使用 .NET MAUI Blazor 混合应用程序跟踪 Outlook 应用程序 (Windows) 中的用户活动

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我目前正在开发适用于 Windows 的 .NET MAUI Blazor 混合应用程序,并且需要跟踪 Outlook 应用程序中的用户活动,特别是确定用户是否花时间阅读邮件或回复邮件。 最近我可以监控用户是否主动使用outlook,但无法找到用户后台或在使用outlook时写任何邮件,请帮助我实现这一目标。

到目前为止,我已经能够使用以下代码计算应用程序的焦点时间: 我创建了一个 WindowsApplicationMonitor.cs 类,它可以帮助我识别用户是否主动使用 Outlook。

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using MAUIDemo.Services;

namespace MAUIDemo.PlatformServices.Windows
    public class WindowsApplicationMonitor : IApplicationMonitor
        static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();

        static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);

        private DateTime? outlookStartTime;

        public bool IsApplicationActive(string applicationName)
            System.Diagnostics.Process[] processes = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(applicationName);

            if (processes.Length > 0)
                // Get the handle of the active window
                IntPtr hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();

                // Get the process ID associated with the active window
                uint processId;
                GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out processId);

                // Check if the active window belongs to the application
                return processId == processes[0].Id;
                return false;

        public TimeSpan GetApplicationActiveTime(string applicationName)
            if (IsApplicationActive(applicationName))
                if (outlookStartTime == null)
                    outlookStartTime = DateTime.Now;

                return DateTime.Now - outlookStartTime.Value;
                TimeSpan elapsed = TimeSpan.Zero;

                if (outlookStartTime != null)
                    elapsed = DateTime.Now - outlookStartTime.Value;
                    outlookStartTime = null;

                return elapsed;

在我的 .NET MAUI Blazor 项目的 .razor 页面中,我有以下内容: 当用户从 Outlook 中失去焦点时,此处的数据将更新。

@page "/nonitor"

@inject MAUIDemo.Services.IApplicationMonitor ApplicationMonitor
@using System.Timers
@using MAUIDemo.Services

@inject MAUIDemo.Services.IApplicationMonitor ApplicationMonitor
@inject MAUIDemo.Services.ActivePeriodService ActivePeriodService
@using System.Timers

<h3>Outlook Status</h3>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="ClearList">Clear List</button>


<table class="table">
            <th>Start Time</th>
            <th>End Time</th>
            <th>Duration (hh:mm:ss)</th>
        @foreach (var period in activePeriods)
                <td>@String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", period.Duration.Hours, period.Duration.Minutes, period.Duration.Seconds)</td>

@code {
    private string statusMessage = "";
    //private List<ActivePeriod> activePeriods = new List<ActivePeriod>();
    private List<ActivePeriod> activePeriods => ActivePeriodService.ActivePeriods;
    private ActivePeriod currentPeriod;
    private Timer timer;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        timer = new Timer(1000); // Update every second
        timer.Elapsed += UpdateStatus;

    private bool lastStatus = false; // keeps track of the last known status of the Outlook application (whether it was active or not).

    private void UpdateStatus(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        var isOutlookActive = ApplicationMonitor.IsApplicationActive("OUTLOOK");

        if (isOutlookActive != lastStatus) // Only update the status message and UI when the status changes
            statusMessage = isOutlookActive ? "Outlook is active." : "Outlook is not active.";

            if (isOutlookActive)
                if (currentPeriod == null)
                    currentPeriod = new ActivePeriod { Start = DateTime.Now };
                if (currentPeriod != null)
                    // Create a new instance when adding to the list
                    activePeriods.Add(new ActivePeriod { Start = currentPeriod.Start, End = DateTime.Now });
                    currentPeriod = null; // This will ensure a new instance is created each time

            InvokeAsync(() => StateHasChanged()); // Update the UI

        lastStatus = isOutlookActive; // Remember the last status for the next time

    public void Dispose()

    public class ActivePeriod
        public DateTime Start { get; set; }
        public DateTime End { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan Duration => End - Start;

    void ClearList()


我想在用户主动使用 Outlook 时监控用户读取或写入电子邮件的情况。

c# .net outlook maui outlook-restapi

您需要使用 Outlook 对象模型(Outlook.Application 对象)。然后,您可以订阅在用户选择消息 (

)、打开消息(新消息或在检查器中回复 -
)、发送消息 (
) 等时触发的各种 Outlook 事件。

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