RShiny DT 最后一页导航 w/Javascript session$sendCustomMessage 不执行操作按钮中的 r 函数

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这是我第一个尝试合并 Javascript 的闪亮应用程序,所以我知道我可能在这里遗漏了一些细微差别。我有一个应用程序,我试图让用户添加行,然后表格转到最后一页,在该页面上添加了带有操作按钮的行。这两个操作在单独的 observeEvents 中独立工作,但是当我尝试将它们放在同一个 observeEvent 块中时,session$sendCustomMessage 不会通过。该行已添加,但视觉对象并未转到表格的最后一页。代码如下:

ui<- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("spacelab"), navbarPage( "App", tabPanel("Search",

                               column(3, selectInput("search_type_filter", label = "Type", choices =   c("All", "Derm", "Onc"), selected = "All")),
                               column(3, selectInput("search_active_filter", label = "Active", choices = c("All", "No", "Yes"), selected = "All"))
                                                 tags$script(HTML("Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('LastPage', function(message) {
                        var target = $('#Table .dataTable');
                             actionButton("updateButton", "Update", class = "btn btn-primary"),
                             actionButton("addRowButton", "Add Hashtag"),
                             actionButton("resetButton", "Reset")
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    HTData <- reactiveValues(data = getDataFromLake(datalake_path, filename, endp))
    # Define reactive filtered data object
    fData <- reactive({
      data <- HTData$data
      if (input$search_type_filter != "All") {
        data <- data %>% filter(Type == input$search_type_filter)
      if (input$search_active_filter != "All") {
        data <- data %>% filter(Active == input$search_active_filter)
    #Render Table
    output$Table <- DT::renderDataTable({
        editable = TRUE
    }, server = TRUE)
    # Define function to add a new row to the data frame
    add_row <- function(data) {
      new_row <- c("", "", "", "") # Create a vector with empty values for each column
      names(new_row) <- names(data) # Set the column names of the new row to match the existing data frame
      rbind(data, new_row) # Concatenate the new row to the existing data frame and return the result
    # Both in same block
    observeEvent(input$addRowButton, {
      HTData$data <- add_row(HTData$data) # Update the reactiveValues
      session$sendCustomMessage('LastPage', 'placeholder')
    # Execute in separate blocks
    # observeEvent(input$addRowButton, {
    #   HTData$data <- add_row(HTData$data) # Update the reactiveValues
    # })
    # observeEvent(input$addRowButton, {
    #   HTData$data <- add_row(HTData$data) # Update the reactiveValues
    #   session$sendCustomMessage('LastPage', 'placeholder')
    # })

我已经尝试延迟 session$sendCustomMessage 但我没有使用 shinyjs::delay() 函数得到正确的反应,这是另一个问题。我认为延迟是让他们在同一个 observeEvent 块中工作但无法配置适当解决方案的答案。 session$sendCustomMessage 的基础来自此页面/解决方案,但我的应用程序配置不同。 R Shiny DT 通过操作按钮导航到表格的最后一页

javascript r shiny observers
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