
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

在工作中我遇到了以下机器学习问题: 我的产品正在对半导体元件进行检查。产品将从组件经过的机器接收以下输入。机器将为我提供:

  1. 刚刚检查过的组件的图像。 (我们称之为检查图像)
  2. 理想形状和状态的组件图像。 (我们称之为模板)
  3. 所检查图像的 3D 深度图。
  4. 模板的 3D 深度图。


我想训练一个模型,它可以将模板+检查的图像作为输入,并能够将这两个图像之间的差异绑定到检查的图像上。我想要检测的差异是特定的,仅与材料变化相关 - 而不是其他差异,例如颜色变化 - 在检查的图像上有额外的材料,如额外的焊料或组件中的裂纹。

我尝试了 Siamese 网络,但在我的情况下它有 2 个缺陷:

  1. 当对明显差异和微小差异进行混合训练时,预测模式下的模型只能检测主要差异。如果模板和检查图像只有微小差异,则模型无法检测到这两个图像之间存在问题。
  2. 我希望我的模型也关注微小的差异,这就是为什么我提出了差异边界框的想法,这是连体模型无法输出的。


python machine-learning image-processing deep-learning computer-vision


import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers

# Define the RPN as a custom layer
class RPN(keras.layers.Layer):
    def __init__(self, num_anchors, **kwargs):
        super(RPN, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.num_anchors = num_anchors
        # Define the RPN network with a 3x3 convolution and two 1x1 convolutions
        # for the classification and regression outputs
        self.conv = layers.Conv2D(512, 3, padding="same", activation="relu")
        self.cls = layers.Conv2D(num_anchors, 1, activation="sigmoid")
        self.reg = layers.Conv2D(num_anchors * 4, 1)

    def call(self, inputs):
        # inputs is a feature map of shape (batch_size, h, w, c)
        # Compute the RPN outputs
        x = self.conv(inputs)
        cls = self.cls(x) # shape (batch_size, h, w, num_anchors)
        reg = self.reg(x) # shape (batch_size, h, w, num_anchors * 4)
        # Reshape the outputs to (batch_size, num_anchors * h * w, 1) and
        # (batch_size, num_anchors * h * w, 4)
        cls = tf.reshape(cls, [tf.shape(inputs)[0], -1, 1])
        reg = tf.reshape(reg, [tf.shape(inputs)[0], -1, 4])
        return cls, reg

# Define the RoI Head as a custom layer
class RoIHead(keras.layers.Layer):
    def __init__(self, num_classes, **kwargs):
        super(RoIHead, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        # Define the RoI pooling layer using the keras ROIAlign layer
        self.roi_pool = keras.layers.ROIAlign(crop_size=(7, 7))
        # Define the RoI head network with two fully-connected layers
        # and two output layers for classification and regression
        self.fc1 = layers.Dense(1024, activation="relu")
        self.fc2 = layers.Dense(1024, activation="relu")
        # Modify the output layers to predict material changes
        self.mat_change_cls = layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")
        self.mat_change_reg = layers.Dense(4)

    def call(self, inputs):
        # inputs is a list of [rois, feature_map, batch_indices]
        # rois is a tensor of shape (num_rois, 4) with the proposed regions
        # feature_map is a tensor of shape (batch_size, h, w, c) with the feature map
        # batch_indices is a tensor of shape (num_rois,) with the batch indices
        # Compute the RoI pooling output
        x = self.roi_pool(inputs) # shape (num_rois, 7, 7, c)
        # Flatten and pass through two fully-connected layers
        x = tf.reshape(x, [tf.shape(x)[0], -1])
        x = self.fc1(x)
        x = self.fc2(x)
        # Compute the RoI head outputs for material change detection
        mat_change_cls = self.mat_change_cls(x) # shape (num_rois, 1)
        mat_change_reg = self.mat_change_reg(x) # shape (num_rois, 4)
        return mat_change_cls, mat_change_reg

您需要为此材料变化检测任务定义一个自定义损失函数,该函数应考虑分类和回归损失。 确保您的数据集包含检查图像中与模板相比的材料变化的注释,指定它们的位置和属性(例如,边界框和回归目标)。 您还可以针对您的问题定义特定于材料变化检测和边界框预测的适当评估指标。

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