
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


// Function to find the Betreff input element
    function findBetreffInputElement() {
        // Use a CSS selector to directly target the input element with the specified attributes
        var betreffInputElement = document.querySelector('input[placeholder="Betreff"]');
        return betreffInputElement;

    // Event listener for changes in the Help Topic dropdown
    document.getElementById('topicId').addEventListener('change', function() {
        // Check if the selected Help Topic is "FuxNoten"
        if (this.value === '1') {
            // Find the Betreff input element when "FuxNoten" is selected
            var betreffInputElement = findBetreffInputElement();
            if (betreffInputElement) {
                // Do something with the input element, such as storing its ID or value
                console.log("Stored Betreff input ID:", betreffInputElement.id);
            } else {
                console.log("No Betreff input element found."); // Log if no input element is found

但它说:没有找到 Betreff 输入元素,尽管它存在

javascript html jquery

如果没有 HTML,我们只能猜测出了什么问题。当我仅添加带有指定占位符的简单输入时,它就可以工作。所以我们看不到你做错了什么。

// Function to find the Betreff input element
function findBetreffInputElement() {
    // Use a CSS selector to directly target the input element with the specified attributes
    var betreffInputElement = document.querySelector('input[placeholder="Betreff"]');
    return betreffInputElement;

<input placeholder="Betreff" />

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