mongodb 没有在分片之间均匀分布数据

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我有一个包含 800k 个对象的数据库,我定义了大约 13 个分片服务器来快速访问数据。我为每个对象分配了一个字母以供在分片过程中使用,例如,shards: 'a' 表示第一个对象,shards: 'b' 表示第二个对象,依此类推。我使用每个对象中的分片字段创建了一个分片键,并希望在 13 个分片服务器上尽可能均匀地分布对象。我使用“hashed”作为分片字段的分片键。我将字母均匀地分配给所有对象,例如,50k 个对象有分片:'a',50k 个对象有分片:'b',依此类推。我使用 "sh.shardCollection("test.testCollection", { "shards": "hashed" } ) 对集合进行分片,但是数据只去了 13 个分片服务器中的两个。分布在两个服务器之间不均匀, 大约有 72% 分配给一台服务器,28% 分配给另一台服务器。我希望数据均匀分布在所有 13 个分片服务器中。你能帮我解决这个问题吗?

    _id: 'a',
    host: 'a/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1675107083, i: 3 })
    _id: 'b',
    host: 'b/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1675107100, i: 5 })
    _id: 'c',
    host: 'c/,,',
    state: 1,
[direct: mongos] test>
    draining: true
    _id: 'd',
    host: 'd/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821653, i: 5 })
    _id: 'e',
    host: 'e/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821663, i: 5 })
    _id: 'f',
    host: 'f/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821668, i: 1 })
    _id: 'g',
    host: 'g/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821673, i: 5 })
    _id: 'h',
    host: 'h/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821678, i: 5 })
    _id: 'j',
    host: 'j/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821685, i: 5 })
    _id: 'k',
    host: 'k/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821689, i: 5 })
    _id: 'l',
    host: 'l/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821694, i: 5 })
    _id: 'm',
    host: 'm/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821698, i: 5 })
    _id: 'n',
    host: 'n/,,',
    state: 1,
    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1676821708, i: 4 })
Shard a at a/,,
  data: '125.57MiB',
  docs: 227420,
  chunks: 1,
  'estimated data per chunk': '125.57MiB',
  'estimated docs per chunk': 227420
Shard k at k/,,
  data: '326.31MiB',
  docs: 576209,
  chunks: 1,
  'estimated data per chunk': '326.31MiB',
  'estimated docs per chunk': 576209


  "_id": {
    "$oid": "63dd7324289226c918818c55"
  "Title": "",
  "Product": {
    "web1": {
      "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 2/7 (Harry Potter 2)": {
        "Price": 15,
        "Url": "",
        "Time": {
          "$date": {
            "$numberLong": "1676669514749"
  "Category": [
  "Time": {
    "$date": {
      "$numberLong": "1676669514749"
  "shards": "h"


mongodb mongodb-query pymongo sharding mongodb-shell
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