使用solve_ivp的同时事件检测>> [

问题描述 投票:1回答:1
我正在尝试耦合几个Quadratic integrate-and-fire神经元。






import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp # Define vectors, indices and parameters resetV = -0.1 nIN = 3 incIN = nIN ylen = nIN*(incIN) indIN = np.arange(0,ylen,incIN) INs = np.arange(0,nIN) gI = -0.4 Ileak = 0.5 # Define heaviside function for synaptic gates (just a continuous step function) def heaviside(v,thresh): H = 0.5*(1 +np.tanh((v-thresh)/1e-8)) return H # Define event functions and set them as terminal def event(t, y): return y[indIN[0]] - 2 event.terminal = True def event2(t,y): return y[indIN[1]] - 2 event2.terminal = True def event3(t,y): return y[indIN[2]] - 2 event3.terminal = True #ODE function def Network(t,y): V1 = y[0] n11 = y[1] n12 = y[2] V2 = y[3] n21 = y[4] n22 = y[5] V3 = y[6] n31 = y[7] n32 = y[8] H = heaviside(np.array([V1,V2,V3]),INthresh) dydt = [V1*V1 - gI*n11*(V2)- gI*n12*(V3)+0.5, H[1]*5*(1-n11) - (0.9*n11), H[2]*5*(1-n12) - (0.9*n12), V2*V2 -gI*n21*(V1)- gI*n22*(V3), H[0]*5*(1-n21) - (0.9*n21), H[2]*5*(1-n22) - (0.9*n22), V3*V3 -gI*n31*(V1)- gI*n32*(V2), H[0]*5*(1-n31) - (0.9*n31), H[1]*5*(1-n32) - (0.9*n32) ] return dydt # Preallocation of some vectors (mostly not crucial) INthresh = 0.5 dydt = [0]*ylen INheavies = np.zeros((nIN,)) preInhVs = np.zeros((nIN,)) y = np.zeros((ylen,)) allt = [] ally = [] t = 0 end = 100 # Integrate until an event is hit, reset the spikes, and use the last time step and y-value to continue integration while True: net = solve_ivp(Network, (t, end), y, events= [event,event2,event3]) allt.append(net.t) ally.append(net.y) if net.status == 1: t = net.t[-1] y = net.y[:, -1].copy() for i in INs: if net.t_events[i].size != 0: y[indIN[i]] = resetV print('reseting V%d' %(i+1)) elif net.status == -1: print('failed!') print(y[0]) break else: break # Putting things together and plotting Tp = np.concatenate(ts) Yp = np.concatenate(ys, axis=1) fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313) ax1.plot(Tp, Yp[0].T) ax2.plot(Tp, Yp[3].T) ax3.plot(Tp, Yp[6].T) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.8) plt.show()






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