袋装ETS模型的这些预测间隔是否正确计算? (用R编码)

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如果这里的人们可以看一下这段代码并尝试帮助评估这些预测间隔是否正确计算或需要更改什么,将不胜感激。我尝试使用袋装ETS模型(使用R中的Forecast.baggedETS()函数)生成提前48步的预测。数据是来自纽约市的每小时交通流量(计数)。我的问题是,我的点预测似乎很好,而模拟的预测间隔似乎有点宽,并且PI手段也与点预测有所不同(但我想它们可能是不对称的,而且也应该更宽)而不是常规的置信区间)。为了评估预测间隔,我计算出PI覆盖率(PICP)仅为71%,这似乎很低。我还附上了点预测和效绩指标的图表。databagged model + PIs


#original series
ts_ori <- ts(df_ori$V2, start = c(1,1), frequency = 24) # 

# train test split
train <- window(ts_ori, start = c(1,1), end = c(21,24))
test <- window(ts_ori, start = c(22,1), end = c(24,1))

L <- BoxCox.lambda(ts_ori)
L # the optimal lambda is 0.9176

# Box-Cox tranformed original series
ts_ori_bc <- BoxCox(x= ts_ori, lambda = L)

train_bc <- window(ts_ori_bc, start = c(1,1), end = c(21,24))
test_bc <- window(ts_ori_bc, start = c(22,1), end = c(24,1))

ets_ZZZ <- ets(y = train, model = "ZZZ")
forecast(ets_ZZZ) %>% autoplot() + autolayer(test)

# Bergmeirs Bagging ETS function
# the function bld.mbb.bootstrap is used to calculate the bootstrapped series with the 
# Box-Cox and Loess-based decomposition (BLD) bootstrap

#num is the number of bootstrap versions to generate
#blocksize is the size of the MBB 

# ensembling

# the default for the ETS function is the "ZZZ" automated model selection 
# so the bootstrapped ETS models can theoretically choose a different ETS model everytime

# creating 48 step ahead forecasts from a regular automatically chosen ETS model
etsfc <- forecast(ets(train), h=48) 

# the bagged ETS() function implements the bagged model forecasting method from the 
# Bergmeir 2016 paper
# the default for num in the baggedETS() function is 100
baggedfc <- forecast(baggedETS(train), h=48)

# plotting the bagged forecasts against the normal ETS forecasts
# the last two lines before dev.off() remove grid and grey background color

autoplot(train, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Traffic flows") +
        autolayer(baggedfc, series="Bagged.BLD.MBB.ETS", PI=FALSE) +
        autolayer(etsfc, series="ETS", PI=FALSE) +
        guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Point Forecasts")) +
        theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
              panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))

# the bagged ETS model is the average of 100  ETS models of the bootstrapped training data

# gives the point forecasts and the min/max of the 100 ETS models 

# prediction intervals for the bootstrapped series

# step 1: simulating nsim = 1000 series using the MBB procedure
numsim <- 1000
sim <- bld.mbb.bootstrap(train, numsim)

# step 2: For each of these series, we fit an ETS model and simulate one sample path from that model
# A different ETS model may be selected in each case, although it will most likely select the same 
# model because the series are similar. However, the estimated parameters will be different.

# the simulate() function simulates responses from the distribution of the fitted ets(sim) object

h <- 48
future <- matrix(0, nrow=numsim, ncol=h)
for(i in seq(numsim))
        future[i,] <- simulate(ets(sim[[i]]), nsim=h, seed = 123)

# step 3: we take the means and quantiles of these simulated sample paths to form point 
# forecasts and prediction intervals.

# tsp() gives the start time in time units the end time and the frequency of a time series

start <- tsp(train)[2]+1/24
simfc <- structure(list(
        mean = ts(colMeans(future), start=start, frequency=24),
        lower = ts(apply(future, 2, quantile, prob=0.025),
                   start=start, frequency=24),
        upper = ts(apply(future, 2, quantile, prob=0.975),
                   start=start, frequency=24),

# step 4: plotting the bagged ETS model and the prediction intervals

etsfc <- forecast(ets(train), h=48, level=95) 

autoplot(train, ylab = "Traffic flows", xlab = "Time", series = "Training data", color = "black") +
        autolayer(simfc, series="Simulated PIs") +
        autolayer(baggedfc, PI=FALSE, series = "Bagged.BLD.MBB.ETS") +
        guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Series")) +
        theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))


for (i in 1:length(baggedfc$mean)) {
        # creating an indicator variable for every element of the mean column and store the 
        # elements in picp_dummy
        picp_dummy <- ifelse(baggedfc$mean[i] >= simfc$lower & baggedfc$mean[i] <= simfc$upper,1,0)

picp = 1/length(baggedfc$mean) *sum(picp_dummy)

# the PICP for the simulated 95% PI for the bagged ETS model is 0.7083333


length = length(simfc$upper)

mpiw = (1/length)*sum(simfc$upper - simfc$lower)
# the MPIW of the simulated 95% PI is 15437.7
r intervals prediction forecasting


  1. 不要在每个模拟中都设置种子,否则最终会生成相同的过程。这将减少模拟序列的变化。如果要设置种子,请在所有计算开始时进行一次。
  2. 您对PI覆盖范围的计算需要将模拟分位数与测试数据进行比较,而不是与预测平均值进行比较。
  3. 预测间隔必须以训练数据为条件。您可以通过将自举模型重新拟合为原始训练数据(而无需重新估算)来实现。在计算预测均值时,实际上并不需要这样做,因为差异将平均化。在估计预测间隔时,这一点很重要,因为否则它们会太宽(带有额外的变化来源)。


#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#>   method            from
#>   as.zoo.data.frame zoo


# original series (random data for the example)
ts_ori <- ts(rnorm(24*24), frequency=24)

# train test split
train <- window(ts_ori, start = c(1, 1), end = c(21, 24))
test <- window(ts_ori, start = c(22, 1), end = c(24, 1))

# creating 48 step ahead forecasts from ETS model
etsfc <- forecast(ets(train), h = 48)
# And from a bagged model
baggedfc <- forecast(baggedETS(train), h = 48)

# plotting the bagged forecasts against the normal ETS forecasts
autoplot(train, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Traffic flows") +
  autolayer(baggedfc, series = "Bagged ETS", PI = FALSE) +
  autolayer(etsfc, series = "ETS", PI = FALSE) +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Point Forecasts"))


# prediction intervals for the bootstrapped series

# step 1: simulate 1000 series using the MBB procedure
numsim <- 200
sim <- bld.mbb.bootstrap(train, numsim)

# step 2: Fit an ETS model to each bootstrapped series, then refit to
# training data and simulate from refit.
h <- 48
future <- matrix(0, nrow = numsim, ncol = h)
for (i in seq(numsim)) {
  model <- ets(sim[[i]])
  refit <- ets(train, model = model, use.initial.values = TRUE)
  future[i, ] <- simulate(refit, nsim = h)

# step 3: we take the means and quantiles of these simulated sample paths to
# form point forecasts and prediction intervals.

start <- tsp(train)[2] + 1 / 24
simfc <- structure(list(
  mean = ts(colMeans(future),
            start = start, frequency = 24
  lower = ts(apply(future, 2, quantile, prob = 0.025),
             start = start, frequency = 24
  upper = ts(apply(future, 2, quantile, prob = 0.975),
             start = start, frequency = 24
  level = 95
), class = "forecast")

# step 4: plotting the bagged ETS model and the prediction intervals
autoplot(train, ylab = "Traffic flows") +
  autolayer(simfc, series = "Simulated PIs") +
  autolayer(test, series = "Test") +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(title = ""))


mean(test >= simfc$lower & test <= simfc$upper)
#> [1] 0.9166667

mean(simfc$upper - simfc$lower)
#> [1] 4.079027

reprex package(v0.3.0)在2020-05-04创建

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