解析非 200 状态代码的响应正文 - Typescript/Vue

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在我的应用程序中进行 API 调用。在某些情况下,API 将返回非 200 状态代码,并在响应正文中包含用户友好的消息。我在调用 API 时设置了一个 try catch 块。如果返回非状态,我将面临一些获取尸体的挑战。


// example response 403 status code ....
"message": "Houston we have a problem"
    try {
      const results = [];
      let result = [];
      const response = await ky.get(`${this.state.api_base_url}/${path_parts.join("/")}?${query_parts.map(x => `${x.key}=${x.value}`).join("&")}`);
      result = await response.json();
      context.commit("set200response", result);

    } catch (err) {

    // I have tried each of the following without success
    // this returns undefined
    console.error("Non 200 Message", (err as any).response.data.message);
    console.error("Non 200 Message", (err as any).response.data);
    // this returns the promise object but I can not access its properties 
    console.error((err as any).response.json());

    //this returns the generic message for a non 200 status
    console.error("Generic Message", (err as any).message);
    } finally {
        context.commit("setLoading", false);
typescript http-status-code-404 ky

默认情况下,ky 从response.statusText 返回错误。 您需要更改拦截器中的错误消息。


import ky, { HTTPError } from 'ky';

const baseApi = ky.create({
  prefixUrl: 'https://your_base_api_url',

const errorInterceptor = async (error: HTTPError) => {
  const { response } = error;

  const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');
  if (contentType?.indexOf('application/json') !== -1) {
    error.message = await response.json();
  } else {
    error.message = await response.text();
  return error;

const api = baseApi.extend({
  hooks: {
    beforeError: [errorInterceptor],


import api from 'file_above'

const queryParams = {
  key1: 'param1'
  key2: 'param2'

try {
  const result = await api.get(path_parts, { searchParams: queryParams }).json();
  context.commit('set200response', result);
} catch (err: any) {    
  //this returns the message for a non 200 status
  console.error('Error Message:', err?.message);
} finally {
  context.commit('setLoading', false);
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