SpecFlow / Gherkin-是否可以在多个“维度”中使用相同的示例?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
    Given I have entered <firstNumber> into the calculator
    And I have entered <secondNumber> into the calculator
    When I press <button>
    Then the result should be <expectedResult> on the screen
    | firstNumber | secondNumber | button | expectedResult |
    | 1           | 2            | plus   | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | plus   | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | plus   | 9              |


Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
    Given I have entered <firstNumber> into the calculator
    And I have entered <secondNumber> into the calculator
    When I press <button>
    Then the result should be <expectedResult> on the screen
    | firstNumber | secondNumber | button | expectedResult |
    | 1           | 2            | plus   | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | plus   | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | plus   | 9              |
    | 1           | 2            | add    | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | add    | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | add    | 9              |
    | 1           | 2            | +      | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | +      | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | +      | 9              |


Scenario Outline: Add two numbers (plus)
    Given I have entered <firstNumber> into the calculator
    And I have entered <secondNumber> into the calculator
    When I press plus
    Then the result should be <expectedResult> on the screen
    | firstNumber | secondNumber | expectedResult |
    | 1           | 2            | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | 9              |

Scenario Outline: Add two numbers (+)
    Given I have entered <firstNumber> into the calculator
    And I have entered <secondNumber> into the calculator
    When I press +
    Then the result should be <expectedResult> on the screen
    | firstNumber | secondNumber | expectedResult |
    | 1           | 2            | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | 9              |

Scenario Outline: Add two numbers (add)
    Given I have entered <firstNumber> into the calculator
    And I have entered <secondNumber> into the calculator
    When I press add
    Then the result should be <expectedResult> on the screen
    | firstNumber | secondNumber | expectedResult |
    | 1           | 2            | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | 9              |


Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
    Given I have entered <firstNumber> into the calculator
    And I have entered <secondNumber> into the calculator
    When I press
        | button |
        | plus   |
        | +      |
        | add    |
    Then the result should be <expectedResult> on the screen
    | firstNumber | secondNumber | expectedResult |
    | 1           | 2            | 3              |
    | 2           | 2            | 4              |
    | 4           | 5            | 9              |



cucumber bdd specflow gherkin


Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
    Given I have entered <firstNumber> into the calculator
    And I have entered <secondNumber> into the calculator
    Then validate the <expectedResults> by clicking <buttons> button

      | firstNumber | secondNumber | buttons               | expectedResults |
      | 1           | 2            | plus,add,+,multiply,x | 3,3,3,2,2      |
      | 2           | 2            | plus,add,+,multiply,x | 4,4,4,4,4      |
      | 4           | 5            | plus,add,+,multiply,x | 9,9,9,20,20    |


选项1:直接在步骤def中实现逻辑。选项2:在步骤中使用When I press plusThen the result should be <expectedResult> on the screen步骤调用步骤。

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