Unity UI 球图像与父矩形图像向左/右弹跳

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我正在尝试制作一米之类的东西,其中有一个球图像,它是矩形图像的子图像,我希望它来回弹跳。这就是统一 UI 的全部内容。父矩形的宽度可以是任何宽度,并且它应该适应。


ChatGPT 给出了以下代码,但它不起作用。球出界了。

using UnityEngine;

public class BallMovement : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 5f;
private RectTransform parentRect;

int direction = 1;

void Start()
    // Get the parent rectangle's RectTransform
    parentRect = transform.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>();

    // Ensure the parentRect is not null
    if (parentRect == null)
        Debug.LogError("Parent rectangle's RectTransform not found!");

void Update()
    // Calculate the movement limits based on the aspect ratio and parent position
    float aspectRatio = Screen.width / (float)Screen.height;
    float canvasWidth = parentRect.rect.width * aspectRatio;
    float leftLimit = parentRect.position.x - canvasWidth / 2f;
    float rightLimit = parentRect.position.x + canvasWidth / 2f;

    // Move the ball automatically left and right within the calculated limits
    transform.Translate(Vector3.right * direction * speed * Time.deltaTime);

    // Change direction when reaching the limits
    if (transform.position.x < leftLimit || transform.position.x > rightLimit)
        direction *= -1;


[编辑] 实际上有没有办法用动画来做到这一点?这样我就可以更好地控制球。

c# unity-game-engine



public class BallMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 5f;

    private RectTransform parentRect;
    private RectTransform ownRect;
    private int direction = 1;
    void Start()
        // Get the parent rectangle's RectTransform
        if(!transform.parent.TryGetComponent<RectTransform>(out parentRect))
            Debug.LogError("Parent rectangle's RectTransform not found!");

        if(!TryGetComponent<RectTransform>(out ownRect))
            Debug.LogError("Own RectTransform not found!");
    void Update()
        var parentWidth = parentRect.rect.width;
        var ownWidth = ownRect.rect.width;
        var maxOffset = (parentWidth - ownWidth) / 2f;

        var position = ownRect.anchoredPosition;
        position.x = Mathf.Clamp(position.x + direction * speed * Time.deltaTime, -maxOffset, maxOffset);
        ownRect.anchoredPosition = position;

        if(Mathf.Approximately(Mathf.Abs(position.x), maxOffset))
            direction *= -1;


    Min      X 0.5  Y 0.5
    Max      X 0.5  Y 0.5
Pivot        X 0.5  Y 0.5
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