
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我目前正试图找出如何绕过 Python 排列的递归限制,该排列遵守一些规则以减少排列总数。现在,我正在使用的简化版本可确保前一个符号与最后一个符号不同:

def recursive_generate_sequences(symbols_dict, sequence=None, last_symbol=None, start_symbols=None, remaining=0):
    Generate all possible sequences of symbols based on their counts.

    :param start_symbols: set of symbols that are the known beginning of the sequence
    :param symbols_dict: dictionary containing the symbol and the number of times it appears in the sequence
    :param sequence: reserved for recursive function, do not pass
    :param last_symbol:  reserved for the recursive function last symbol the function pushed out
    :param remaining: reserved for the recursive function, do not pass
    if sequence is None:
        sequence = []
        counts = {symbol: count for symbol, count in symbols_dict.items()}
        # Initialize the remaining count, so that we don't have to recalculate it all the time
        remaining = sum(counts.values())
        # Initialize the sequence with the start symbols if provided
        if start_symbols:
            for symbol in start_symbols:
                if symbol in counts and counts[symbol] > 0:
                    counts[symbol] -= 1
                    remaining -= 1
                    last_symbol = symbol
                    raise ValueError(f"Start symbol '{symbol}' is not valid or has insufficient count.")
        counts = symbols_dict

    # check if the sequence is complete
    if remaining == 0:
        yield sequence

    for symbol, count in counts.items():
        if count > 0 and symbol != last_symbol:
            # explore the rabbit hole
            counts[symbol] -= 1
            next_sequence = sequence + [symbol]
            # pass None to start_symbols for recursive calls
            yield from recursive_generate_sequences(counts, next_sequence, symbol, None, remaining - 1)
            counts[symbol] += 1  # Backtrack

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # works
    for x in recursive_generate_sequences({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1}):

    # fails with RecursionError
    for x in recursive_generate_sequences({'a': 1000, 'b': 2000, 'c': 1000}):





python-3.x permutation

好吧,我还有事要做!!我最终明白了 mCoding 的含义,所以我创建了这个类来处理排列生成器:

class IterativeGenerateSequences:
    def __init__(self, symbols_dict: Dict, start_symbols: Optional[List] = None):
        self.symbols_dict = symbols_dict
        self.start_symbols = start_symbols
        self.counts = {symbol: count for symbol, count in symbols_dict.items()}
        self.stack = []

    def _initialize_stack(self):
        # initialize starting state based on start_symbols if provided
        initial_sequence = []
        initial_counts = self.counts.copy()
        remaining = sum(initial_counts.values())

        if self.start_symbols:
            for symbol in self.start_symbols:
                if symbol in initial_counts and initial_counts[symbol] > 0:
                    initial_counts[symbol] -= 1
                    remaining -= 1
                    raise ValueError(f"Start symbol '{symbol}' is not valid or has insufficient count.")

        # initial state includes the sequence so far, the counts of remaining symbols, and the last symbol added...
        self.stack.append((initial_sequence, initial_counts, None, remaining))

    def generate(self):
        while self.stack:
            sequence, counts, last_symbol, remaining = self.stack.pop()

            # sequence is complete, yield it
            if remaining == 0:
                yield sequence

            for symbol, count in counts.items():
                if count > 0 and symbol != last_symbol:
                    # prep the next state to explore
                    next_counts = counts.copy()
                    next_counts[symbol] -= 1
                    next_sequence = sequence + [symbol]
                    next_remaining = remaining - 1

                    # push the new state onto the stack
                    self.stack.append((next_sequence, next_counts, symbol, next_remaining))


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