数据集和 2 组基线的曲线下面积

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


我有一些数据看起来像这样 enter image description here


enter image description here


我用 chatGPT 玩了一下,为我提供了一些代码,而不是做我想做的事情,但它似乎不明白我只想要线性回归和数据之间的区域

def baseline_correction(data, indices):
    # Calculate a unified baseline using linear regression on selected indices
    slope, intercept, _, _, _ = linregress(data[indices, 0], data[indices, 1])
    return slope, intercept

def calculate_area(data, start_index, end_index, slope, intercept):
    # Correct the current by subtracting the baseline
    corrected_current = data[start_index:end_index, 1] - (data[start_index:end_index, 0] * slope + intercept)
    # Calculate the area (charge) under the corrected current curve
    charge = trapz(corrected_current, x=data[start_index:end_index, 0])
    return charge, corrected_current

def process_cycles(data, cycle_starts):
    charges = []
    for i in range(len(cycle_starts) - 1):
        start_index = cycle_starts[i]
        end_index = cycle_starts[i + 1]

        # Selecting only the increasing potential part of the cycle
        increasing_potential_indices = np.where(np.diff(data[start_index:end_index, 0]) > 0)[0] + start_index
        # Combine pre-peak and post-peak data points for baseline
        pre_peak_indices = increasing_potential_indices[np.where((data[increasing_potential_indices, 0] >= 0.35) & (data[increasing_potential_indices, 0] <= 0.4))]
        post_peak_indices = increasing_potential_indices[np.where((data[increasing_potential_indices, 0] >= 0.525) & (data[increasing_potential_indices, 0] <= 0.55))]
        combined_indices = np.concatenate((pre_peak_indices, post_peak_indices))
        # Calculate unified baseline
        slope, intercept = baseline_correction(data, combined_indices)
        # Define peak region (between 0.35V to 0.4V)
        peak_start_idx = np.min(np.where(data[:, 0] >= 0.4)[0])
        peak_end_idx = np.max(np.where(data[:, 0] <= 0.525)[0])
        # Calculate the charge
        charge, corrected_current = calculate_area(data, peak_start_idx, peak_end_idx, slope, intercept)
        # Visualization
        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        plt.plot(data[start_index:end_index, 0], data[start_index:end_index, 1], label='Original Data', color='gray')
        plt.plot(data[combined_indices, 0], data[combined_indices, 1], 'o', label='Baseline Points', color='red')
        baseline_curve = data[peak_start_idx:peak_end_idx, 0] * slope + intercept
        plt.plot(data[peak_start_idx:peak_end_idx, 0], baseline_curve, label='Baseline', color='green')
        plt.plot(data[peak_start_idx:peak_end_idx, 0], corrected_current, label='Corrected Current', color='purple')
        plt.fill_between(data[peak_start_idx:peak_end_idx, 0], 0, corrected_current, color='purple', alpha=0.3, label='Area Under Curve')
        plt.xlabel('Potential (V)')
        plt.ylabel('Current (A)')
        plt.title(f'Cycle {i+1} Charge Calculation')
    return charges


Wetransfer 提供的数据:



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def load_numeric_data(filepath):
    data_start_marker = "Potential/V, Current/A"
    numeric_data = []
    with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
        # Read through the file until the marker is found
        for line in file:
            if data_start_marker in line:
        # Read the remaining lines and process them
        for line in file:
            parts = line.strip().split(',')
            if len(parts) == 2:
                    potential = float(parts[0].strip())
                    current = float(parts[1].strip())
                    numeric_data.append([potential, current])
                except ValueError:
                    # This handles lines that cannot be converted to floats

    # Convert list to a NumPy array
    return np.array(numeric_data)

def find_cycle_starts(data, start_potential):
    # Finding all indices where the potential approximately matches the start_potential
    potential_close_indices = np.where(np.isclose(data[:,0], start_potential, atol=0.01))[0]
    # Determine the actual start of each cycle by checking the difference between consecutive matches
    cycle_starts = [potential_close_indices[0]]
    for i in range(1, len(potential_close_indices)):
        if potential_close_indices[i] - potential_close_indices[i-1] > 10:  # Ensuring a significant index gap
    return cycle_starts

def plot_cycle_data(data, cycle_starts, cycle_number):
    if cycle_number > len(cycle_starts):
        print("Cycle number exceeds the available cycles.")
    start_index = cycle_starts[cycle_number - 1]
    end_index = cycle_starts[cycle_number] if cycle_number < len(cycle_starts) else len(data)
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.plot(data[start_index:end_index, 0], data[start_index:end_index, 1], label=f'Cycle {cycle_number}')
    plt.xlabel('Potential (V)')
    plt.ylabel('Current (A)')
    plt.title(f'Cycle {cycle_number} from Potential {data[start_index, 0]}V to {data[end_index-1, 0]}V')

# Usage
file_path = 'path_to_your_file.txt'
data = load_numeric_data(file_path)
cycle_starts = find_cycle_starts(data, -1.3)
plot_cycle_data(data, cycle_starts, 1)  # Plot the first cycle
charges = process_cycles(data, cycle_starts)
python numpy scipy integration area



。该函数通过查看信号梯度的特征来定位峰值。该函数还绘制一个图,显示用于描绘峰边界的各种“地标”的位置。使用 numpy 的梯形积分计算面积,并返回结果。

该函数配置了各种默认值,我发现这些默认值可以很好地处理您提供的数据(示例 1、2 和 3 中的所有正向循环)。

结果示例: enter image description here


#Load data
data = load_numeric_data(f'/mnt/c/dev/CV_sample1.txt')

#Define the start potentials of the forward and reverse sweeps
fwd_sweep_start_potential = -1.3
rev_sweep_start_potential = 0.7

#Find the start indices
fwd_cycle_starts = find_cycle_starts(data, fwd_sweep_start_potential)
rev_cycle_starts = find_cycle_starts(data, rev_sweep_start_potential)

#Get the cycles into a list
fwd_cycles_list, rev_cycles_list = split_on_cycles(data, fwd_cycle_starts, rev_cycle_starts)

#Supply each cycle in turn to the area function
for i, cycle in enumerate(fwd_cycles_list):
    area = calculate_fwd_cycle_peak_area(cycle)
    print('Peak area of cycle', i, 'is:', area)


import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

def load_numeric_data(filepath):
    data_start_marker = "Potential/V, Current/A"
    numeric_data = []
    with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
        # Read through the file until the marker is found
        for line in file:
            if data_start_marker in line:
        # Read the remaining lines and process them
        for line in file:
            parts = line.strip().split(',')
            if len(parts) == 2:
                    potential = float(parts[0].strip())
                    current = float(parts[1].strip())
                    numeric_data.append([potential, current])
                except ValueError:
                    # This handles lines that cannot be converted to floats

    # Convert list to a NumPy array
    return np.array(numeric_data)

def find_cycle_starts(data, start_potential):
    # Finding all indices where the potential approximately matches the start_potential
    potential_close_indices = np.where(np.isclose(data[:,0], start_potential, atol=0.01))[0]
    # Determine the actual start of each cycle by checking the difference between consecutive matches
    cycle_starts = [potential_close_indices[0]]
    for i in range(1, len(potential_close_indices)):
        if potential_close_indices[i] - potential_close_indices[i-1] > 10:  # Ensuring a significant index gap
    return cycle_starts

def split_on_cycles(data, fwd_cycle_starts, rev_cycle_starts):
    """Returns fwd cycles and rev cycles in two lists
    fwd_cycles_list = []
    rev_cycles_list = []
    #fwd cycles
    for i, start_pt in enumerate(fwd_cycle_starts[:-1]): #last one is half cycle
        cycle_period = slice(start_pt, rev_cycle_starts[i])
        fwd_cycles_list.append(data[cycle_period, :])
    #rev cycles
    for i, start_pt in enumerate(rev_cycle_starts):
        cycle_period = slice(start_pt, fwd_cycle_starts[i + 1])
        rev_cycles_list.append(data[cycle_period, :])
    return fwd_cycles_list, rev_cycles_list

def calculate_fwd_cycle_peak_area(
    """Locates peak and returns the area. Also renders a plot.
    cycle: Array (n_samples, 2) of [voltages, currents]
    clip_below: Ignore voltages below this value
    nonzero_grad_thresh: Threshold for clipping the flat part before the peak
    grad_rise_thresh: Used to establish the start of the peak
    area under the curve
    voltage, current = [cycle[:, i] for i in range(2)]

    current_dx = pd.Series(np.gradient(current)).rolling(window=10).mean().values
    abs_current_dx = np.abs(current_dx)
    # current_d2x = pd.Series(np.gradient(np.gradient(current))).rolling(window=10).mean().values

    f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 4.5))
    ax.plot(voltage, current, color='black', linewidth=6, label='data')
    ax.set(xlabel='voltage', ylabel='current')

    grad_clr = 'navy'
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    ax2.plot(voltage, current_dx, color=grad_clr, linewidth=1.5, label='gradient')
    ax2.axhline(0, color=grad_clr, linewidth=1, linestyle=':')
    ax2.tick_params(axis='y', colors=grad_clr)

    cmap = plt.get_cmap('tab10')
    line_fmt = dict(linestyle='--', linewidth=2, alpha=1)

    #"rel_start" tracks the starting point for each subsequent operation
    ax.axvline(voltage[rel_start := 0], color=cmap(0), **line_fmt, label='cycle starts')

    #Hard clip. Ignore voltages below clip_below_v
    clip_idx = np.argwhere(voltage > clip_below_v)[0].item()
    ax.axvline(voltage[rel_start + clip_idx], color=cmap(1), **line_fmt, label='hard clip ends')
    rel_start += clip_idx

    #Clip the flat part
    flatpart_endidx = np.argwhere(abs_current_dx[rel_start:] > nonzero_grad_thresh)[0].item()
    ax.axvline(voltage[rel_start + flatpart_endidx], color=cmap(2), **line_fmt, label='flat part ends')
    rel_start += flatpart_endidx

    #Peak starts where the gradient begins to rise
    peak_start_idx = np.argwhere(abs_current_dx[rel_start:] > grad_rise_thresh)[0].item()
    ax.axvline(voltage[rel_start + peak_start_idx], color=cmap(3), **line_fmt, label='peak_start_idx')
    peak_x_indices = [rel_start + peak_start_idx]
    rel_start += peak_start_idx

    #Find the midpoint of the downwards slope
    down_slope_idx = np.argmin(current_dx[rel_start:]).item()
    ax.axvline(voltage[rel_start + down_slope_idx], color=cmap(5), **line_fmt, label='down_slope_idx')
    rel_start += down_slope_idx

    #The gradient point closest to 0 after the downwards slope is where the peak ends 
    peak_end_idx = np.argmin(abs_current_dx[rel_start:]).item()
    peak_x_indices.append(rel_start + peak_end_idx)
    ax.axvline(voltage[rel_start + peak_end_idx], color=cmap(6), **line_fmt, label='peak_end_idx')

        fontsize=8.5, loc='upper left', ncols=10, shadow=True, framealpha=1,
        bbox_to_anchor=(0.05, 0)
    ax.set_xlim(voltage[clip_idx + flatpart_endidx - 50], voltage.max() * 0.9)
    ax.set_ylim(-0.005, 0.0075)
    ax2.set_ylim(ax2.get_ylim()[0] * 0.83, ax2.get_ylim()[1] * 0.8)

    #Points denoting line
        voltage[peak_x_indices], current[peak_x_indices],
        marker='o', color='lime', s=40, zorder=3,

    peak_indices_all = np.arange(*peak_x_indices)
    peak_voltages = voltage[peak_indices_all]
    peak_currents = current[peak_indices_all]

    line_voltages = peak_voltages[[0, -1]]
    line_currents = peak_currents[[0, -1]]
    line_poly = np.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(line_voltages, line_currents, deg=1)
    ax.plot(line_voltages, line_poly(line_voltages), linewidth=3, color='lime')
    ax.plot(peak_voltages, peak_currents, color='lime', linewidth=1.8)
        x=peak_voltages, y1=line_poly(peak_voltages), y2=peak_currents,
        hatch=None, facecolor='lime', alpha=0.25

    peak_area = np.trapz(peak_currents, peak_voltages)
    ax.set_title(f'shaded area: {peak_area:>.2e}', weight='bold')
    return peak_area

#Load data
data = load_numeric_data(f'/mnt/c/dev/CV_sample1.txt')

#Define the start potentials of the forward and reverse sweeps
fwd_sweep_start_potential = -1.3
rev_sweep_start_potential = 0.7

#Find the start indices
fwd_cycle_starts = find_cycle_starts(data, fwd_sweep_start_potential)
rev_cycle_starts = find_cycle_starts(data, rev_sweep_start_potential)

#Get the cycles into a list
fwd_cycles_list, rev_cycles_list = split_on_cycles(data, fwd_cycle_starts, rev_cycle_starts)

for i, cycle in enumerate(fwd_cycles_list):
    area = calculate_fwd_cycle_peak_area(cycle)
    print('Peak area of cycle', i, 'is:', area)

#For debugging: view the data splitting results
if False:
    plt.plot(data[:, 0])
    [plt.gca().axvline(x, linewidth=1, linestyle=':', color='tab:red') for x in fwd_cycle_starts]
    [plt.gca().axvline(x, linewidth=1, linestyle=':', color='black') for x in rev_cycle_starts]
    plt.gcf().set_size_inches(8, 2)
        xlabel='index', ylabel='V',
        title=f'{len(fwd_cycles_list)} fwd cycles/{len(rev_cycles_list)} rev cycles'

    for cycles_list in [fwd_cycles_list, rev_cycles_list]:
        #View split cycles
        for c in cycles_list:
            plt.plot(c[:, 0], c[:, 1])
        plt.gca().set(xlim=(0.25, 0.65), ylim=(-0.0075, 0.0075))
        plt.gca().set(xlabel='V', ylabel='I')
        plt.gcf().set_size_inches(8, 3)
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