在两个关键帧之间的一个特定时间点解释 css 关键帧动画/混合两个 css 关键帧

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这个想法是有一个时间线来播放和预览 CSS 动画,并确定关键帧。

问题在于动画预览,我必须在两个关键帧之间的特定时间点插入 html 元素的样式。可以在js中计算简单的值(例如top位置号),但在某些情况下在js中插入一些css属性可能会很棘手(例如border-radius,如何插值从 “50% 20% 10% 10%”“20% / 10%” ??? ) 的值 解决这个问题的一个想法是仅在特定关键帧处播放和解释 css 关键帧动画。
但仅播放特定范围的 CSS 动画似乎很复杂。我知道有
animation-rangeanimation-range-startanimation-range-end css 属性,但这些属性仍然是实验性的,似乎在我的场景中不起作用。

所以目前我不知道如何以最好的方式解决这个问题。 js插值方式是可行的,但对于特定场景来说很复杂,如所解释的(如何在

border-radius: 10% 30% 50% 70%;border-radius: 10% / 50% 之间混合 css 边框半径样式值) ;?),而css方式比较复杂,很难用正确的方式解决。


<head> <style> @keyframes colorAnim { 0% { color: black; } 50% { color: red; } 100% { color: green; } } .animated-element-with-offset { animation: colorAnim 100ms infinite; animation-play-state: paused; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="animated-element-with-offset" id="some-element-you-want-to-animate"> Text Color Animation frame #50: Color expected is red </div> <button onclick="interpretAndPauseAnimation(50)">Interpret and Pause Animation at 50%</button> <script> const element = document.getElementById("some-element-you-want-to-animate"); let start, previousTimeStamp; let duration = 100; let endDuration = 49; let done = false; function step(timeStamp) { if (start === undefined) { start = timeStamp; } const elapsed = timeStamp - start; if (previousTimeStamp !== timeStamp) { if (elapsed > duration * (endDuration / 100)) { done = true; element.style.animationPlayState = 'paused'; } else { element.style.animationPlayState = 'running'; } } if (elapsed < duration) { // Stop the animation after 2 seconds previousTimeStamp = timeStamp; if (!done) { window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } } } function interpretAndPauseAnimation(keyframePercentage) { start = undefined; previousTimeStamp = undefined; done = false; window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } window.requestAnimationFrame(step); </script> </body> </html>

javascript html css animation

@keyframes colorAnim { 0% { color: black; } 50% { color: red; } 100% { color: green; } } .animated-element-with-offset { animation: colorAnim 100ms infinite paused; /* you can easily set the below using JS */ animation-delay: -50ms; /* -1 * (50% of the duration) */ }
<div class="animated-element-with-offset" id="some-element-you-want-to-animate">
  Text Color Animation frame #50: Color expected is red

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