如何在附近的 dApp 中存储 api 密钥

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例如,我的应用程序使用 IPFS,我通过 web3.storage 访问它。但是要让 web3.storage 工作,你需要一个 api 令牌,我为此支付了费用。



function getAccessToken () {
  // If you're just testing, you can paste in a token
  // and uncomment the following line:
  // return 'paste-your-token-here'

  // In a real app, it's better to read an access token from an
  // environement variable or other configuration that's kept outside of
  // your code base. For this to work, you need to set the
  // WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN environment variable before you run your code.
  return process.env.WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN


rust smartcontracts ipfs nearprotocol web3
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