
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

首先也是最重要的。我是一个完全的初学者。我没有先验知识或共识,所以我不知道我在做什么,但我知道这是一项作业。此时我已经在这一部分上停留了几个小时了。一些背景信息。我正在使用 JSDOM UI 集成测试来完成我的任务。在本例中,我们使用罗马数字转换器。更具体地说,是旧罗马数字到现代罗马数字。

这是我的 romanNumerals.html 文件

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="romanNumerals.css">
        <script src="romanNumerals.js" defer></script>
        <div class="results">
            <div class="result">
                <div id="old-roman-result"></div>
                "Old" Roman Numeral
            <div class="result">
                <div id="modern-roman-result"></div>
                "Modern" Roman Numeral
        <form id="arabic-number-form">
                Arabic number (1-3999)
                <input type="number" min="1" max="3999" id="arabic-number" name="arabic-number" />
            <button>Convert to "modern" Roman</button>

这是我的 romanNumerals.js 文件

 * This function initializes the JavaScript functionality after the HTML content is loaded.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    const arabicNumberInput = document.getElementById("arabic-number");
    const form = document.getElementById("arabic-number-form");
    const oldRomanResult = document.getElementById("old-roman-result");
    const modernRomanResult = document.getElementById("modern-roman-result");

     * Clear Arabic number input field when the page first loads.
    arabicNumberInput.value = "";

     * Add a listener to the Arabic number input field to listen for typing and
     * update the "old" Roman numeral result "live" as the user types.  If the
     * value input by the user can't be converted to an "old" Roman numeral,
     * don't display any value.
    arabicNumberInput.addEventListener("input", function () {
        modernRomanResult.textContent = "";
        const arabicNumber = parseInt(arabicNumberInput.value);
        try {
            oldRomanResult.textContent = convertToOldRoman(arabicNumber);
        } catch (err) {
            oldRomanResult.textContent = "";

     * When the user actually submits the form, send a request to the API described
     * here to convert the number to a "modern" Roman numeral:
     * https://helloacm.com/tools/romans/
     * If an error occurs in the translation, an error message is displayed.
    form.addEventListener("submit", async function (event) {
        const arabicNumber = arabicNumberInput.value;
        try {
            const response = await fetch(
            const data = await response.json();
            if (data.error) {
            } else {
                modernRomanResult.textContent = data.result;
        } catch (err) {

     * This function displays an error message to the user if the translation
     * request failed for any reason.
    function displayError(errorMsg) {
        const errorDiv = document.createElement("div");
        errorDiv.setAttribute("role", "alert");
        errorDiv.innerHTML = "<h3>❌ Error</h3>";

         * The error message may have come from the outside world, so we have to
         * treat it cautiously, making sure it's not executed as HTML code.
        const errorMsgP = document.createElement("p");
        errorMsgP.textContent = errorMsg;


     * This function removes any error message currently being displayed to the
     * user.
    function clearErrorMessages() {
        const errors = form.querySelectorAll(".error");
        errors.forEach(function (error) {

     * This table represents the conversions between Roman digits and Arabic values.
    const conversionTable = {
        "M": 1000,
        "C": 100,
        "L": 50,
        "X": 10,
        "V": 5,
        "I": 1

     * This function converts an Arabic number into the corresponding "old" Roman
     * numeral.  Old Roman numerals are based only on addition.  For example, the
     * Arabic number 9 is "VIIII" in old Roman numerals (it's "IX" in modern Roman
     * numerals).
     * @param {number} input A numeric value representing the Arabic number to
     *   convert to old Roman numerals.  Must be in the range 1-3999.  Any decimal
     *   part of the number is ignored.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws a RangeError if the input value is a number
     *   outside the range 1-3999.
     * @throws {Error} Throws an Error if the input is not a number.
     * @returns {string} Returns a string containing the old Roman numeral
     *   conversion for the specified input value.
    function convertToOldRoman(input) {
        if (input === undefined || typeof input !== "number") {
            throw Error("Expected a number parameter");
        if (input < 1 || input > 3999) {
            throw RangeError("Input must be in range 1-3999");

         * Cycle through Roman digits from greatest (M) to least (I).  For each
         * digit, subtract the corresponding Arabic value from the input number
         * as many times as possible, adding an instance of the current Roman
         * to the resultint translation for each subtraction.
        const romanDigits = Object.keys(conversionTable);
        let currRomanIdx = 0;
        let result = "";
        while (input > 0 && currRomanIdx < romanDigits.length) {
            const currRomanDigit = romanDigits[currRomanIdx];
            const currArabicValue = conversionTable[currRomanDigit];
            while (input >= currArabicValue) {
                result += currRomanDigit;
                input -= currArabicValue;
        return result;


这是我的 romanNumerals.test.js 文件

 * @jest-environment jsdom

// Polyfill TextEncoder
global.TextEncoder = require('util').TextEncoder;
global.TextDecoder = require('util').TextDecoder;

const fs = require("fs");
const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");
const { fireEvent, waitFor } = require("@testing-library/dom");
const userEvent = require("@testing-library/user-event").default;
const axios = require("axios");
const MockAdapter = require("axios-mock-adapter");

// Load HTML content
const htmlContent = fs.readFileSync("./romanNumerals/romanNumerals.html", "utf8");
const { document } = new JSDOM(htmlContent).window;

// Mock the API response for conversion to "modern" Roman numerals
const mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
mock.onGet("https://romans.justyy.workers.dev/api/romans/?n=123").reply(200, { result: "CXXIII" });

function initDomFromFiles() {
    document.body.innerHTML = htmlContent;

test("should update 'modern' Roman numeral result on form submission", async () => {
    // Arrange
    const arabicNumberInput = document.getElementById("arabic-number");
    const convertButton = document.querySelector("button");
    const modernRomanResult = document.getElementById("modern-roman-result");

    // Act:
    const user = userEvent.setup();
    await user.type(arabicNumberInput, "123");
    await user.click(convertButton);
    // Assert
    await waitFor(() => {

我完全不知所措。我运行 npx jest。测试失败。因为实际值没什么,但应该是


javascript jestjs jsdom


。您遇到的问题是,您单击了按钮并期望文本发生更改,但它尚未更改。请求被发送到 API,一旦到达目的地,目的地就会对其进行处理、发送响应并且您的浏览器收到它,文本就会更新。但点击按钮并不会等待这一切。

 * This function initializes the JavaScript functionality after the HTML content is loaded.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    const arabicNumberInput = document.getElementById("arabic-number");
    const form = document.getElementById("arabic-number-form");
    const oldRomanResult = document.getElementById("old-roman-result");
    const modernRomanResult = document.getElementById("modern-roman-result");

     * Clear Arabic number input field when the page first loads.
    arabicNumberInput.value = "";

     * Add a listener to the Arabic number input field to listen for typing and
     * update the "old" Roman numeral result "live" as the user types.  If the
     * value input by the user can't be converted to an "old" Roman numeral,
     * don't display any value.
    arabicNumberInput.addEventListener("input", function () {
        modernRomanResult.textContent = "";
        const arabicNumber = parseInt(arabicNumberInput.value);
        try {
            oldRomanResult.textContent = convertToOldRoman(arabicNumber);
        } catch (err) {
            oldRomanResult.textContent = "";

     * When the user actually submits the form, send a request to the API described
     * here to convert the number to a "modern" Roman numeral:
     * https://helloacm.com/tools/romans/
     * If an error occurs in the translation, an error message is displayed.
    async function mysubmit() {
        const arabicNumber = arabicNumberInput.value;
        try {
            const response = await fetch(
            const data = await response.json();
            if (data.error) {
            } else {
                modernRomanResult.textContent = data.result;
        } catch (err) {
    form.addEventListener("submit", async function (event) {

     * This function displays an error message to the user if the translation
     * request failed for any reason.
    function displayError(errorMsg) {
        const errorDiv = document.createElement("div");
        errorDiv.setAttribute("role", "alert");
        errorDiv.innerHTML = "<h3>❌ Error</h3>";

         * The error message may have come from the outside world, so we have to
         * treat it cautiously, making sure it's not executed as HTML code.
        const errorMsgP = document.createElement("p");
        errorMsgP.textContent = errorMsg;


     * This function removes any error message currently being displayed to the
     * user.
    function clearErrorMessages() {
        const errors = form.querySelectorAll(".error");
        errors.forEach(function (error) {

     * This table represents the conversions between Roman digits and Arabic values.
    const conversionTable = {
        "M": 1000,
        "C": 100,
        "L": 50,
        "X": 10,
        "V": 5,
        "I": 1

     * This function converts an Arabic number into the corresponding "old" Roman
     * numeral.  Old Roman numerals are based only on addition.  For example, the
     * Arabic number 9 is "VIIII" in old Roman numerals (it's "IX" in modern Roman
     * numerals).
     * @param {number} input A numeric value representing the Arabic number to
     *   convert to old Roman numerals.  Must be in the range 1-3999.  Any decimal
     *   part of the number is ignored.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws a RangeError if the input value is a number
     *   outside the range 1-3999.
     * @throws {Error} Throws an Error if the input is not a number.
     * @returns {string} Returns a string containing the old Roman numeral
     *   conversion for the specified input value.
    function convertToOldRoman(input) {
        if (input === undefined || typeof input !== "number") {
            throw Error("Expected a number parameter");
        if (input < 1 || input > 3999) {
            throw RangeError("Input must be in range 1-3999");

         * Cycle through Roman digits from greatest (M) to least (I).  For each
         * digit, subtract the corresponding Arabic value from the input number
         * as many times as possible, adding an instance of the current Roman
         * to the resultint translation for each subtraction.
        const romanDigits = Object.keys(conversionTable);
        let currRomanIdx = 0;
        let result = "";
        while (input > 0 && currRomanIdx < romanDigits.length) {
            const currRomanDigit = romanDigits[currRomanIdx];
            const currArabicValue = conversionTable[currRomanDigit];
            while (input >= currArabicValue) {
                result += currRomanDigit;
                input -= currArabicValue;
        return result;

    async function foo() {
        const arabicNumberInput = document.getElementById("arabic-number");
        const convertButton = document.querySelector("button");
        const modernRomanResult = document.getElementById("modern-roman-result");

        // Act:
        arabicNumberInput.value = "123";
        await mysubmit();
        // Assert

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="romanNumerals.css">
        <script src="romanNumerals.js" defer></script>
        <div class="results">
            <div class="result">
                <div id="old-roman-result"></div>
                "Old" Roman Numeral
            <div class="result">
                <div id="modern-roman-result"></div>
                "Modern" Roman Numeral
        <form id="arabic-number-form">
                Arabic number (1-3999)
                <input type="number" min="1" max="3999" id="arabic-number" name="arabic-number" />
            <button>Convert to "modern" Roman</button>

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