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namespace CharacterSystem {

    // Internal Variables
    static float terminalVelocity = 8.0f;

    void update(CharacterController& controller, Camera& camera, Rigidbody& rb)
        float speed = controller.controllerBaseSpeed;
        if (controller.isRunning)
            speed = controller.controllerRunSpeed;

        rb.acceleration = camera.forward * controller.movementAxis.x;
        rb.acceleration += camera.right * controller.movementAxis.z;
        // The y-axis just changes the player's global y position
        // instead of using their local up axis
        rb.acceleration.y += controller.movementAxis.y;

        // Only normalize the acceleration if it is greater than 0. This
        // way we avoid division by 0 errors
        float accelerationMagnitudeSquared = glm::length2(rb.acceleration);
        if (accelerationMagnitudeSquared > 0)
            float denominator = glm::inversesqrt(accelerationMagnitudeSquared);
            rb.acceleration *= denominator * speed;

        rb.velocity += rb.acceleration * Application::deltaTime;
        camera.position += rb.velocity * Application::deltaTime;

        // If acceleration is 0, apply friction to decelerate the object
        if (glm::all(glm::epsilonEqual(rb.acceleration, glm::vec3(0.0f), 0.001f)))
            rb.velocity *= rb.friction * Application::deltaTime;

        if (glm::length2(rb.velocity) >= terminalVelocity)
            rb.velocity = glm::normalize(rb.velocity) * terminalVelocity;

        // Snap the velocity to 0 when it gets close enough
        if (glm::all(glm::epsilonEqual(rb.velocity, glm::vec3(0.0f), 0.001f)))
            rb.velocity = glm::vec3(0.0f);

        // Mouse movements don't need to be smoothed over time.
        // They alread represent a change in position
        controller.viewAxis *= controller.movementSensitivity * 1000;

        if (controller.viewAxis.x != 0.0f)
            // Yaw globally
            glm::quat yaw = glm::quat(glm::vec3(0.0f, glm::radians(controller.viewAxis.x) * Application::deltaTime, 0.0f));
            camera.orientation = camera.orientation * yaw;

        if (controller.viewAxis.y != 0.0f)
            // Pitch locally (this effects order of operation with quaternion multiplication)
            glm::quat pitch = glm::quat(glm::vec3(glm::radians(-controller.viewAxis.y) * Application::deltaTime, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            camera.orientation = pitch * camera.orientation;
namespace PlayerController {
    void update(CharacterController& controller) {
        controller.movementAxis.x = Input::isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_W)
            ? -1.0f
            : Input::isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_S)
            ? 1.0f
            : 0.0f;
        controller.movementAxis.z = Input::isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_D)
            ? 1.0f
            : Input::isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_A)
            ? -1.0f
            : 0.0f;
        controller.movementAxis.y = Input::isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)
            ? -1.0f
            : Input::isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)
            ? 1.0f
            : 0.0f;

        controller.viewAxis.x = Input::deltaMouseX;
        controller.viewAxis.y = Input::deltaMouseY;

我不确定我能在这里做什么。我相信这可能是由于相机方向从 1 变为 -1。

c++ glm
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