为 OpenAI API 响应生成动态数据表网格

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我目前正在利用 OpenAI API 为 iOS 应用程序开发聊天机器人。我面临的挑战之一是动态创建表格网格。我的目标是在动态生成的网格中显示每个 NSAttributedString,镜像此处描述的结构:

我现在从我的聊天机器人响应(openai api)中得到的是像这样的换行符“---|---|---|---|--- |



    mutating internal func visitTable(_ table: Table) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()

        return result

这些是我当前的代码,我使用 Markdownosaur 来突出显示功能部分。我的问题集中在分隔行和列的线上。我正在寻求改进以实现专业外观的表格网格,类似于第一张图片中描绘的表格网格。如何增强表格线条的呈现,使外观更加美观?

//  MarkdownAttributedStringParser.swift
//  Besa
//  Created by Artit on 12/01/24.

import Foundation
import UIKit
import Markdown
import Highlighter

/// Based on the source code from Christian Selig
/// https://github.com/christianselig/Markdownosaur/blob/main/Sources/Markdownosaur/Markdownosaur.swift

public struct MarkdownAttributedStringParser: MarkupVisitor {
    let baseFontSize: CGFloat = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body).pointSize
    let highlighter: Highlighter = {
        let highlighter = Highlighter()!
        return highlighter
    let newLineFontSize: CGFloat = 12

    public init() {}
    public mutating func attributedString(from document: Document) -> NSAttributedString {
        return visit(document)
    mutating func parserResults(from document: Document) -> [ParserResult] {
        var results = [ParserResult]()
        var currentAttrString = NSMutableAttributedString()
        func appendCurrentAttrString(tableData: [[NSAttributedString]]) {
            if !currentAttrString.string.isEmpty {
                let currentAttrStringToAppend = (try? AttributedString(currentAttrString, including: \.uiKit)) ?? AttributedString(stringLiteral: currentAttrString.string)
                results.append(.init(attributedString: currentAttrStringToAppend, isCodeBlock: false, codeBlockLanguage: nil))

        document.children.forEach { markup in
            let attrString = visit(markup)
            if let codeBlock = markup as? CodeBlock {
                appendCurrentAttrString(tableData: [])
                let attrStringToAppend = (try? AttributedString(attrString, including: \.uiKit)) ?? AttributedString(stringLiteral: attrString.string)
                results.append(.init(attributedString: attrStringToAppend, isCodeBlock: true, codeBlockLanguage: codeBlock.language))
                currentAttrString = NSMutableAttributedString()
            } else {

        appendCurrentAttrString(tableData: [])
        return results
    mutating public func defaultVisit(_ markup: Markup) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in markup.children {
        return result
    mutating public func visitText(_ text: Text) -> NSAttributedString {
        return NSAttributedString(string: text.plainText, attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: baseFontSize, weight: .regular)])
    mutating public func visitEmphasis(_ emphasis: Emphasis) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in emphasis.children {
        return result
    mutating internal func visitTable(_ table: Table) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()

        return result

    mutating public func visitStrong(_ strong: Strong) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in strong.children {
        return result
    mutating public func visitParagraph(_ paragraph: Paragraph) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in paragraph.children {
        if paragraph.hasSuccessor {
            result.append(paragraph.isContainedInList ? .singleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize) : .doubleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize))
        return result
    mutating public func visitHeading(_ heading: Heading) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in heading.children {
        result.applyHeading(withLevel: heading.level)
        if heading.hasSuccessor {
            result.append(.doubleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize))
        return result
    mutating public func visitLink(_ link: Link) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in link.children {
        let url = link.destination != nil ? URL(string: link.destination!) : nil
        result.applyLink(withURL: url)
        return result
    mutating public func visitInlineCode(_ inlineCode: InlineCode) -> NSAttributedString {
        return NSAttributedString(string: inlineCode.code, attributes: [.font: UIFont.monospacedSystemFont(ofSize: baseFontSize - 1.0, weight: .regular), .foregroundColor: UIColor.systemPink])
    public func visitCodeBlock(_ codeBlock: CodeBlock) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: highlighter.highlight(codeBlock.code, as: codeBlock.language) ?? NSAttributedString(string: codeBlock.code))
        if codeBlock.hasSuccessor {
            result.append(.singleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize))
        return result
    mutating public func visitStrikethrough(_ strikethrough: Strikethrough) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in strikethrough.children {
        return result
    mutating public func visitUnorderedList(_ unorderedList: UnorderedList) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: baseFontSize, weight: .regular)
        for listItem in unorderedList.listItems {
            var listItemAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [:]
            let listItemParagraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
            let baseLeftMargin: CGFloat = 15.0
            let leftMarginOffset = baseLeftMargin + (20.0 * CGFloat(unorderedList.listDepth))
            let spacingFromIndex: CGFloat = 8.0
            let bulletWidth = ceil(NSAttributedString(string: "•", attributes: [.font: font]).size().width)
            let firstTabLocation = leftMarginOffset + bulletWidth
            let secondTabLocation = firstTabLocation + spacingFromIndex
            listItemParagraphStyle.tabStops = [
                NSTextTab(textAlignment: .right, location: firstTabLocation),
                NSTextTab(textAlignment: .left, location: secondTabLocation)
            listItemParagraphStyle.headIndent = secondTabLocation
            listItemAttributes[.paragraphStyle] = listItemParagraphStyle
            listItemAttributes[.font] = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: baseFontSize, weight: .regular)
            listItemAttributes[.listDepth] = unorderedList.listDepth
            let listItemAttributedString = visit(listItem).mutableCopy() as! NSMutableAttributedString
            listItemAttributedString.insert(NSAttributedString(string: "\t•\t", attributes: listItemAttributes), at: 0)
        if unorderedList.hasSuccessor {
            result.append(.doubleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize))
        return result
    mutating public func visitListItem(_ listItem: ListItem) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in listItem.children {
        if listItem.hasSuccessor {
            result.append(.singleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize))
        return result
    mutating public func visitOrderedList(_ orderedList: OrderedList) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for (index, listItem) in orderedList.listItems.enumerated() {
            var listItemAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [:]
            let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: baseFontSize, weight: .regular)
            let numeralFont = UIFont.monospacedDigitSystemFont(ofSize: baseFontSize, weight: .regular)
            let listItemParagraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
            // Implement a base amount to be spaced from the left side at all times to better visually differentiate it as a list
            let baseLeftMargin: CGFloat = 15.0
            let leftMarginOffset = baseLeftMargin + (20.0 * CGFloat(orderedList.listDepth))
            // Grab the highest number to be displayed and measure its width (yes normally some digits are wider than others but since we're using the numeral mono font all will be the same width in this case)
            let highestNumberInList = orderedList.childCount
            let numeralColumnWidth = ceil(NSAttributedString(string: "\(highestNumberInList).", attributes: [.font: numeralFont]).size().width)
            let spacingFromIndex: CGFloat = 8.0
            let firstTabLocation = leftMarginOffset + numeralColumnWidth
            let secondTabLocation = firstTabLocation + spacingFromIndex
            listItemParagraphStyle.tabStops = [
                NSTextTab(textAlignment: .right, location: firstTabLocation),
                NSTextTab(textAlignment: .left, location: secondTabLocation)
            listItemParagraphStyle.headIndent = secondTabLocation
            listItemAttributes[.paragraphStyle] = listItemParagraphStyle
            listItemAttributes[.font] = font
            listItemAttributes[.listDepth] = orderedList.listDepth

            let listItemAttributedString = visit(listItem).mutableCopy() as! NSMutableAttributedString
            // Same as the normal list attributes, but for prettiness in formatting we want to use the cool monospaced numeral font
            var numberAttributes = listItemAttributes
            numberAttributes[.font] = numeralFont
            let numberAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "\t\(index + 1).\t", attributes: numberAttributes)
            listItemAttributedString.insert(numberAttributedString, at: 0)
        if orderedList.hasSuccessor {
            result.append(orderedList.isContainedInList ? .singleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize) : .doubleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize))
        return result
    mutating public func visitBlockQuote(_ blockQuote: BlockQuote) -> NSAttributedString {
        let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
        for child in blockQuote.children {
            var quoteAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [:]
            let quoteParagraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
            let baseLeftMargin: CGFloat = 15.0
            let leftMarginOffset = baseLeftMargin + (20.0 * CGFloat(blockQuote.quoteDepth))
            quoteParagraphStyle.tabStops = [NSTextTab(textAlignment: .left, location: leftMarginOffset)]
            quoteParagraphStyle.headIndent = leftMarginOffset
            quoteAttributes[.paragraphStyle] = quoteParagraphStyle
            quoteAttributes[.font] = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: baseFontSize, weight: .regular)
            quoteAttributes[.listDepth] = blockQuote.quoteDepth
            let quoteAttributedString = visit(child).mutableCopy() as! NSMutableAttributedString
            quoteAttributedString.insert(NSAttributedString(string: "\t", attributes: quoteAttributes), at: 0)
            quoteAttributedString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: UIColor.systemGray)
        if blockQuote.hasSuccessor {
            result.append(.doubleNewline(withFontSize: newLineFontSize))
        return result

// MARK: - Extensions Land

extension NSMutableAttributedString {
    func applyEmphasis() {
        enumerateAttribute(.font, in: NSRange(location: 0, length: length), options: []) { value, range, stop in
            guard let font = value as? UIFont else { return }
            let newFont = font.apply(newTraits: .traitItalic)
            addAttribute(.font, value: newFont, range: range)
    func applyStrong() {
        enumerateAttribute(.font, in: NSRange(location: 0, length: length), options: []) { value, range, stop in
            guard let font = value as? UIFont else { return }
            let newFont = font.apply(newTraits: .traitBold)
            addAttribute(.font, value: newFont, range: range)
    func applyLink(withURL url: URL?) {
        addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: UIColor.systemBlue)
        if let url = url {
            addAttribute(.link, value: url)
    func applyBlockquote() {
        addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: UIColor.systemGray)
    func applyHeading(withLevel headingLevel: Int) {
        enumerateAttribute(.font, in: NSRange(location: 0, length: length), options: []) { value, range, stop in
            guard let font = value as? UIFont else { return }
            let newFont = font.apply(newTraits: .traitBold, newPointSize: 28.0 - CGFloat(headingLevel * 2))
            addAttribute(.font, value: newFont, range: range)
    func applyStrikethrough() {
        addAttribute(.strikethroughStyle, value: NSUnderlineStyle.single.rawValue)

extension UIFont {
    func apply(newTraits: UIFontDescriptor.SymbolicTraits, newPointSize: CGFloat? = nil) -> UIFont {
        var existingTraits = fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits
        guard let newFontDescriptor = fontDescriptor.withSymbolicTraits(existingTraits) else { return self }
        return UIFont(descriptor: newFontDescriptor, size: newPointSize ?? pointSize)

extension ListItemContainer {
    /// Depth of the list if nested within others. Index starts at 0.
    var listDepth: Int {
        var index = 0

        var currentElement = parent

        while currentElement != nil {
            if currentElement is ListItemContainer {
                index += 1

            currentElement = currentElement?.parent
        return index

extension BlockQuote {
    /// Depth of the quote if nested within others. Index starts at 0.
    var quoteDepth: Int {
        var index = 0

        var currentElement = parent

        while currentElement != nil {
            if currentElement is BlockQuote {
                index += 1

            currentElement = currentElement?.parent
        return index

extension NSAttributedString.Key {
    static let listDepth = NSAttributedString.Key("ListDepth")
    static let quoteDepth = NSAttributedString.Key("QuoteDepth")

extension NSMutableAttributedString {
    func addAttribute(_ name: NSAttributedString.Key, value: Any) {
        addAttribute(name, value: value, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: length))
    func addAttributes(_ attrs: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]) {
        addAttributes(attrs, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: length))

extension Markup {
    /// Returns true if this element has sibling elements after it.
    var hasSuccessor: Bool {
        guard let childCount = parent?.childCount else { return false }
        return indexInParent < childCount - 1
    var isContainedInList: Bool {
        var currentElement = parent

        while currentElement != nil {
            if currentElement is ListItemContainer {
                return true

            currentElement = currentElement?.parent
        return false

extension NSAttributedString {
    static func singleNewline(withFontSize fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSAttributedString {
        return NSAttributedString(string: "\n", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize)])

    static func doubleNewline(withFontSize fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSAttributedString {
        return NSAttributedString(string: "\n\n", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: .regular)])
ios xcode uikit

这是您正在使用的 API,因此我建议您使用更典型的格式。

我做了类似的事情,这使得客户端 iOS 应用程序更容易使用。

  const result = await openai.chat.completions.create({
    messages: [
      {role: "user", content: message},
      {role: "system", content: systemMessage},
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",

用户消息是从聊天中输入的内容。 下面是一个与用户消息一致的 systemMessage 示例。 关键点,这确保返回给客户端的响应是 JSON 格式。

You will be provided with unstructured data on subject the user wants to learn about. Gather information on the subjects and provide 10 questions with multiple choices in the following json format 

{"subjects": [ {"name":"<Subject Name>","questions": [ {"question":"<Actual Information>","answer":"<Answer Value>","answerOptions": ["<Possible Answers>" ] } ] } ]}



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