Python I2C pyftdi - 读写具有 16 位地址(8 位数据)的寄存器

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我在 Python I2C 中有一个代码可以与 8 位寄存器地址通信,我正在尝试更新它以与 16 位寄存器地址从机一起工作(在这两种情况下寄存器都是 8 位数据长度)。 我想继续使用 pyftdi 库。

将 pyftdi.i2c 导入为 I2C 从 pyftdi.ftdi 导入 Ftdi 导入时间

    device = 'ftdi://ftdi:232h:0:1/1' #'ftdi://ftdi:232h/2'
    s = StringIO()
    i2c = None

    def __init__(self):

        # Instantiate an I2C controller
        self.i2c = I2cController()

        # Configure the first interface (IF/1) of the FTDI device as an I2C master
        self.i2c.configure(self.device, frequency=100E3)

        # Get a port to an I2C slave device
        self.slave = self.i2c.get_port(0x4d)

    def set_device_addr(self, addr):
        self.slave = self.i2c.get_port(addr)

    def i2c_bus_scanner(self):
        sys.stdout = self.s
        scanner = I2cBusScanner()
        scanner.scan(self.device, False)
        ports_list = self.s.getvalue().splitlines()
        self.i2c = I2cController()
        self.i2c.configure(self.device, frequency=100E3)
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        return ports_list

    def i2c_read(self, addr_hex):
        # Read a register from the I2C slave
            data_bytearray = self.slave.read_from(addr_hex, 1)

            data_hex = data_bytearray.hex()
            data_out = str(hex(addr_hex)).split("x")[1] + ',' + data_hex
            print("read" + ' ' + data_out)
            return data_out
            return None

    def i2c_write(self, addr_hex, data_hex):
            # Write a register to the I2C slave
            data_bytes = data_hex.to_bytes(1, 'big')
            self.slave.write_to(addr_hex, data_bytes)

            print("write" + ' ' + str(hex(addr_hex)) + "," + str(data_bytes.hex()))
            data_out = str(hex(addr_hex)) + ',' + str(data_hex)
            return data_out
            return None

    def ftdi_i2c_error_handler(self):
        self.mbox('I2C Error', "NACK from slave", 0)
        hi = ''

    def mbox(self, title, text, style):
        return ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, text, title, style)

    def i2c_read_for_dump(self, addr_hex):
        # Read a register from the I2C slave
            data_bytearray = self.slave.read_from(addr_hex, 1)
            data_hex = data_bytearray.hex()
            return data_hex
            return "Nn"`

python-3.x windows i2c ftdi
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