Pinescript v5 在灯芯区域创建多个盒子......1 个盒子正在工作,只是无法获得多个

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我正在研究一个指标,该指标使用 Up candle Top Wicks 和 down candle Bottom Wicks 在 HTF 中绘制方框。

现在它会在我想要的地方绘制一个蓝色的 upBox 和一个红色的 downBox ......但是它会在某个地方随机结束,然后下一次情况发生时会开始一个新的

我需要的是它每次都绘制框,不管那里是否已经有 upBox 或 downBox

我真的希望 upBox 在有一个新的 higherhigh 超过 upHiLine 等时停止绘制......但我还没有弄清楚如何做到这一点


indicator("Intraday wicks",overlay=true, max_bars_back = 200, max_boxes_count = 200)

string tfInput = input.timeframe("15", "Timeframe")

// Initialize variables on bar zero only, so they preserve their values across bars.
bool up = close > open
bool down = close < open
var upHi = float(na)
var upCl = float(na)
var upOp = float(na)
var upLo = float(na)
var downLo = float(na)
var downCl = float(na)
var downHi = float(na)
var downOp = float(na)
var line upHiLine = na
var line upLoLine = na
var line downHiLine = na
var line downLoLine = na
var box upBox = na
var box downBox = na

// Detect changes in timeframe.
bool newTF = ta.change(time(tfInput))
if newTF
    if up //if new bar in HTF is Bullish var, reset values and create new lines
        upHi := high //collect the top of the top wick value
        upCl := close //collect the bottom of top wick value
        //up high line is the top wick of a bull candle as a line 
        upHiLine :=, upHi, bar_index, upHi, color = color.white, width = 1)
        //up lo line is the bottom wick of a bull candle as a line 
        upLoLine :=, upCl, bar_index, upCl, color = color.white, width = 1)
        //up box is a box drawn beteen the top and bottom wicks of a bull candle
        upBox :=, upHi, bar_index,upCl, border_color = na, bgcolor = color.rgb(47, 93, 229))
        // On other bars, extend the right coordinate of lines and box.
        line.set_x2(upHiLine, bar_index)
        line.set_x2(upLoLine, bar_index)
        box.set_right(upBox, bar_index)
    if down //if new bar in HTF is Bearish var, reset values and create new lines
        downCl := close //collect the top of the top wick value
        downLo := low //collect the bottom of top wick value
        //up high line is the top wick of a bull candle as a line 
        downHiLine :=, downCl, bar_index, downCl, color = color.white, width = 1)
        //up lo line is the bottom wick of a bull candle as a line 
        downLoLine :=, downLo, bar_index, downLo, color = color.white, width = 1)
        //up box is a box drawn beteen the top and bottom wicks of a bull candle
        downBox :=, downCl, bar_index,downLo, border_color = na, bgcolor = color.rgb(234, 70, 125))
        // On other bars, extend the right coordinate of lines and box.
        line.set_x2(downHiLine, bar_index)
        line.set_x2(downLoLine, bar_index)
        box.set_right(downBox, bar_index)


line pine-script-v5 box indicator candlestick-chart


box.set_right(upBox, bar_index)


box.set_extend(id=upBox, extend=extend.right)

[pic of new boxes][1]
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