CUDA 缩减最小值和指数

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


很好的解释并修改它,使用CUDA 8实现了最小减少

__inline__ __device__ int warpReduceMin(int val) 
    for (int offset = warpSize / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
        int tmpVal = __shfl_down(val, offset);
        if (tmpVal < val)
            val = tmpVal;
    return val;

__inline__ __device__ int blockReduceMin(int val) 

    static __shared__ int shared[32]; // Shared mem for 32 partial mins
    int lane = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
    int wid = threadIdx.x / warpSize;

    val = warpReduceMin(val);     // Each warp performs partial reduction

    if (lane == 0)
        shared[wid] = val; // Write reduced value to shared memory

    __syncthreads();              // Wait for all partial reductions

    //read from shared memory only if that warp existed
    val = (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x / warpSize) ? shared[lane] : INT_MAX;

    if (wid == 0)
        val = warpReduceMin(val); //Final reduce within first warp

    return val;

__global__ void deviceReduceBlockAtomicKernel(int *in, int* out, int N) {
    int minVal = INT_MAX;
    for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
        i < N;
        i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) 
        minVal = min(minVal, in[i]);
    minVal = blockReduceMin(minVal);
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        atomicMin(out, minVal);



__inline__ __device__ int warpReduceMin(int val, int* idx) // Adding output idx
    for (int offset = warpSize / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
        int tmpVal = __shfl_down(val, offset);
        if (tmpVal < val)
            *idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + offset; // I guess I'm missing something here
            val = tmpVal;
    return val;

blockReduceMin stayed the same only adding idx to function calls

__global__ void deviceReduceBlockAtomicKernel(int *in, int* out, int N) {
    int minVal = INT_MAX;
    int minIdx = 0; // Added this
    for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
        i < N;
        i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) 
        if (in[i] < minVal)
            minVal = in[i];
            minIdx = i; // Added this
    minVal = blockReduceMin(minVal, &minIdx);
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        int old = atomicMin(out, minVal);
        if (old != minVal) // value was updated
            atomicExch(out + 1, minIdx);


cuda nvidia reduction


__inline__ __device__ void warpReduceMin(int& val, int& idx)
    for (int offset = warpSize / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
        int tmpVal = __shfl_down(val, offset);
        int tmpIdx = __shfl_down(idx, offset);
        if (tmpVal < val) {
            val = tmpVal;
            idx = tmpIdx;

__inline__ __device__  void blockReduceMin(int& val, int& idx) 

    static __shared__ int values[32], indices[32]; // Shared mem for 32 partial mins
    int lane = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
    int wid = threadIdx.x / warpSize;

    warpReduceMin(val, idx);     // Each warp performs partial reduction

    if (lane == 0) {
        values[wid] = val; // Write reduced value to shared memory
        indices[wid] = idx; // Write reduced value to shared memory

    __syncthreads();              // Wait for all partial reductions

    //read from shared memory only if that warp existed
    if (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x / warpSize) {
        val = values[lane];
        idx = indices[lane];
    } else {
        val = INT_MAX;
        idx = 0;

    if (wid == 0) {
         warpReduceMin(val, idx); //Final reduce within first warp



int old = atomicMin(out, minVal);
if (old != minVal) // value was updated
    atomicExch(out + 1, minIdx);



在 Ampere 和更新的

#if __CUDA_ARCH__ > 800


constexpr auto Everyone = -1u;
const auto minval = __reduce_min_sync(Everyone, value);
const auto minmask = __ballot_sync(Everyone, value == minval);
const auto minpos = __ffs(minmask) -1;

然后,您可以将最小值和 min_positions 存储在数组中,然后 提取保持最小值的扭曲及其位置。

__shared__ float mins[32];
__shared__ unsigned min_pos[32];
const auto WarpId = threadIdx.x / 32;
mins[WarpId] = minval;
min_pos[WarpId] = minpos;
const auto WarpCount = blockDim.x / 32;
const auto ActiveMask = __ballot_sync(Everyone, threadIdx.x < WarpCount);
//Never use __activemask(), that does not work beyond Pascal.
if (threadIdx.x < WarpCount) { //This will all be in warp 0.
    const auto val2 = mins[threadIdx.x];
    const auto minpos2 = min_pos[threadIdx.x];
    //another reduction
    const auto minval = __reduce_min_sync(ActiveMask, val2);
    const auto minmask = __ballot_sync(ActiveMask, val2 == minval);
    const auto minwarp = __ffs(minmask) -1;
    printf("Minval: %f, MinThread: %i", minval, minwarp*32 + minpos);


方法很酷,但如果参与线程中的掩码不相同,它们会非常慢。以下代码的运行速度比您预期的慢 32 倍。

const auto LaneId = threadIdx.x % 32;
const auto JustMe = 1 << LaneId;
//I know this is a no-op.
const auto example = __reduce_or_sync(JustMe, value); //execution is serialized
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