将 Tensorflow Lite 输出转换为图像 C++

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我在 Tensorflow 的帮助下用 Python 创建了一个图像分割模型,它为我提供了一个掩码作为输出。

在 Python 中,我可以简单地通过两行加载模型并生成输出(作为输入,我使用大小为 128x128 的灰度图像,这些图像以批处理的形式传递:[1,128,128,1])。

test_preds = model.predict(X_test)

model output image

下一步是进行二值化,这给我一个仅包含值 255 或 0 的掩码。

preds_test_thresh = (test_preds >= 0.5).astype(np.uint8)
test_img = preds_test_thresh[1, :, :, 0]

output image after thresholding

我现在的目标是在 C++ 中使用这个模型。为此,我首先将模型转换为 TF-Lite 模型,现在希望将其加载到 C++ 中并生成输出。


// Create model from file
    auto model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile("path/to/model");
    if (model == nullptr)
        wxLogMessage("Model not loaded");
        wxLogMessage("Model loaded");

    // Create an Interpreter with an InterpreterBuilder.
    std::unique_ptr<Interpreter> interpreter;
    tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
    tflite::InterpreterBuilder(*model, resolver)(&interpreter);
    if (!interpreter)
        wxLogMessage("Interpreter not loaded");

    if (interpreter->AllocateTensors() != kTfLiteOk)
        wxLogMessage("Allocation failed");
        wxLogMessage("Allocation success");

    // load image; get blue channel; resize to 128x128
    std::string image_path = samples::findFile("path/to/image");
    cv::Mat img = cv::imread(image_path);

    wxLogMessage(wxString::Format("%d x %d x %d", img.size[1], img.size[0], img.channels()));

    Mat bgr[3];
    split(img, bgr);

    Mat channelImg = bgr[0];

    Mat inputImg;

    channelImg.convertTo(inputImg, CV_32FC1, 1.0 / 255.0);

    cv::resize(inputImg, inputImg, cv::Size(128, 128));

    wxLogMessage(wxString::Format("%d x %d x %d", inputImg.size[1], inputImg.size[0], inputImg.channels()));

    // Fill input buffer
    float* input = interpreter->typed_input_tensor<float>(0);
    memcpy(input, inputImg.data, 128 * 128 * sizeof(float));

    // invoke interpreter
    if (interpreter->Invoke() != kTfLiteOk) {
        wxLogMessage("Failed to invoke");

    // get output
    float* output = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0);

我从各种示例中获取了 C++ 代码的想法并获得了浮点值。 但是,我没有得到图像作为输出,这就是为什么我已经尝试了一些生成 Mat 对象的方法,但不幸的是我没有得到正确的输出图像。

所以我现在的问题是,如何从模型的输出(如上面的 Python 中)生成可以继续工作的图像?或者我是否必须更改上面的 C++ 代码中的某些内容才能获得输出?

c++ opencv mask image-segmentation tensorflow-lite


// File path to the TensorFlow Lite model (.tflite)
const char* model_path = "pat";

// Load the TensorFlow Lite model
auto model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile(model_path);
std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> interpreter;
tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
tflite::InterpreterBuilder builder(*model, resolver);

// Check whether the interpreter has been successfully created
if (!interpreter)
    wxLogMessage("Interpreter not loaded");

// Assign TensorFlow Lite model

// Resize image to fit the model input [128x128x1]
const int image_width = 128;
const int image_height = 128;

cv::Mat input_image = cv::imread("path/to/image");

Mat bgr[3];
split(input_image, bgr);
input_image = bgr[0];

if (input_image.empty())
    wxLogMessage(wxString::Format("Could not read the image: %s", "path/to/image"));

cv::resize(input_image, input_image, cv::Size(image_width, image_height));

imshow("Display window", input_image);

// Pointer to the input tensor of the interpreter
float* input_tensor_data = interpreter->typed_input_tensor<float>(0);

// Copy the image pixels into the input tensor
for (int y = 0; y < image_height; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < image_width; ++x) {
        input_tensor_data[y * image_width + x] = static_cast<float>(input_image.at<uchar>(y, x));

// Run the model

int output_tensor_count = interpreter->outputs().size();
for (int i = 0; i < output_tensor_count; ++i) {
    int output_tensor_index = interpreter->outputs()[i];
    TfLiteIntArray* output_dims = interpreter->tensor(output_tensor_index)->dims;

int output_tensor_index = 0;
TfLiteTensor* output_tensor = interpreter->tensor(output_tensor_index);

// output image with size of [128x128x1]
const int output_image_width = 128;
const int output_image_height = 128;

// Pointer to the output sensor data
float* output_data = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(output_tensor_index);

cv::Mat output_image(output_image_height, output_image_width, CV_8UC1);

for (int y = 0; y < output_image_height; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < output_image_width; ++x) {
        output_image.at<uchar>(y, x) = static_cast<uchar>(output_data[y * output_image_width + x] * 255.0);

imshow("Display window", output_image);
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