
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

这里有一个奇怪的问题 - 由于我正在工作的环境,所以出现了一些问题。


我将滥用分类学排名中的众所周知的抽象来描述我所困扰的情况 - 通过我自己的设计决策,并且现在在高使用率的数据处理系统中生活。我正在努力使用(使用)由其他人在工作中设计的API,我没有输入,只需要能够编写代码。

该API实际上是自动生成的C#代码,它已经被编译,并定义了一个复杂的接口类型系统,它描述了1个顶级接口,数百个二级接口和数百个第三级接口,关系为1:1 on第二级接口和第三级接口 - IE,对于每个二级接口,只有1个第三级接口,它还实现了第二级接口和显式的顶级接口。



  1. I%Domain%是一种广义存根,表示一些任意域(IArchaea,IBacteria,IEukarya)的接口集合。它可以是这三个中的任何一个(实际上,实际上有数百个)。
  2. I%Kingdom%是一种广义存根(类似于I%Domain%),如果I%Domain%实际上是IEukarya,将包含类似于IFungi,IProtista,IPlantae,IAnimalia的模式。这里的比喻打破了,实际上,这个第三层中恰好有一个接口与第二层的已知接口直接相关。然而,出于促销的目的,这实际上并不重要 - 我只是指出隐喻的不一致性。
// Implemented, and "Cement". Our algorithm fundamentally works with
// IOrganism as the main type for everything, using reflection to
// iterate properties, due to the needs presented.
// Consider to be Tier-1 Interface.
interface IOrganism { /*...*/ }
// Implemented, and "Nebulous" (Could be IArchaea, IBacteria, IEukarya, etc...)
// Will never actually be IDomain, but will rather be one of
// IArchaea, IBacteria, IEukarya, in a more "generic" approach.
// Note: The %Domain% syntax is *is indicative of a
// "stub" for any arbitrary pre-defined Domain-like
// interfaces. See the pattern described above.
// Consider to be Tier-2 Interface, which is "inherited"
// from by exactly 1 Tier-3 Interface.
Interface I%Domain% : IOrganism { /*...*/ }
// Implemented, and "Nebulous". See above on the Pattern section,
// as well as the comment on I%Domain%.
// Note: The %Kingdom% is indicative of a "stub"
// for any arbitrary pre-defined Kingdom interfaces.
// Consider to be a Tier-3 Interface, for which exactly 1 exists which
// implements each Tier-2 Interface.
interface I%Kingdom% : I%Domain%, IOrganism { /*...*/ }



// Given an IOrganism which is provided as a sub-typed
// I%Kingdom%instance , returns the input object as a
// Type-cast I%Domain%, and stored as an IOrganism.
public static IOrganism PromoteType(IOrganism organismAs%Kingdom%)
    // Get the type of the base as the current base type.
    // Is approximately typeof(I%Kingdom%), but
    // Isn't actually a generic, and rather refers to
    // An arbitrary instance of an I%Kingdom%-type
    // of interface.
    Type baseType = organismAs%Kingdom%.GetType();

    // Throw exception if the type provided is not the expected type
    // Note: type-checking is an abstraction,
    // we need another logical statement to determine if it
    // is the I%Kingdom% "generalized" interface type
    // Assume the actual statement works.
    if (baseType != typeof(I%Kingdom%))
        // assume a more descriptive error string here.
        string error = "Provided object was of an invalid type."
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(string.Format(error));

    // Stores the type of I%Domain%, inherantly.
    // Use LinQ to retrieve the matching interited type.
    // Note: The Name.Equals()-logic on "IDomain" is an abstraction
    // of the real logic, we actually have another logical statement
    // to determine if it is really the I%Domain%-pattern in
    // a more "generalized" fashion. Assume the "real"
    // variant of this statement works properly.
    Type upcastTypeAsIDomain = baseType.GetInterfaces()
            currInterfaceType => currInterfaceType.Name.Equals("I%Domain%"));

    // Note: For the third time, I%Domain% here is a logical abstraction -
    // There is another statement I'm using which works,
    // I'm just representing the effective statement
    // Relative to the question's context.
    if (upcastTypeAsIDomain != typeof(I%Domain%))
        // A more meaningfull error message exists in reality.
        string error = "Provided object didn't implement the proper I%Domain% interim type.";
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(string.Format(error));

    return /*This is the line I need help on*/;

我的问题是关于返回声明,我如何在提供的IOrganism(已知为接口的I%Kingdom%顺序)上执行“通用”(不要与C#Generics混淆)类型转换,并将其返回,就像它是一个I%Domain%,在概念上类似于C#的Unboxing,知道水泥对象的类型为IOrganism,但随后将其作为声明类型的类型,并将其存储为IOrganism,但GetType()将返回相应的I%Domain% ,而不是真正的潜在I%Kingdom%?在这里使用反射很好 - 我知道性能成本,但这不会成为运行环境中的问题。


// Obviously not a real Compileable line of C# - this is a pattern only.
IOrganism organismAsUpcastDomain = CAST_FROM_I%Kingdom%_TO_I%Domain%;

是否存在任何类型的“通用”-cast(不要与C#泛型混淆),它从1 Type(作为接口)转换为另一种类型(也作为接口),假装底层对象的基类型现在是第二种类型,假设分层定义是正确的?这样当我将organismAs%Kingdom%存储在IOrganism中时,organismAs%Kingdom%.GetType()将返回I%Domain%的类型,而不是I%Kingdom%,尽管从根本上仍然是内部的I%Kindom%


在C#中甚至不可能这样做,因为我不确定底层.NET Framework如何区分基本接口类型,就好像它是底层对象的基类型,以及它存储的类型,允许你“假装”C类型的对象实际上是类型B,存储在类型A中,允许你在A的实例上调用.GetType(),它将返回一个类型等于typeof(B),而实际上是类型C的对象,有效让自己的遗产撒谎。



  1. long
  2. 令人费解
  3. 当实际上没有引用真正的C#泛型时,滥用术语“泛型”
  4. 应该是不必要的,但由于我正在编程的环境,(我正在编写一个程序,需要以一般的方式对声明的类型使用反射,以执行所有输入的工作,无论类型如何,遵循某些预先知道的模式和层次结构,在一个可以随时改变的数据结构上,对这个抽象进行广义的工作)。
c# interface system.reflection upcasting type-promotion


public abstract class TypeAlias
    public virtual object ValueAsObject { get; set; }
    public virtual Type PresentingType { get; set; }

  public class TypeAlias<T> : TypeAlias
    where T : class
    private T underlyingTypeSafeObject;

    public TypeAlias()
      : base()
      base.PresentingType = typeof(T);

    public T TypeSafeObject
        return this.underlyingTypeSafeObject;

        this.underlyingTypeSafeObject = value;

        if (base.PresentingType == null && value != null)
          base.PresentingType = value.GetType();

    public override object ValueAsObject
        return this.underlyingTypeSafeObject;

        // returns null if cast conversion fails - not type-safe on the TypeAlias level.
        this.underlyingTypeSafeObject = value as T;

    public override Type PresentingType
      get => base.PresentingType; set => base.PresentingType = value;


  public interface IOrganism
    string Be();

  public interface IDomain : IOrganism
    string DomainName { get; set; }
  public interface IKingdom : IDomain, IOrganism
    string KingdomName { get; set; }

  public class SeventhDimension : IDomain
    private string domainName = "7th Dimension";

    string IDomain.DomainName { get => domainName; set => domainName = value; }

    public virtual string Be()
      return string.Format("{0} Exists.", this.domainName);

  public class KingdomHyrule : SeventhDimension, IKingdom, IDomain
    private string kingdomName = "Hyrule";

    string IKingdom.KingdomName { get => kingdomName; set => kingdomName = value; }

    public virtual string Be()
      string s = base.Be();
      s += string.Format(" Also, {0} Exists.", this.kingdomName);
      return s;


// Create a Hyrule Kingdom, which is also a SeventhDomain,
// and IOrganism, IKingdom, IDomain.
IOrganism testOrganism = new KingdomHyrule();

// Construct a TypeAlias, which by default presents
// the type of the container you store it as,
// using Generics.
TypeAlias alias = new TypeAlias<SeventhDimension>()
  ValueAsObject = testOrganism


// Grab the real type of the testOrganism,
// which will be KingdomHyrule

// Grab the faked type of testOrganism,
// which will be SeventhDimension, due to
// the construction of the Alias.

// Could be retrieved using reflection on Implementing Types
alias.PresentingType = typeof(IOrganism);

/* Output:
* 7th Dimension Exists. Also, Hyrule Exists. | from testOrganism.Be();
* KingdomHyrule | from testOrganism.GetType().Name;
* SeventhDimension | from alias.PresentingType.Name;
* IOrganism | from alias.PresentingType.Name, after assignment
* */

正如我上面所说 - 我甚至不再需要这个,但类TypeAlias和TypeAlias<T>使得容易松散地耦合一个类的任意实例,并让它呈现任何其他类型(按照惯例可以使用它来允许你使用从反射检测到的基类型中获取属性/方法的反射)。

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