基于平面单应性的反向或可逆 ndimage.map_coordinates 映射

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import numpy as np

from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def make_rotation_matrix(abg, radians=False):
    ABG = np.zeros(3)
    ABG[:len(abg)] = abg
    abg = ABG
    if not radians:
        abg = np.radians(abg)

    alpha, beta, gamma = abg
    cos1 = np.cos(alpha)
    cos2 = np.cos(beta)
    cos3 = np.cos(gamma)
    sin1 = np.sin(alpha)
    sin2 = np.sin(beta)
    sin3 = np.sin(gamma)
    Rx = np.asarray([
        [1,    0,  0   ],  # NOQA
        [0, cos1, -sin1],
        [0, sin1,  cos1]
    Ry = np.asarray([
        [cos2,  0, sin2],
        [    0, 1,    0],  # NOQA
        [-sin2, 0, cos2],
    Rz = np.asarray([
        [cos3, -sin3, 0],
        [sin3,  cos3, 0],
        [0,        0, 1],
    m = Rz@Ry@Rx
    return m

# draw a square in an image
sfe = np.zeros((128,128), dtype=float)
sfe[c-w:c+w,c-w:c+w] = 1

# compute the coordinates, translate to the origin, rotate, translate back
xin = np.arange(128)
yin = np.arange(128)
xin, yin = np.meshgrid(xin,yin)

rot = make_rotation_matrix((0,45,0))

ox, oy = 127/2, 127/2
tin = np.eye(4)
tin[0,-1] = -ox
tin[1,-1] = -oy

tout = np.eye(4)
tout[0,-1] = ox
tout[1,-1] = oy

rot2 = np.zeros((4,4), dtype=float)
rot2[:3,:3] = rot
rot2[-1,-1] = 1

M = tout@(rot2@tin)
Mi = np.linalg.inv(M)

points = np.zeros((xin.size, 4), dtype=float)
points[:,0] = xin.ravel()
points[:,1] = yin.ravel()
points[:,2] = 0  # z=0
points[:,3] = 1 # lambda coordinate for homography

out = np.dot(Mi, points.T)

xout = out[0].reshape(xin.shape)
yout = out[1].reshape(yin.shape)
zout = out[2].reshape(xin.shape)
hout = out[3].reshape(xin.shape)

# do I need to do something differently here?
points2 = points.copy()
out2 = np.dot(M, points2.T)

xout2 = out2[0].reshape(xin.shape)
yout2 = out2[1].reshape(yin.shape)
zout2 = out2[2].reshape(xin.shape)
hout2 = out2[3].reshape(xin.shape)

mapped = map_coordinates(sfe, (yout,xout))
unmapped = map_coordinates(mapped, (yout2,xout2))
neighbors = np.hstack((sfe, mapped, unmapped))


我明白,根据构造,我假设图像是鸟瞰图或平面单应性图像,这没问题。我错过了什么?一些与图像扭曲相关的谷歌发现cryptic matlab answers,但我不明白“空间参考”在做什么。

编辑:一个示例单应性,其逆实际上不会撤消使用 map_coordinates 的转换:

H = np.array([[ 0.063, -0.011,  0.761],
       [ 0.011,  0.063, -0.639],
       [-0.   , -0.   ,  0.063]])

简单地用 plot.scatter 绘制一个正方形,它确实反转了。

image-processing homography scipy.ndimage




然后...删除 Z 确实很重要,尤其是在反转转换时。

给定一个平面外旋转,比如围绕 Y,你会得到这样的东西:

[[ 0.70711  0.       0.70711  0.     ]
 [ 0.       1.       0.       0.     ]
 [-0.70711  0.       0.70711  0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       1.     ]]


[[ 0.70711  0.      -0.70711  0.     ]
 [ 0.       1.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.70711  0.       0.70711  0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       1.     ]]

如果你把 Z 放在两者中(并将其应用于你拥有的 2D 数据),你现在得到一对变换,它们都收缩图像:

[[0.70711 0.      0.     ]
 [0.      1.      0.     ]
 [0.      0.      1.     ]]

[[0.70711 0.      0.     ]
 [0.      1.      0.     ]
 [0.      0.      1.     ]]

收缩是旋转(平面内点)的出现,但不是旋转。删除 Z 不保持

inv(M) @ M == I

旋转的点,已经旋转出它们的平面,具有非零 Z,当你想进一步旋转它们时这很重要(例如旋转它们back)。删除 Z 意味着您不再拥有该信息。你必须假设它们在空间中的位置,而二维变换必须收缩或拉伸,这取决于你假设它们位于哪个平面。

您必须先将 Z 放入 M (4x4) 中,然后反转生成的 3x3 矩阵。现在你有了正确的逆,它扩展了图像,导致恒等变换。

[[0.70711 0.      0.     ]
 [0.      1.      0.     ]
 [0.      0.      1.     ]]

[[1.41421 0.      0.     ]
 [0.      1.      0.     ]
 [0.      0.      1.     ]]


def translate4(tx=0, ty=0, tz=0):
    T = np.eye(4)
    T[0:3, 3] = (tx, ty, tz)
    return T

def rotate4(rx=0, ry=0, rz=0):
    R = np.eye(4)
    R[0:3, 0:3] = make_rotation_matrix((rx, ry, rz))
    return R

def dropZ(T4):
    "assumes that XYZW inputs have Z=0 and that the result's Z will be ignored"
    tmp = T4[[0,1,3], :]
    tmp = tmp[:, [0,1,3]]
    return tmp
# input data
im_source = cv.imread(cv.samples.findFile("lena.jpg"), cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
height, width = im_source.shape[:2]
# transformation: rotate around center
cx, cy = (width-1)/2, (height-1)/2
Tin = translate4(-cx, -cy)
Tout = translate4(+cx, +cy)

R = rotate4(ry=45, rz=30) # with a little in-plane rotation
M = Tout @ R @ Tin
M3 = dropZ(M)
Mi3 = inv(M3)
# coordinates grid
xin = np.arange(width)
yin = np.arange(height)
xin, yin = np.meshgrid(xin, yin)
zin = np.zeros_like(xin)
win = np.ones_like(xin)

points4 = np.vstack((xin.flatten(), yin.flatten(), zin.flatten(), win.flatten()))

points3 = np.vstack((xin.flatten(), yin.flatten(), win.flatten()))
# always: transform inverted because map_coords is backwards/pull
# can't invert right at the map_coords() call because we've already warped the grid by then

points_warped = inv(M3) @ points3 # apply M3 to identity grid, for input image

points_identity = M3 @ points_warped # apply inv(M3) to warped grid, giving identity grid
print("unwarped: (identity grid)")

points_unwarping = M3 @ points3 # apply inv(M3) to identity grid, suitable for unwarping *warped* image

# map_coordinates() wants indices, so Y,X or I,J
coords_warped = points_warped.reshape((3, height, width))[[1,0]]
coords_identity = points_identity.reshape((3, height, width))[[1,0]]
coords_unwarping = points_unwarping.reshape((3, height, width))[[1,0]]

im_warped = map_coordinates(im_source, coords_warped)
im_identity = map_coordinates(im_source, coords_identity)
im_unwarped = map_coordinates(im_warped, coords_unwarping)

neighbors = np.hstack((im_source, im_warped, im_identity, im_unwarped))
#neighbors = np.hstack((im1, im2, im3))
plt.imshow(neighbors, cmap='gray')
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