我的VHDL ALU代码无法输出加法结果,但输出减法结果就好?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我是第一次编写测试平台,但它不起作用。它适用于仅具有加法和减法的简单 4 位 ALU,处理无符号数,并且上溢/下溢应该引发错误。

我预计 temp_result 会很好地分配给结果,但似乎存在问题。我尝试使用变量、信号,但总是存在一些问题。我认为 temp_result 是罪魁祸首。也许它的调用方式或对结果的赋值是错误的,或者是在代码的错误部分。或者也许是测试平台端口图。 抱歉,这是我第一次问这个问题,我是 VHDL 新手,希望我不会太困惑。


entity ALU is
    port (
        A: in  unsigned(3 downto 0);
        B: in  unsigned(3 downto 0);
        result: out unsigned(3 downto 0);
        opcode: in  bit;
        error: out bit
end entity ALU;

architecture Behavioral of ALU is
    signal temp_result: unsigned(4 downto 0);
    process(A, B, opcode)
        -- Multiplexer to select result based on opcode
        case opcode is
            when '0' =>
                temp_result <= resize(A, temp_result'length) + resize(B, temp_result'length);
            when '1' =>
                temp_result <= resize(A, temp_result'length) - resize(B, temp_result'length);
        end case;
        -- Assign result
        result <= temp_result(3 downto 0);

        -- Error output
        if temp_result(4) = '1' then
            error <= '1';
            error <= '0';
        end if;
    end process;
end Behavioral;


entity ALU_Testbench is
end ALU_Testbench;

architecture tb_arch of ALU_Testbench is
    -- Signals for testbench
    signal A_tb, B_tb: unsigned(3 downto 0);
    signal opcode_tb: bit;
    signal result_tb: unsigned(3 downto 0);
    signal error_tb: bit;

    -- Component declaration
    component ALU
        port (
            A: in  unsigned(3 downto 0);
            B: in  unsigned(3 downto 0);
            result: out unsigned(3 downto 0);
            opcode: in  bit;
            error: out bit
    end component;

    uut_instance: ALU
        port map (
            A => A_tb,
            B => B_tb,
            opcode => opcode_tb,
            result => result_tb,
            error => error_tb

    -- Stimulus process
    stim_proc: process
        -- Addition test
        A_tb <= "0011"; 
        B_tb <= "0010"; 
        opcode_tb <= '0'; 
        wait for 10 ns; 
        -- Subtraction test
        A_tb <= "0011"; 
        B_tb <= "0010"; 
        opcode_tb <= '1'; 
        wait for 10 ns; 
    end process stim_proc;
end tb_arch;

Waveform screenshot

vhdl ghdl

temp_result 是一个信号,因此当进程终止时它会获取新值。但进程对 temp_result 不敏感(敏感列表(A、B、操作码)中缺失)。因此,进程无法将 temp_result 处的新值分配给 result。因此,要解决您的问题,您必须将 temp_result 添加到敏感度列表中,或将信号 temp_result 更改为进程中声明的变量。变量会立即获取其新值,因此在这种情况下您不必更改敏感度列表。

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