
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我在一个坐标系中有一组点,我想将它们旋转到Python中的另一个坐标系。基于this answer,我编写了以下Python函数:

def change_of_basis(points, initial, final):
    rotate points/vectors in a 3D coordinate system to a new coordinate system

        input: m x 3 array of points or vectors that have to be transformed from the initial to the final csys
        initial: sequence of sequences of floats representing the normalized axis of the csys that has to be transformed
        final: sequence of sequences of floats representing the normalized axis of the csys to which has to be transformed

        return: the points/vectors in the new coordinate system
    x1, y1, z1 = initial
    x2, y2, z2 = final

    M11, M12, M13 = np.dot(x1, x2), np.dot(x1, y2), np.dot(x1, z2)
    M21, M22, M23 = np.dot(y1, x2), np.dot(y1, y2), np.dot(y1, z2)
    M31, M32, M33 = np.dot(z1, x2), np.dot(z1, y2), np.dot(z1, z2)

    # set up rotation matrix
    R = np.array([[M11, M12, M13],
                  [M21, M22, M23],
                  [M31, M32, M33]])

    return np.linalg.inv(R).dot(points)


  initial =  [[ 0.98078528  0.         -0.19509032]
             [-0.19509032  0.         -0.98078528]
             [ 0.          1.          0.        ]]

  final =  [[ 0.83335824 -0.08626633 -0.54595986]
            [-0.55273325 -0.13005679 -0.82314712]
            [ 0.          0.98774564 -0.15607226]]

   new_cys = change_of_basis(initial, initial, final )


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python python-3.x 3d linear-algebra coordinate-transformation


如果A和B是您的基本矩阵,则您正在计算A * B,但是您需要计算的是A ^ {-1} * B。

这很有意义-您乘以A ^ {-1}从A转换为标准基准,然后再乘以B从标准基转换为B。

这里是另一个关于实现此问题的答案:Change of basis in numpy

编辑:该版本适用于坐标系的特殊之处。它不是R,您需要反转。您正在计算R = A * B,因此通过将R取反,您将得到A ^ {-1} * B ^ {-1}。您需要先反转A,然后乘。

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