
问题描述 投票:0回答:1







PS:我知道弹簧非常坚固(k = 1e7),那应该是一个轮子。

import numpy as np
import math as m
import random as rd
import tkinter as tk
import time

def CC2(coords,size=500,zoom=160,offset=[100,100]):#Change x,y coordinates into canvas coordinates
    x = int(coords[0]*zoom+offset[0])
    y = int((size-coords[1]*zoom)-offset[1])
    return x,y

def CC4(coords):#Change from (x1,y1),(x2,y2)
    return CC2(coords[0]),CC2(coords[1])

def normalize(vec):#Normalize the vector
    return (1/norm(vec))*vec

def norm(vec):#Norm of the vector
    return m.sqrt(sum(vec**2))

def sqnorm(vec):#Square norm
    return sum(vec**2)

class Scene:
    def __init__(self,objectlist,canvas):
        self.can = canvas
        self.objects = objectlist
        self.time = 0#Scene timer
        g = 9.81
        self.gravity = np.array([0,-g])

    def makeStep(self,dt=0.01,display = True):
        #Acceleration from gravity
        for obj in self.objects:
            if obj.invmass != 0:
                obj.accel = self.gravity.copy()

        #Get accelerations from other forces (here : spring joints)
        for obj in self.objects:
            if obj.invmass != 0:
                #From special joints i.e. spring joints
                for joint in obj.joints:#Joint → Force
                    j = joint.objId
                    o1 = self.objects[j]
                    force = joint.getForce(o1,obj)
                    o1.accel += o1.invmass*force
                    obj.accel -= obj.invmass*force

        Works quite well when the following loop is AFTER the collisions
        But in order to add (full) friction properly I wanted to know the speed AFTER applying the forces hence the acceleration
        (I can maybe do otherwise but it's more complicated and might not work either...)

        #Change speeds from acceleration
        for obj in self.objects:

        #Apply collisions and change speeds

        #Move objects
        for obj in self.objects:
        if display:
        self.time += dt

    def play(self,dt=0.0001,total_time=5,get_energies=False):#Play the simulation (dt is the time step)
        realtime = time.time()
        last_display = realtime
        while self.time-starting_time <= total_time:
            #Just for display
            display = False
            if time.time()-last_display >= 0.1:
                display = True
                last_display = time.time()
            #Next step

    def findCollisions(self,dt):#Find all collisions, get normal vectors from getCollision and call resolveCollision
        n = len(self.objects)
        for i in range(n):
            o2 = self.objects[i]
            joints = o2.joints
            for j in range(i):# j<i
                o1 = self.objects[j]#Objects 1 & 2
                if o1.classCollide(o2):#Classes compatible for collision
                    if o1.bboxIntersect(o2):
                        normal = self.getCollision(o1,o2)
                        self.resolveCollision(o1,o2,normal)#Resolve collision

    def resolveCollision(self,o1,o2,normal):#Change speed and position to resolve collision
        if normal.any():#normal is not 0,0 (collision)
            depth = norm(normal)
            normal = 1/depth*normal
            relative_speed = o2.speed - o1.speed
            normal_speed = relative_speed @ normal#Norm of projection of relative speed
            total_invmass = o1.invmass + o2.invmass#Sum of inverse masses
            if normal_speed > 0:#Real collision:
                coef = (1+e)*normal_speed
                o1.speed += coef*(o1.invmass/total_invmass)*normal
                o2.speed += -coef*(o2.invmass/total_invmass)*normal

                if 0.001<depth:#Positional correction
                    correction = 0.2*depth/total_invmass*normal
                    o1.center += o1.invmass*correction
                    o2.center -= o2.invmass*correction

    def getCollision(self,o1,o2,display=False):#Intersection between objects with intersecting bbox: returns normal vector with norm = penetration depth (directed towards o1)
        if o1.type == "box" and o2.type == "box":
            delta = o2.center-o1.center
            dim_sum = o1.dimensions+o2.dimensions#Sum of half-widths and heights
            dsides = [delta[0]+dim_sum[0],-delta[0]+dim_sum[0],delta[1]+dim_sum[1],-delta[1]+dim_sum[1]]#Left, right, bottom, top, bottom, left, right of o1
            imin = np.argmin(dsides)
            if imin == 0:#Left
                normal = np.array([dsides[0],0])#Orientation : right = positive
            elif imin == 1:#Right
                normal = np.array([-dsides[1],0])
            elif imin == 2:#Bottom
                normal = np.array([0,dsides[2]])
                normal = np.array([0,-dsides[3]])
            return normal
        if o1.type == "disc":
            return o1.getCollisionVector(o2)
        if o2.type == "disc":
            return -o2.getCollisionVector(o1)

    def display(self):#Just display the scene
        for obj in self.objects:
            color = "yellow"
            if obj.type == "box":
                if obj.invmass==0:#Unmoveable
                    color = "black"
            if obj.type == "disc":
            for joint in obj.joints:

## Objects

class Object2D:#Abstract class for circles and boxes
    def bboxIntersect(self,object2):#Intersection of bounding boxes
        bbox1 = self.bbox()
        bbox2 = object2.bbox()
        if (bbox1[1][0]<bbox2[0][0] or bbox1[0][0]>bbox2[1][0]):#No intersecting on x axis
            return False
        if (bbox1[1][1]<bbox2[0][1] or bbox1[0][1]>bbox2[1][1]):#No intersecting on y axis
            return False
        return True

    def move(self,dt):
        if self.invmass == 0:
            return None
        self.center += dt*self.speed

    def accelerate(self,dt):
        if self.invmass == 0:
            return None
        self.speed += self.accel*dt

    def classCollide(self,obj):
        if (self.cls == "nc1" or obj.cls == "nc1"):#No collision at all
            return False
        if (self.cls == "nc2" and obj.cls == "nc2"):#No collision inside this class
            return False
        return True

class Box(Object2D):
    def __init__(self,mass,center,width,height,initspeed=[0.0,0.0],joints=[],cls=""):
        self.invmass = 1/mass
        self.center = np.array(center,dtype=float)#x,y
        self.hheight = height/2#Half height
        self.hwidth = width/2
        self.speed = np.array(initspeed,dtype=float)#Initial speed (x,y)
        self.accel = np.zeros(2)#x,y acceleration
        self.type = "box"
        self.joints = joints

    def bbox(self):
        return (self.center[0]-self.hwidth,self.center[1]-self.hheight),(self.center[0]+self.hwidth,self.center[1]+self.hheight)

class Disc(Object2D):
    def __init__(self,mass,center,radius,initspeed=[0.0,0.0],joints = [],cls=""):
        self.invmass = 1/mass
        self.center = np.array(center,dtype=float)#x,y
        self.radius = radius
        self.speed = np.array(initspeed,dtype=float)#Initial speed (x,y)
        self.accel = np.zeros(2)#x,y acceleration
        self.type = "disc"
        self.joints = joints

    def bbox(self):
        return (self.center[0]-self.radius,self.center[1]-self.radius),(self.center[0]+self.radius,self.center[1]+self.radius)

    def getCollisionVector(self,obj):
        if obj.type == "box":#VS BOX
            box = obj
            bbox = box.bbox()
            delta = self.center-box.center
            if (bbox[0][0] <= self.center[0] <= bbox[1][0]):#Vertical collision
                return np.sign(delta[1])*np.array([0,self.radius+box.hheight-abs(delta[1])])
            if (bbox[0][1] <= self.center[1] <= bbox[1][1]):#Horizontal collision
                return np.sign(delta[0])*np.array([self.radius+box.hwidth-abs(delta[0]),0])
            #else find closest corner
            if delta[1] > 0:#Top
                if delta[0] > 0:#Right
                    delta_corner = self.center - (box.center+box.dimensions)
                    delta_corner = self.center - (box.center+np.array([-box.hwidth,box.hheight]))
                if delta[0] > 0:#Right
                    delta_corner = self.center - (box.center+np.array([box.hwidth,-box.hheight]))
                    delta_corner = self.center - (box.center-box.dimensions)
            distance = norm(delta_corner)
            if distance > self.radius:#No collision
                return np.zeros(2)
            return (self.radius-distance)/distance*delta_corner
        elif obj.type == "disc":#VS DISC
            delta = self.center - obj.center
            norm_delta = norm(delta)
            depth = self.radius + obj.radius - norm_delta
            if depth > 0:#Collision
                return depth*normalize(delta)
        return np.zeros(2)

class Floor(Box):
    def __init__(self,y,xmin=-500,xmax=500):
        self.invmass = 0#Infinite mass
        self.y = y
        self.hwidth = (xmax-xmin)/2
        self.hheight = 50
        self.center = np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2,y-50])
        self.type = "box"
        self.accel = np.zeros(2)
        self.speed = np.zeros(2)
        self.joints = []

## Forces & joints

class SpringJoint:
    def __init__(self,objId,k,l0,damper=10,offset=[0,0]):
        self.objId = objId
        self.l0 = l0
        self.k = k
        self.offset = np.array(offset)
        self.damper = damper

    def getForce(self,o1,o2):
        delta = o2.center - (o1.center+self.offset)
        normal = normalize(delta)
        diff = delta - self.l0*normal

        delta_speed = o2.speed - o1.speed
        return self.k*diff + self.damper*delta_speed@normal*normal

## Objects definitions

#Test wheel with spring : generates a "wheel" model
def getWheel(Radius,IntRadius,IntMass,ExtMass,kr,ks,x=0,y=0.5,n=14,initspeed=[0,0]):
    arc = 2*m.pi*Radius/n
    r = 0.35*arc
    l0s = 2*(Radius-r)*m.sin(m.pi/n)
    R = IntRadius - r
    l0r = Radius - r

    core = Disc(IntMass,[x,y],R,initspeed=initspeed)
    tyre= []
    for k in range(n):
        a = k/n*2*m.pi
        #Discs from the outside don't interact with each other except with the spring joints

    del tyre[0].joints[1]

    return [core] + tyre

#Objects in the scene

#☺Simple wheel with n=5
objects = getWheel(0.5,0.25,500,1,1e7,1e7,y=0.5,initspeed=[5,0],n=5) + [Floor(0)]

## Scene

fen = tk.Tk()
can = tk.Canvas(fen,width = 1000,height=500)

scene = Scene(objects,can)

tk.Button(fen,text="Go quick (10**-3 s)",command = lambda : scene.play(0.001,3,get_energies)).pack()
tk.Button(fen,text="Go medium (10**-4)",command = lambda : scene.play(0.0001,3,get_energies)).pack()
tk.Button(fen,text="Go slowly (3*10**-5)",command = lambda : scene.play(0.00003,1,get_energies)).pack()
tk.Button(fen,text="Go very slowly (10**-5)",command = lambda : scene.play(0.00001,1,get_energies)).pack()
tk.Button(fen,text="Do 0.01s",command = lambda : scene.play(0.0001,0.01,get_energies)).pack()
tk.Button(fen,text="Do 1 step",command = lambda : scene.play(0.01,0.01,get_energies)).pack()


python 2d physics-engine




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