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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Set the date range
date_range = pd.date_range('2022-01-01', periods=7, freq='D')

# Define the categories
categories = ['A', 'B']

# Create the hierarchical index
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([date_range, categories], names=['Date', 'Category'])

# Generate random numbers for each row
data = np.random.rand(len(index))

# Create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=['Value'])

# Add a lag 1 feature
df['Lag1'] = df.groupby('Category')['Value'].shift()

# Split the data into train and test sets
train = df.loc[:'2022-01-04']
test = df.loc['2022-01-05':]


Train Set:
                        Value      Lag1
Date       Category                    
2022-01-01 A         0.016480       NaN
           B         0.186811       NaN
2022-01-02 A         0.668557  0.016480
           B         0.256664  0.186811
2022-01-03 A         0.552484  0.668557
           B         0.607732  0.256664
2022-01-04 A         0.869755  0.552484
           B         0.051533  0.607732

Test Set:
                        Value      Lag1
Date       Category                    
2022-01-05 A         0.036175  0.869755
           B         0.063466  0.051533
2022-01-06 A         0.078312  0.036175
           B         0.129991  0.063466
2022-01-07 A         0.280402  0.078312
           B         0.899824  0.129991


  1. 在训练集上训练模型(使用TimeSeriesSplit交叉验证)后,我是否直接使用模型在测试集上进行预测?或者我是否必须一次预测一个步骤——比如首先预测测试集上“2022-01-05”的值,然后是下一个,等等?

  2. 我使用滞后值和其他特征。在训练集上训练模型,然后直接在整个测试集上进行预测后,模型通常给予滞后特征最高的重要性,与所有其他特征相比有很大的差距。这会被认为是数据泄露的迹象吗?

  3. 多步预测是否仅用于实际预测超出测试集的未来值(如本例,“2022-01-07”之后的日期)?或者这是预测测试数据的方式?


python time-series prediction forecasting training-data
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