
问题描述 投票:-2回答:1


    from random import randint

rounds = 100
dice = {
    "red": [0, 0, 4, 4, 8, 8],
    "green": [2, 2, 3, 3, 7, 7],
    "blue": [1, 1, 5, 5, 6, 6]

def runGame(p1, p2):
    die1 = dice[p1]
    die2 = dice[p2]

    return 1 if die1[randint(0, 5)] > die2[randint(0, 5)] else 2

def getWinner(r, b, g):
    if max(r, b, g) == r:
        return "red"
    elif max(b, g) == b:
        return "blue"
        return "green"

def getLoser(r, b, g):
    if min(r, b, g) == r:
        return "red"
    elif min(b, g) == b:
        return "blue"
        return "green"

# Simulate all possible game states with two players

# the key represents the die chosen by opponents, the value is itself a dict with win rates
# eg {"blue" : 0.45, "green" : 0.68}
results = {
    "red": {},
    "blue": {},
    "green": {}

print("Running %d simulations for every combination of two players..." % rounds, end="")

for opponent in results.keys():

    remaining = list(dice.keys())

    for player in remaining:
        wins = 0

        for _ in range(rounds):
            if runGame(player, opponent) == 1:
                wins += 1

        results[opponent][player] = wins / rounds


for die in dice.keys():
    rem = list(dice.keys())

    if results[die][rem[0]] > results[die][rem[1]]:
        print("If opponent chooses the %s dice, we should choose the %s dice, giving us %.2f%% chance of victory, "
              "as opposed to %.2f%% chance with the %s dice." % (die, rem[0], results[die][rem[0]] * 100, results[die][
            rem[1]] * 100, rem[1]))
        print("If opponent chooses the %s dice, we should choose the %s dice, giving us %.2f%% chance of victory, "
              "as opposed to %.2f%% chance with the %s dice." % (die, rem[1], results[die][rem[1]] * 100,
                                                                results[die][rem[0]] * 100, rem[0]))

# initialise a result dictionary for the three player game
results3Player = {}
for die in dice.keys():
    results3Player[die] = {
        "wins": 0,
        "losses": 0

print("\nNow running %d simulations for 3 players" % rounds)

for _ in range(rounds):
    # Simulate the 3 player game
    red = dice["red"][randint(0, 5)]
    blue = dice["blue"][randint(0, 5)]
    green = dice['green'][randint(0, 5)]

    winner = getWinner(red, blue, green)
    loser = getLoser(red, blue, green)

    results3Player[winner]['wins'] += 1
    results3Player[loser]['losses'] += 1

min = 0
max = 0

minDie = None
maxDie = None

for die in dice.keys():

    # Find the maximum winner and maximum loser

    if results3Player[die]['wins'] > max:
        max = results3Player[die]['wins']
        maxDie = die

    if results3Player[die]['losses'] > min:
        min = results3Player[die]['losses']
        minDie = die

print("The die most likely to win is %s with %.2f%% probability of winning" %(maxDie, max*100/rounds))
print("The die most likely to lose is %s with %.2f%% probability of losing" %(minDie, min*100/rounds))


def runGame(p1, p2):
    die1 = dice[p1]
    die2 = dice[p2]

    return 1 if die1[randint(0, 5)] > die2[randint(0, 5)] else 2



for opponent in results.keys():

    remaining = list(dice.keys())

    for player in remaining:
        wins = 0

        for _ in range(rounds):
            if runGame(player, opponent) == 1:
                wins += 1

        results[opponent][player] = wins / rounds


如果我理解正确, “剩余”表示骰子字典中的值列表。当玩家和对手获胜时,新值将添加到词典中。但是我不确定“ remaining.remove(opponent)”是什么意思。对手以什么方式被撤职?

python function statistics dice




它只是从该列表中删除。循环for player in remaining:使该对手与每个玩家对战,而没有一个玩家与自己对战。因此,我们首先将播放器从列表中删除。


players = list(results.keys())
for player in players:
    for opponent in players:
        if player == opponent:
            continue # don't play against yourself
        wins = 0
        for _ in range(rounds):
            if runGame(player, opponent) == 1:
                wins += 1
        results[opponent][player] = wins/rounds
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