如何在 Android 13 中从 Unity 请求通知权限

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我已将 firebase 推送通知服务(云消息传递)集成到我的 Unity 项目中。在 Android 中一切正常,但特别是 在 Android 13 中它不起作用。

根据我的研究,我发现由于安全原因,权限在 android 13 中设置为 false,我们必须明确向用户请求权限。

我还尝试检查有关推送通知的 Firebase 文档以实现统一,但我没有找到任何内容。

现在我的问题是如何从Unity c#脚本向用户请求通知权限?

using Firebase.Messaging;

async void Awake()
 await FirebaseMessaging.RequestPermissionAsync();


c# firebase unity-game-engine push-notification game-development

在我们的项目中,我们使用 Permission.RequestUserPermission 方法。我们请求 android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS 权限。之后我们创建通知通道。


private static int GetApiLevel()
    using var version = new AndroidJavaClass("android.os.Build$VERSION");
    return version.GetStatic<int>("SDK_INT");

var apiLevel = GetApiLevel();
Debug.Log($"Android API level = {apiLevel}");
if (apiLevel > 32)
    // for API level > 32 requesting permissions works well.
    // for API level <= 32 it does nothing and always fails.
    ... Request permission ...

// Then we create or obtain notification chanell to push notifications.
var existingChannel = AndroidNotificationCenter.GetNotificationChannel(ChannelId);
if (existingChannel.Id == ChannelId)
    _channelInitialized = existingChannel.Enabled;

// Create new channel
var channel = new AndroidNotificationChannel()
    Id = ChannelId,
    Name = "SomeName",
    Importance = Importance.Default,
    Description = "Generic notifications",
    CanShowBadge = true,
    EnableVibration = true,
    LockScreenVisibility = LockScreenVisibility.Public
Debug.Log("Notifications channel initialization");
var c = AndroidNotificationCenter.GetNotificationChannel(ChannelId);
Debug.Log($"Channel enabled = {c.Enabled}");
_channelInitialized = c.Enabled;
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