        BigInteger d = y >> n;
        BigInteger c = y - (d << n);

        BigInteger ac = Karatsuba(a, c);
        BigInteger bd = Karatsuba(b, d);
        BigInteger abcd = Karatsuba(a+b, c+d);

        return ac + ((abcd - ac - bd) << n) + (bd << (2 * n));


int n = (int)Math.Max(BitLength(x), BitLength(y));

仅供参考:使用位长方法,您还可以比 BigInteger 方法更快地计算出对数的近似值。

bits = BitLength(a) - 1;
log_a = (double)i * log(2.0);

就访问 BigInteger 结构的内部 UInt32 数组而言,这里有一个 hack。


Private Shared ArrM As MethodInfo
Private Shard Bits As FieldInfo
Shared Sub New()
    ArrM = GetType(System.Numerics.BigInteger).GetMethod("ToUInt32Array", BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
    Bits = GetType(System.Numerics.BigInteger).GetMember("_bits", BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)(0)

End Sub
<Extension()> _
Public Function ToUInt32Array(ByVal Value As System.Numerics.BigInteger) As UInteger()
    Dim Result() As UInteger = ArrM.Invoke(Value, Nothing)
    If Result(Result.Length - 1) = 0 Then
        ReDim Preserve Result(Result.Length - 2)
    End If
    Return Result
End Function


 Dim Data() As UInteger = ToUInt32Array(Value)
 Length = Data.Length 


Dim Data() As UInteger = Value.ToUInt32Array()

请注意,_bits fieldinfo 可用于直接访问 BigInteger 结构的底层 UInteger() _bits 字段。这比调用 ToUInt32Array() 方法更快。然而,当 BigInteger B <= UInteger.MaxValue _bits is nothing. I suspect that as an optimization when a BigInteger fits the size of a 32 bit (machine size) word MS returns performs normal machine word arithmetic using the native data type.

我也无法像通常使用反射那样使用 _bits.SetValue(B, Data()) 。为了解决这个问题,我使用 BigInteger(bytes() b) 构造函数,它有开销。在 C# 中,您可以使用不安全的指针操作将 UInteger() 转换为 Byte()。由于 VB 中没有指针操作,因此我使用 Buffer.BlockCopy。当以这种方式访问数据时,需要注意的是,如果设置了 bytes() 数组的 MSB,MS 会将其解释为负数。我更希望他们创建一个带有单独符号字段的构造函数。字数组是添加一个额外的0字节来取消选中MSB


 Function KaratsubaSquare(ByVal x As BigInteger)
    Dim n As Integer = BitLength(x) 'Math.Max(BitLength(x), BitLength(y))

    If (n <= KaraCutoff) Then Return x * x
    n = ((n + 1) >> 1)

    Dim b As BigInteger = x >> n
    Dim a As BigInteger = x - (b << n)
    Dim ac As BigInteger = KaratsubaSquare(a)
    Dim bd As BigInteger = KaratsubaSquare(b)
    Dim c As BigInteger = Karatsuba(a, b)
    Return ac + (c << (n + 1)) + (bd << (2 * n))

End Function

这从乘法算法的每次递归中消除了 2 次移位、2 次加法和 3 次减法。



@Alexander Higgins

ac + ((abcd - ac - bd) << n) + (bd << (2 * n))


ac + ((abcd - ac - bd + (bd << n)) << n)

导致减少 1 对

( )
和 1 次乘法。

但就我个人而言,我并不认为 Karatsuba 节省了那么多,因为在 bigint 级别,减法比加法的成本稍高(并且您在每个递归级别执行其中 2 个),与只是

(using AH`s same letters for consistency) :

    BigInteger b = x >> n;
    BigInteger a = x - (b << n);
    BigInteger d = y >> n;
    BigInteger c = y - (d << n);


return ac + ((ad + bc + (bd << n)) << n)

return ac + ((abcd - ac - bd) << n) + (bd << (2 * n))


我通常在任何递归开始之前预先确定符号,在无符号领域中执行所有操作,并在必要时简单地执行 1 个最终否定。

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