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### Reading all the images inside the Images folder
X_data = []
files = glob.glob ("Images/*.jpg"). #  Total 17,000 images of(480*640*3)
files.sort(key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)

X_data = [cv.imread(img) for img in files]

image_data = np.array(X_data)

T_hot = np.array([])

for r in tqdm(range(image_data[:,0,0,0].size)):

    ##Converting RGB image to grey scale image 
    grey = cv.cvtColor(image_data[r],cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    Z = grey.reshape(-1,1)

    Tem = np.array([])

    Tmax = 25 
    Tmin = -10 

    Zmax = 255 
    Zmin = 0
    c = -10

    m = (Tmax - Tmin) / (Zmax - Zmin)

    zenith = np.array([])
    theta = np.around(np.arange(0,90,90/200),6)

    for i in range(0,480):
        for j in range(0,640):

            # Calculating distance of each pixel from the center.
            r = np.around(np.sqrt((332 - j)**2 + (235 - i)**2))

            # Assigning zxenith angle to each pxl.
            # Calculating Temperature of indexed pxl.

            if r < 200:
                k = theta[theta == np.around((r*90/200),6)]
                zenith = np.append(zenith,k)
                T =  (m*grey[i,j]) + c 
                Tem = np.append(Tem,T)
                k = 120
                zenith = np.append(zenith,k) 
                T = 255
                Tem = np.append(Tem,T)

    # creating panda dataframe 
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Pxl':Z[:,0],'Tem':Tem[:],'zenith':zenith[:]})

    # Fetching the Image mask data points 
    df_con = pd.read_excel('contour.xlsx')

    dataset_final = pd.merge(df,df_con, how='outer', on=None, \
                            left_index=True, right_index=True, sort=True)
    dataset_final = dataset_final[dataset_final['pxl_new'] < 255]

    df_0 = pd.DataFrame(0, index=range(Z.shape[0]), columns={'Null'}) 

    df_image = pd.merge(dataset_final,df_0, how='outer', on=None, \
                            left_index=True, right_index=True,\

    df_image = df_image[['Pxl','Tem','zenith']].fillna(255)

    df_target = dataset_final[(dataset_final['zenith'] >= 65) & \
                              (dataset_final['zenith'] <= 85)]
    mean = np.mean(df_target[['Tem']].values)
    T_hot = np.append(T_hot, mean)

python-3.x pandas image-processing optimization batch-processing


  1. 我正在读取所有彩色图像,然后将其转换为灰度,这是不必要的额外步骤,并导致大量的计算时间。感谢@Mark Setchell,他为我指出了这一点。
X_data = []

files = glob.glob ("Images/*.jpg")
files.sort(key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
for img in tqdm(files):
# Reading images in greyscale
    X = cv.imread(img,0);
  1. 我正在循环内使用熊猫数据帧执行索引操作。尽管熊猫数据框使我们的生活变得轻松,但它需要花费大量的计算时间。因此,我决定使用numpy array而不是panda DataFrame

  2. 我为下面的代码块实现了多处理。

for i in range(0,480):
        for j in range(0,640):

            r = np.around(np.sqrt((332 - j)**2 + (235 - i)**2))

            if r < 200:
                k = theta[theta == np.around((r*90/200),6)]
                zenith = np.append(zenith,k)
                T =  (m*grey[i,j]) + c 
                Tem = np.append(Tem,T)
                k = 120
                zenith = np.append(zenith,k) 
                T = 255
                Tem = np.append(Tem,T)


def temperature(count):
    zenith = np.array([])
    Tem = np.array([])

    theta = np.around(np.arange(0, 90, 90 / 200), 6)
    for j in range(0, 640):
        r = np.around(np.sqrt((332 - j) ** 2 + (235 - count) ** 2))

        if r < 200:
            k = theta[theta == np.around((r * 90 / 200), 6)]
            zenith = np.append(zenith,k)
            T = (m * grey[count, j]) + c
            Tem = np.append(Tem,T)
            k = 120
            zenith = np.append(zenith,k)
            T = 20
            Tem = np.append(Tem,T)

    result = np.vstack((zenith, Tem)).T
    return np.array(result)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        pool = Pool(cpu_count())
        result = pool.map(temperature, range(0,480))
        res = np.array(result)
        Tem = res[:,:,1].reshape(-1,1)
        zenith = res[:,:,0].reshape(-1,1)

通过实施上述更改,我设法减少了1min30sec to 2sec中单个图像的处理时间。我相信有更好的方法可以进一步优化此效果。请随时提供您的解决方案。对于像我这样的新生来说,这将是一个很大的帮助。

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