
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


例如,为了将用户从Active Directory引入,我们可以在powershell中使用此语句:

$ AD_User = Get-ADUser $ UserName-属性城市,公司,说明,街道地址

但是我们如何从Exchange Online或Azure(不是Active Directory)中获取用户列表但我想使Exchange的所有用户列表联机,然后对每个用户进行仇敌,我需要他的属性。


powershell exchange-server

下面是我用Ben Norcutt编写的PowerShell。

第1部分:创建签名文件以供以后推送到Office 365

# https://4sysops.com/archives/add-a-signature-to-office-365-emails-with-powershell/

#import the active directory module which is needed for Get-ADUser
import-module activedirectory

#set folder location for files, the folder must already exist
$save_location = 'c:\file_location\'

#$users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase "OU=Testing,OU=Staff,OU=Test Users,DC=bigcheese,DC=com" -Properties *  -Credential bigcheese\admin -Server bigcheese.com
$users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase "OU=Testing,OU=Staff,OU=Test Users,DC=bigcheese,DC=com" -Properties *

foreach ($user in $users) {
  $full_name = “$($user.GivenName) $($User.Surname)”
  $account_name = "$($User.sAMAccountName)"
  $job_title = "$($User.title)"
  $location = "$($User.office)"
  $dept = "$($User.department)"
  $comp = "$($User.company)"
  $email = "$($User.emailaddress)"
  $phone =  "$($User.telephoneNumber)"
  $logo = "$($User.wWWHomePage)"

  #We need to construct and write the html signature file
  $output_file = $save_location + $account_name + ".htm"
  Write-Host "Now attempting to create signature html file for " $full_name
  "<span style=`"font-family: calibri,sans-serif;`"><strong>" + $full_name + "</strong><br />", $job_title + " - " + $location + "<br />", $dept + "<br />", $comp + "<br />", $phone + "<br />", "</span><br />", "<img alt=`"corporate logo`" border=`"0`" height=`"90`" src=`"" + $logo + "`" width=`"385`" />" | Out-File $output_file

第2部分:将签名文件推送到Office 365

#set folder location for files, the folder must allready exist
$save_location = 'file_location'
$email_domain = '@bigcheese.com'

#connect to O365 tenant
$Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $Cred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session

#Get a list of all the filenames in the target folder
$sig_files = Get-ChildItem -Path $save_location

#Now push the html to the users signature
foreach ($item in $sig_files) {

  $user_name = $($item.Basename) + $email_domain
  $filename = $save_location + $($item.Basename) + ".htm"

  Write-Host "Now attempting to set signature for " $user_name
  set-mailboxmessageconfiguration -identity $user_name -signaturehtml (get-content $filename) -autoaddsignature $true 

#disconnect O365 connection
get-PSSession | remove-PSSession
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